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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Ben & Jerry's is a horrible icecream. They took chocolate cookies and mushed them into what was probably quite servicable chocolate ice cream at one point and now I have a frozen lump of suggary putty. The nougat one is even worse. How is this a brand.
  2. But is she more criminal than the norm for a washington power broker, or does she just stand out because she got caught.
  3. The context is 'proven in a court of law'. Hitler could have won that case is what I'm saying. Unless you insist that the guy who was in charge bears responsibility nomatter what, this is where the comparison with Milosovic comes in.
  4. I disagree. He was careful only to make insinuations. The whole aperatus of Nazi government was set up to compete with itself, people would interpret his directives differently and use them for their own gain. He did order Commisars shot in the general orders for operation Barbarossa and I'm sure there are plenty of other examples of that sort, just not the Holocaust. He didn't want to put his involvement in that on paper.
  5. Surprising I guess. I mean, I don't think he's innocent of war crimes or knowledge thereof, but I can believe that such was not proven in a court of law. You could make a very strong case that Hitler was not aware of the Holocaust and that he never gave any direct orders. Milosevic is not Hitler, that's not what I'm saying either.
  6. Gorgon


    *backs away slowly*
  7. The media appears to be collectively shafting Trump, that's what you get for manhandling journalists. I put money on Clinton 8 months ago and I'm optimistic on collecting.
  8. Exchange Mexicans for Communists and he's like a dumber Reagan. Even after the Altzhermer's
  9. I dunno about that. Very different situations. Besides it's mostly the Russians bombing in support of Assad isn't it. The coalition is trying to hit IS. Lots of civilians getting caught up in the mix. Those that haven't fled yet. The US gained next to nothing by all the ordinance expended over Vietnam, the same could be true for it's efforts against IS, if that's the insinuation then I agree.
  10. LED mode on/off is listed as a 'feature'. When are they going to start listing 'no LED nonsense' as a feature ? LEDs are like ketchup, you can put it on anything, and sometimes you definitely shouldn't.
  11. It's tradition. Besides without the challenges the Swedish air force would have nothing to do.
  12. Another day another bit of craziness
  13. The enemy would break off and return to a patrol pattern somewhere off in another direction. The AI doesn't know where the fight started just that is was supposed to be somewhere else. Usually happens after the companions attack and are killed.
  14. Got 5 hrs or so out of Technomancer. The spawning started to annoy me and the thing where the enemy walks too far away and instantly regains all his health. My party was cramping my style completely. I had stealth upgraded and it never worked, I suspect because of the two idiots with zero stealth skill trying to sneak after me. Couldn't dump them either.
  15. Ted Cruise is by far the most punchable of any of them. So I'm told he committed political suicide and that I might not have to look at his face again. yay.
  16. I suppose I'll just play rogue then, except their tree looks pretty weak. +1% this and that for advancing agility. Kinda pointless.
  17. Can't really argue with that, haven't played it myself. Heard a lot of nagging about it though.
  18. Haven't played it but it's not that well liked. It's a shooter with tanking, bullets whittle away at the enemy's health bar instead of killing them. What you can expect from a cover based console shooter with PVP elements I guess.
  19. Learning curve is pretty steep, still trying to figure out if I'm supposed to switch stances during combat. I mean it would make sense to shoot your force lightning and then empty your gun, all I seem to wind up doing is pressing dodge and spamming fast attack like Witcher 3.
  20. Never even realised it was a sequel to Mars Wars. Alright, they got my money.
  21. Spotted my first hunting party in the wild, group of teenagers breaking into a run staring into their phones. App idea came to me : Capture pokemon go players trying to capture a pokemon. If you do it before they capture the pokemon you get a bonus.
  22. The suggestion is that whatever extra would be missing from other charities because money spent on charity is usually pretty fixed. 'unnecessarily cynical' is a pretty accurate description of my attitude to most things btw.
  23. Kind of missing the point there. The more people you get using the app, the more corporate sponsors the app creator is going to be able to attract. Look up how freerice.com works if you are still skeptical about this stuff. I'd imagine it is using the same model and people have dissected that one pretty fully. I'm suggesting that it's still a zero sum game nomatter who gets the money.
  24. Well those corporate sponsors are going to give what they are going to give and I'm pretty confident that that number doesn't vary very much on the budget. It's not like you can save the world by having everyone's walking sponsored. The well is going to run dry.
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