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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Fear 2 is on sale for 3,75. Does anyone remember which FEAR game is the good one
  2. Can you get BoD on GOG or something. Does it work with a modern controller.
  3. Be sure to make room for the chicken retrirement home. j/k we have rabbits in our yards, couldn't eat those. It would have to be rabbits who hadn't snuggled up against my leg.
  4. Gorgon

    US Dope

    I imagine it's like the Tour De France. The winner is the guy who wasn't caught cheating. It's too tempting, no one can make a career out of placements. You need records and medals
  5. Well it's fine obviously as long as it doesn't lead to the game becoming 'every MMO' not that I think it will, but multiplayer design is a different animal.
  6. 'Adventure with up to 4 friends'. This signals MMO design choices for me. Can't actually remember if this was in the first reboot game, if it was then I guess it's not so pronounced, which is a good thing for me at least.
  7. Please no, sempai san
  8. I thought the fight was easy. Getting into the vents, one level up to the terminal. Befriend the turrets for a little distraction. Shoot down the flying robots with AP ammo. Then on top where the terminal is, is another vent- you can use it to quickly move "inside" and "outside" of the big hall, therefore making it so he can't reach you. Whenever he is confused and can't find you, shoot him with grenade launcher or AP ammo. Got him down in 5 minutes or something. Try fifteen seconds. Cloak, stun-gun, takedown. All the robits and turrets promptly blow up once he goes down. Shotgun on auto fully upgraded 4 or 5 clips, less than 30 seconds. The stun effect of the shotgun kept him down.
  9. No one place in particular. BBC and the Danish equivalent are regulars i guess. It's free and I'm a cheap bastard. Yes you do get what you pay for I don't deny it.
  10. Microsoft might actually be plotting something like that.
  11. No you get XP bonuses for using passwords. Anyway start a new game plus the second go, you won't have to grind.
  12. I suppose it does fit with monotheism displacing everything else come to think of it.
  13. Their gods also Greek in origin though. There is a whole episode about the 'arrow of Apollo', and a Pantheon, the seven or the nine was it ? somethig like that. There is a connection to Moses leading his people to safety as well of course. Anyway trying to spoil BSG would be like trying to spoil Lost, you could do it and people still wouldn't understand what you were talking about. The double length specials are good though.
  14. Should I get Mordheim for 15 euro ?
  15. I had 200 rounds of shotgun ammo I had been hoarding for the entire game. Turns out shotguns have a chance to stun, he went down eventually. I don't think he died from all that. Jensen said something like 'that will keep him down for a while'. Maybe just a bad action movie pun, or they intend to have him in the DLCs. Maybe the shotgun stun counted as non lethal since he had on the polygonal armor the whole time.
  16. http://imgur.com/gallery/1VeGo
  17. Worst part about having dogs, still everything has a beginning and an end. I've had three and a lot of good memories of them.
  18. Lawsuits probably. Sony could be targeted for providing access to porn, or superman/mario kart mods. They would have to spend money on a takedown and appeal function. Like steam and Youtube.
  19. Dishonored: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZgnXjXk2N0 Based on state of alertness of an opponent and relative position of opponent and player, it tried to choose the most relevant animation. Failing that, the game just let the strike connect and do damage. It looked a bit awkward at times, nonetheless it's a significantly better approach than what the new Deus Ex games do. It doesn't look like you can fail for more than a second, just hit the button again and you will succeed. I mean if they are facing you weapons drawn, there should be no insta kills. There is a lot of potential for expanded gameplay here if you could parry or dodge. I guess an extended duel Tekken style doesn't lend itself very well to the first person perspective, but there are certainly options for doing more with it.
  20. was looking at the Deus Ex boss fight. I guess I was wrong about Dishonoured.
  21. lols. that's retarded
  22. Yeah well, it's nothing special but it is there. In the Deus Ex reboots you can run up to anything short of a mech or exo suit, press the button, and win just like that every time, no excitement about the outcome. Actually I don't know if you can win button mechs or exo suits, never tried. I'm pretty sure it didn't work like that in Dishonoured.
  23. In Deus Ex I remember that you could throw laser triggered bombs onto walls and jump on top of them giving you a tiny perch from which you could throw another and recover the lower one and so on bypassing the tiles that were blocked, then jumping straight onto the exit tiles bypassing the first city hub and possibly breaking the game. It's not really advisable and a difficult feat as well but you have to try it at least once. We were kinda missing the introduction of the bad guys that will graduate into boss fights this time around. The big bald guy with the three eyes didn't do it for me. In the first game they start out as your allies, then you have to either escape or kill them, and what's good about it is that there are options for both. In Deus Ex city hubs were not much larger than the mission maps, but there were a LOT of mission maps and they were well made. I find i prefered it this way. I got tired of Prauge eventually, and yes, it didn't really feel like you accompilised anything at the end other than reacting to what was put in front of you. Best gameplay experience ? I dunno, it's certainly good but for sheer gameplay the takedown is still a 'win button' mechanic and a cop out. Bring back melee attacks and melee weapons. Between that and the consolficiation of certain features I guess a lot of people would call it the second best Deus Ex game and I would tend to agree. Those that are old enough to remember the first game anyway. Is the suggestion here that I am not old enough to remember the original? Trust me, I am. It also used to be the game I had the most completions in before Mass Effect 2. Anyway, I'm not sure how your examples of breaking the game are examples of brilliance, tbh. Deus Ex had a lot of kludgy design elements Deus Ex had the riot prod, which was basically the same thing as the takedowns. So, while I agree with you in that the original was, at least when the evolution of the games industry is considered, the better game (in fact it's probably still my best of all time), I still believe that from the point of view of actual design vs. happy coincidences of emergent gameplay, dxmd is better. Deus Ex had an electric sword, and batons and whatnot and an actual melee attack system other than a cutscene. I kinda assume people on here are old enough to have played Deus Ex. It would probably be too ugly to look at for someone going from Mankind Divided though.
  24. People are modding the PS1 into a CD player, well it already is, but prettying it up a bit, because they put in a really good DAC by accident. Apropos of nothing. https://www.google.dk/search?q=ps1+cd+player+audiophile&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwib_-iV_oHPAhVjDMAKHWkfAsgQ_AUIBigB
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