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Everything posted by juanval

  1. ahhh. Ok. I haven't seen the video because I don't want spoilers. He talks about a new village.
  2. In the codex forums the same guy has posted videos with the new DLC.
  3. In the codex forum one member says there is a fourth DLC. I havenĀ“t finished my campaign yet. I'll wait....
  4. Wow, turn based mode will attract lots of players who don't like RTwP combat. I'm happy because deadfire is great and, watching the enormous size of people who adquired DOS2, deadfire will be known by much much more people now ;D I'm not interested in turn based mode but I desire a big success to obsidian because they deserve it.
  5. Yesssss. I knew it. The screenshot of the cyclopedia showing turn based rules was definitive.
  6. On amazon, Deadfire for XBOX release is planned for 31 March, and there is an obsidian edition on gog https://www.gog.com/game/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_obsidian_edition_release We can say Deadfire is content complete. Let's see what happens with turn based option for combats.
  7. After 72 votes, 60 % of people want the Watcher to continue his adventures. I think is a low percentage because here at forums we know well the lore and the Watcher's history and we should be the people who demand more a PoE3 following the Watcher story. Lore in Eora is great but the casual player (like 2 companions at office), even playing PoE1 before, don't know too much about lore and they don't care if PoE 2 (my companions haven't played it yet and they even don't remember what happened with gods in PoE1) is a Watcher game or not. Same for a PoE 3 story. I think it would be more succesfull a PoE3 not following the Watcher's story, being a more traditional game, in which a new main character doesn't mess with gods in their realms. There is plenty of room in Readceras, Vailian Republics, new places, etc. Anyway, I'd happy if Obsidian could create 2 games, one for the Watcher and another for a new character
  8. Sawyer and other devs must be proud of the work they have done. The setting, the visuals, the music, the freedom of movement, and a lot etc. Congrats to Obsidian. I'm wondering what experiences Obsidian want to share in 2019 with us
  9. I would welcome both cases for PoE 3. I love the Watcher history and the companions, but I'd prefer to start a new history set in Eora with a new character. and you?
  10. Nothing at the moment. Perhaps in the next update they give some light.
  11. and yet they didn't say a single word about it, just pulled it from the patch and clammed up. When they saw people were talking about it, why not at least say "the last patch accidentally included code from a couple of cut features, sorry about that haha" Yeah. Obsidian is not playing fairly. Is not serious that nobody from the team, could drop some words about the TB filtration.
  12. Deadfire is a masterpiece. Is the only game that can be considered the spiritual sucesor of BG2. Perhaps it has not reached a big community and microsoft is not interested in making a Po3 with simillar mechanics than PoE 1 and 2. I hope a smaller team of Obsidian (the people who worked on DLC perhaps?) can harness the mechanics created and, with a smaller presupost, they can create a PoE3 or a new IE style game set in Eora.
  13. I think the same. Maybe in next update we'll know something about their TB feature plans.
  14. I don't like DoS2 either. It seems childish for me. Deadfire for me is the best RPG experience since the BG series, and I'd love to see a PoE3 or another isometric game in Eora not following the Watcher history. I welcome TB if it can help to increase Deadfire success and see in the future another game of the saga (with both TB and Rtwp modes to choose). I hope at least that, with a smaller group of people and with the tools and mechanics currently developed, we can see a game like Tiranny set in Eora. I wonder how much people were involved in the creation of Tiranny. Anyone knows it?
  15. If Obsidian don't try to add turn based mode, they will never know if TB is a success in PoE2. I've been watching steam sales for a week and is incredible how DoS2 is always on top sellers and PoE2 too far from them. Watching DoS2 numbers, we know that there is big comunity of rpg gamers. Perhaps with TB they can attract some of these players.
  16. TB mode will be for consoles too, and I think TB mode developing process is not at the early stages. It will be interesting how TB affects to PoE2 success on PC.
  17. Turn based combat mode in PoE2 is a reality. There are screenshots of the cyclopedia showing the rules of the turn based mode. Divinity 2 devs don't need to add RtwP mode because the game has been completely successful on steam. For me, deadfire is a more serious and solid game than DoS2, and deadfire can attract more players with turn based mode because there are lots of rpgamers that hate RtwP. I'll never play PoE2 on turn based mode, but I'll happy if PoE2 is more successful with an interesting TB mode implemented.
  18. Now that we know that Obsidian is developing turn based mode, it would be interesting if they post an update telling the comunity if turn based mode is both for consoles and PC.
  19. Turn based combat in PoE2 IS a reality. In the codex forums you can see screenshots of the Cyclopedia, explaining different mechanics of Turn based combat mode: Rounds, Free action, Cast action, Initiative, even there is a weapon whose description is detaliled for turn based combat, showing "Initiative" parameter instead of "Recovery Time". Duration of spells works not in seconds, but in number of rounds. Very interesting shots. I'm sure Obsidian is going to release turn-based combat mode for deadfire. Nice movement.
  20. Happy hollydays to Obsidian people and all the forum members . Thanks to Obsidian for giving us this year such an amazing videogame like Deadfire.
  21. In my case, I wouldn't play an IE style game in turn based combat, but if TB makes the game more popular enough to develop more PoE games, I will be happy with that.
  22. Why to develop a new game when you can implement turn based combat and multiplayer in a GOTY rpg game? If technically is possible, turn combat feature is a great idea. Perhaps we can see one day PoE3 with 2 combat options and multiplayer
  23. Wow. PoE turn based option. That would be the solution to increase PoE fame. For a game like PoE I prefer Real time wiht pause but I know there is a huge community who prefers turn based (you can remember the Torment tides of numenera poll where turn based option won) Can be both options technically compatible?
  24. It seems there isn't a clear faction that gains the favour of the players. All 4 factions have received simillar votes. Interesting,
  25. It seems that PoE 2 and its sequels are going well on steam right now in rpg sales section. Deadfire is at the same level than Mutant Year Zero.
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