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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Vacationing with a friend who grew up there, and before anyones is like how could I risk my life around so many Muslims, Bali is mostly Hindu. Anyway I had a blast surfing during the day, and consuming 'shroom' shakes every couple of nights.
  2. Laozi

    PC Snobs

    Too true
  3. I really liked the duel between Palpatine and Windu, they seemed to be with in each other's reach the whole time, and the block and parley thing really worked. As for the greatest duelist, I'd probaly say that Obi Wan was probaly the greatest defensive duelest ever, which you do have a natural advantage if you're not extendending yourself to attack, and Anakin would seem to be the best offensive saberist, but its hard to say, maybe one day we'll see how he was supposively able to hunt down the rest of the Jedi. I would think that Windu was more balanced, but very much more offensive, where as Yoda was balanced as well, but much more defensive
  4. I thought this movie was probaly the second best of the whole series. It took me awhile to find a good "english" theater in Bali. Some of the scenes with the Emperor were just strange, and Padme and Anakin shared some laughable moments, but to me it wasn't any worse then the way Mark Hamill used to ham it up.
  5. Dave Brubeck- Take Five
  6. It would be difficult to make a movie about something that you don't read or care about. It would be just as likely to see Lucas make a Superman movie as it has about as much relevance to his movies as those trashy books
  7. Bariss Offee? Surely her name was thought up in a Starbucks somewhere.
  8. Most of these are pretty good or will be, too bad I've never been able to get into the Sims. Its irony seems lost on alot of people
  9. Hell, I still have TMNT bed sheets that are in circulation along with my He Man and Transformers. Thank god for thrift shops
  10. Its just that 8.6 seems pretty high for a game that ended so poorly. Alot of people around here though would just hate to see a bad review on an Obsidian game, because of the Black Isle days.
  11. I liked playing Guardian/ Jedi Master because it seemed the the "right" way to go, I don't think its the most powerful, but it would seem the path the Luke Skywalker took
  12. Ya being on a show like Felicity, talk about going nowhere after the Power Rangers, should have done pron and she could have pulled a Jana Jamerson
  13. I can't stomach that Viva La Bam crap, he was only a moderately talented skater, why can't they follow around someone truely cool like Simon Woodstock?
  14. Ya Kimberly was definitely my favorite, I wonder what happen to her, probaly married to Richard Greco or something truely sad like that
  15. Right now I have found some recordings of Twang Twang Shock-A-Boom This is sort of a legendary band around Austin, as they had a huge following, but broke up when David Garza decided stardom and having your name in lights was more important then....well......anything. Its all acoustic guitar, stand up bass, and bongos for the most part The members are all very talented musicians, plus chicks dig it, plain and simple. If you're interested- http://www.wiseup.org/twang/songs/?S=A Fishsticks and Always My Emaciated Heart
  16. I get about 5 hrs. most nights. I have bouts with insomnia, they are mostly stress induced, but can last several weeks. Usually I just smoke tons of pot, I figure my short term memory is shot to hell anyway, so why not?
  17. I come here to see my incredibly insightful post steamrolled by spam. Also I like to talk about sharks. And for some reason you guys just make me feel better about myself. And most people here seem to know how ninjas are totally sweet.
  18. This thread's link could easily be cut in half if you removed the post of one particuliar person
  19. Ya, plus we can't get sharks to do tricks to entertain our young
  20. I think with whales a nation should be allowed to hunt and kill them if they're willing to give up equal weight in flesh in return.
  21. Movies like this usually happen when a director becomes more focused on his/her legacy. Its easier to recycle the same movie over and over again then it is to take any risk that might effect boxoffice sales. The Ridley Scot of Bladerunner is long dead in favor of this conservative prosiac director/producer
  22. I don't know why they shouldn't, they make that Stephen Hawkins work and he does pretty well.
  23. You mean Mookie Blaylock -Riot Act Listening to Take Five by Dave Brubeck
  24. Maybe it was one of the actors then
  25. I don't remember crying, but I definitely died a little bit during Gummo after those kids huffed that paint thinner or gas, and when to that guy who pimped his retarded sister out. I'm not sure but didn't the director commit suicide after making that film?
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