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Everything posted by juanval

  1. Reading on the codex forum and on the web, it seems Josh Sawyer small team is developing "Pentiment", a rpg non-violent like Disco Elysium, set in the XVI century in Europe. https://www.windowscentral.com/new-upcoming-xbox-exclusives-project-midnight-compulsion-and-pentiment-obsidian I'm spanish, and I like a lot to read XVI century history books, so I'm very interested in this new project. What do you think?
  2. I remember Adler was the director of PoE 2 DLC's. Maybe he is in charge of finishing the trilogy ;).
  3. The big project is Avowed, where lots of Obsidian people is working. There is The Outer Worlds 2 project, the Josh Sawyer game with a size of 10 devs, the team working in Grounded, and the small team Brandon Adler is leading. Maybe PoE3 is in the works? I supose they will want to finish the saga, and Adler's team can be working in PoE3. What do you think?
  4. PoE 1 and 2 are two gems, praised with the majority of people who have played them. Steam reviews confirm that. It would be incredible news to hear some day that PoE3 is in development. I'd be happy with a new story set in a local area (Readceras or Vaillian Republics), with good writing and without having to fighting against goods. The engine, combat, spells and other systems are done, so I think a small team could make an interesting game.
  5. What do you mean by attacking at the same time?
  6. First of all I wish you good luck with the development. This forum has low activity, and it would be interesting to know a little more about the game: 1. When is avowed set in the timeline? before or after PoE2 events? 2. There will be new short stories or novellas? I like Eora universe and I enjoyed to read these stories related to Poe1 and 2. Thanks in advance
  7. There is a new game that is going to be released this year. Very simillar to Infinity Engine and Pillars games: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grapeocean/black-geyser-couriers-of-darkness?lang=es
  8. I would love to travel with my party to Readceras, or Vailian Republics. Preferently in a new adventure with local political/religious tension, avoiding gods' struggles and fight/talk with gods plots.
  9. On twitter Sawyer said the game reached the break even point. That's not bad news. And the game slowly continues increasing the sales. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1263677679527620609
  10. Today I've finished the story and it's interesting, mainly if you know about the lore of souls, adra, leaden key, etc.
  11. You can find it here. http://animancer.mystrikingly.com/
  12. While we wait for future news, yesterday an interesting game was released. Disco Elysium. At the moment the reviews are positive. https://store.steampowered.com/app/632470/Disco_Elysium/
  13. Watching Josh Sawyer lecture I think there will be a PoE 3 with obviously both RTwP and TB combat modes. Sawyer mentions that the work needed to implement TB combat was nothing in comparison with ship combat system. I'm happy to see there will be a PoE3. I'll never play it in TB mode, but having the 2 combat modes avaibable is a must, after watching the good reception TB have had. I only fear that implementing both combat systems can make combat dificulty unbalanced. I hope to see some day an anouncement of PoE3 like Josh did with Deadfire ;)
  14. Now I remember this: At least we know from PoE1 that people of Eora adored non-existent gods, and Engwithians discovered they didn't exist, and they sacrificed themselves to create gods. But if gods didn't exist, I don't know how 3 dragons could make a covenant with a non existent Ngati and receive powers from that god. Thanks for your replies. It would be interesting as always that some lore dev could throw a bit of light here
  15. I was reading some lore about the guardian of Ukaizo. I see that before the Engwithians creation of the Wheel and the gods, there were 3 dragons in Deadfire that were servants of god Ngati (Ondra) How is this possible? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Guardian_of_Ukaizo
  16. Wow. Always I thought PoE2 needed a final boss fight and today I realized that PoE2 had a final boss I played only one campaign and I finished it the 16th of April, without knowing the game was designed to fight with the Guardian of Ukaizo, a fight that, in my case, never happened. At the arrival of Ukaizo I simply had to fight against 2 easy titans. Today, reading some lore, I know for the first time there is a final boss, the guardian of Ukaizo. What a way of finishing a game (and I only play once BG, PoE etc campaigns)
  17. At 31th December 2018, after all the 3 DLC were released, the inversors only recovered a third of the money they invested (32%). That's really sad to know, especially when you admire the great work done by Obsidian With turn based combat mode released in 2019, the definitive edition and the console release perhaps inversors can reach, a 60%? Poor figures.
  18. I love Neketaka (easy answer), with all the different districts, mainly the Queen's Berth. Poko Kohara and Port Maje were interesting too. I like the Vailian aesthetic. I didn't dislike any area in special.
  19. I think it's impossible due to the fact that Obsidian in no longer an independent company with a necesity of raising money for a new project. The first time I knew about kickstarter was with the PoE1 campaign. I loved the way kickstarter worked and the hype Project Eternity created. I liked FiG campaign for PoE2 and I'd love to participate in a crowfunding campaign for PoE3 (or another isometric Eora game), but dreams are only dreams.
  20. Watching the positive critics of PoE2 on Steam I think that, if Obsidian choose a good setting and plot, PoE3 could be a more succesfull game than Pathfinder or Tiranny. Choosing a setting like Deadfire perhaps was a risky election.
  21. After finishing PoE2 I see that Deadfire is a great RPG game (I read steam reviews and they are very positive too). In comparison with Tiranny or Pathfinder, PoE2 has less steam reviews, so this means it has less popularity than the other two games. Obsidian was excited to release and show PoE2, and even one dev said they have a complete worldmap of Eora for new games, but, after the lower reception Deadfire has had, I wonder if there will be a PoE3 or perhaps another isometric game in Eora's setting. We are close to 1 year anniversary of the release and this forum is completely abandoned by Obsidian devs. That makes me think in a pessimistic way. What do you think? Will we enjoy another Eora's gem in the future or Obsidian will move to other different projects? Any info from any Obsidian dev would be much appreciated.
  22. Just before Ukaizo? jeje The game is amazing. I spent 250 hours in my only one campaign (in Tiranny only 52 hours) and I hope PoE2 won't be the last IE style game.
  23. I like Aloth, Eder and Pallegina (she left the party so she won't be welcome if PoE3 exists). The 3 were in my party in PoE1 (with Durance) and PoE2. After too much Watcher histories, I'd prefer a new character and new companions, with some cameos.
  24. Sea shanties are good but the songs Justin Bell has created for PoE1 and 2 are great. "Defiance Bay" song from PoE1 is superb. I've learned to play perfectly "The Black Hound" song from PoE1 with my guitar
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