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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Haven't you play Jedi Academy and seen how sucky those games are
  2. Kids will do that to you
  3. ---> ---> :angry: --->
  4. Laozi


    Ya Sword of Omens thats what I said.
  5. Laozi


    Should have learned Shyriiwook instead of english Its what the head thundercat(Lionno?) has to say before he can use his sword for scrying
  6. The whole "Imaculate Conception" angle on Anakin's birth doesn't prove that the force was absent in the Skywalker line previously, but more then likely it was. So no Revan probaly wasn't a Skywalker
  7. Much anger and aggression in this one
  8. Laozi


    Its what Chewy says to Luke right before he leaves to fight the At-Ats in the Battle of Hoth
  9. In answer to your question. yes I was pretty dissapointed by the game. More so from a plot standpoint, and also atmosphere, I liked the darker "feel", but in the end it didn't feel tot "Star Warsey". I'm not sur why it just was lacking in a way there that the K1 wasn't. All and all the game is pretty fun to play up until the "return to the Jedi Enclave". I can't really blame the problems on possible cut content or anything, its ending was just executed with the proficiency of a 6yr old telling their class about their summer vacation. "And then we went to Telos. And we saw the guy we saw on Datoonie. And then we fought the bad man with the mask, and he was easier then we ever could have imagined. and then we went to malachor.......
  10. Ya if everyones is a Jedi it makes things a bit easier
  11. Is numb nuts really that harsh?
  12. Laozi


    :::Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight:::
  13. I've seen Sonic Youth 6 times, and listening to an album doesn't really do them justice, but Daydream Nation is pretty damn good, their first I believe. I also like that they're constantly evolvingf, the band has aquired a new member, changing what their limits are a bit.
  14. My friend Skylar was a huge Matixs fan and kept giving me the whole reverse Odyssey line. We went to go see Revolutions and frankley I was sort of embarrased for him. The way I'm sure he was sort of embarrased for me when we went to see Episode 1 after I had "talked it up" so much.
  15. This is just you, isn't it?
  16. This is brillant. It reminds me of the reasons I used to go down to my local comic book shop every wednesday to check out the new releases Aimo, you have ubertalent to spare in my book. I would love to see something originally concieved by you though But maybe I'm just nostalgic
  17. Lets move a little bit away from the he said, she said in K2 stuff and look at it maybe this way. 1) Why didn't we play as Revan in K2? Well Lucasarts wanted it to appeal to people who hadn't played K1. Is there some reason why that would change if theres a K3? Nope 2) Obsidian knew only that they had been contracted to make K2 and no other Kotor game. So really what they said about what may or may not have happened to Revan is as easily erasable as anything or anyone in K1. Did Lucasarts say, "Make a character that will show up in the next game, that we don't know if you're going to have anything to do with or not." Probaly not. Did they say, "Just make sure that what ever you say about what happen to Revan was ambigious enough for us to write it out in favor of whatever we decide." Probaly.
  18. I feel like I'm gaining unusual insight into the secret desires of Kyla Carth
  19. Marshal Bravestarr? "Strength of the Bear." Bravestarr?
  20. I agree, alot of their songs I have to just skip. As for the Pixies and Sonic Youth, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Don't get me wrong, I first heard Pixies songs on skate videos and decided to buy some. The first time I ever listened to them I thought, "Man, I just wasted my money." Things change..
  21. Your opinions are very suspect as one who listens to "black metal", even if you ignore the ridiculious lyrics you still have to deal with the complete lack of any originality. We get it, the only thing that defeats your infinite sadness is your anger, and it has caused you to hate everyone, and everywhere you see dead kittens. Still have time to condition your hair though " Anyways I've actually been listening to King Crimson, an extremely influential band. My friend Stephen has sort of turned my on to them. Also I'm listering to a sampling of Interpol and Bloc Party that my friend put together. He always makes up names for his "comps" and for some strange reason he's titled the cd Teenage D1cks. Pretty funny
  22. Yes germany's exports have driven the european market, with the greatest contribution coming form the chocolate industry. Its especially important since the export of the U.K. muffin or English Muffin has declined sharply in the last decade.
  23. That blows it was way better then my Wholphin thread
  24. My housemate has been blaring Bootlegged Dave Matthews Band for about 3hrs. :angry: I'm surprised I haven't heard him talking about how the holocaust never happen
  25. This reminds me of a little ditty cooked up a while back "I don't need to be a global citizen, 'Cuz I'm blessed by nationality. I'm a member of a growing populace, We enforce our popularity. There are things that seem to pull us under and, There are things that drag us down But there's a power and a vital presence, It's lurking all around. We've got the american Jesus See him on the Interstate We've got the American Jesus Exercising his authority We've got the American Jesus Bolstering national faith We've got the American Jesus Overwhelming millions everyday." -Greg Graffin
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