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Everything posted by juanval

  1. I'll resume playing in december with the 3 DLC released. I hope until then they fix the lack of difficulty at medium-high levels. It would be nice that at least one dev could drop some words here in the forums about their balance plans.
  2. I wonder if devs, when playing PoE2, think "all those battles are easy, let's put more enemies" or so
  3. Can someone tell what interesting things they said? anything about balance? I hardly understand english videos and I haven't finished PoE2 yet Thanks in advance
  4. I hope they talk about balance improvements. Combats in general are too easy.
  5. I play usually on hard difficulty and I found interesting battles at the beginning of campaign but too easy at medium-high levels (now I'm at 13). I stop playing, and I'll resume my campaign once the 3 DLC are released. PLEASE devs, improve balance of combats.
  6. I like the overland map and the Battlebrothers style of the ship management. I see instant boarding battles too easy. I've finished a naval combat and I saw that my crew could fire a Wyrmtongue in the 4th turn, even indicating that it won't fire because it needs 5 turns to reload.
  7. For me, the best experience was BG1. BG2 was great, but I prefer PoE2 because I love the setting of Eora, the freedom of movement of the overland map, the rich variety and detail of areas, the factions, etc.
  8. After defeating the druids and their animals (bears, tigers and boars), I take all the gear from the dead bodies of soldiers, people, druids and animals. All Sakuya is empty. Then, when I enter to a building and exit again, I find Sakuya is plenty of life, with people in the streets. My question is: how the 2 merchants (those who are close to the workshop) reappear if they are supposed (I think) that they were killed by the druids and the beasts?
  9. I've updated the first post of this poll writting some conclusions. If Obsidian is interested in creating PoE3, a poll like this has a great importance. Watching the poll, I'm sure the success of PoE3 will vary significanly depending on the region they choose. Choosing Rauatai instead of the Living Lands for instance, would be a bad move.
  10. Do they tell how much hours of gameplay this DLC adds?
  11. Could someone tell here what important things Alex said without spoil the story? My english level is low and I can't understand the majority of phrases. Thanks in advance.
  12. With 7 options avaiable, a 40 % of the 78 votes casted is an important amount. It would be interesting to see our party in the Living Lands fighting against big and powerful insects and their queen
  13. I like expressions like per complanca, merla and so. They are a mix of italian spanish and catalonian languages. And I'm glad to see my first surname (Valera) in the game jeje.
  14. With 35 votes, the Living Lands has 40%. I like a big city, but I don't know how it could be sited in the Living Lands. It seems clear that people don't want to travel to unknown regions not mentioned in PoE1 and 2 lore.
  15. Update: 100 votes casted (thanks for participating ) and we can take some important conclusions: 1 The Living Lands region has no rival. 4 of each 10 players voted this region. That's too much having 7 options avaiable to choose. The second options (Aedyr and White that Wends) only have a 16%. 2 Players want to travel to new areas outside the Eastern Reach. 3 Players don't want to travel to unknown regions not mentioned in the Lore. I hope devs take this into account .
  16. in this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=V6-DopCqtyE in minute 4:30 Justin Britch, lead producer, says that obsidian has a complete world map of Eora and they are excited to share more stories with us in other regions
  17. Before buying the DLC's, it would be interesting thath players know some basic features: 1 - How many gameplay hours has any DLC aproximately? 2 - Can DLC be played after finishing PoE2 campaign or only before (like White March)? 3 - What is the recommended party level to play the DLC's aproximately?
  18. I'd like to send the manual directly to him or to one of Obsidian devs
  19. I have a pdf file to send, and I think this is not possible to send it on twitter or Tumblr
  20. Maybe a dev than can throw some light on DLC?
  21. BG1 and 2 were incredible and unique, and PoE 2 is the spiritual sucesor. I've played PoE2 for 40 hours and I love the setting, music, the lovely crafted areas, dialogues, freedom of movement, etc. I hope to play some day PoE 3, in Aedyr maybe?
  22. Before buying the DLC's, it would be interesting thath players know some basic features: 1 - How many gameplay hours has any DLC aproximately? 2 - Can DLC be played after finishing PoE2 campaign or only before (like White March)? 3 - What is the recommended party level to play the DLC's aproximately? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello Obsidian. I'm having a lot of fun at this moment with PoE2. I've created a 43 pages manual with interesting rules for an hypotetic Battle Brothers 2 and I'd like to send it to Josh because I know he likes Battle Brothers and he knows a lot about game's rules and he was interested in creating a turn-based game. I don't know how to send it to him, so, could you tell me an adress? Thanks in advance.
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