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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Gorgon


    Can't do that, Krez. Not without a UN resolution. Because we all know that the UN is a pure and noble institution and would never haver over such an important issue. Didn't the Korean war have a signed letter to go kill things from the UN, or was it called something else back then.
  2. I have to interject, it does not have nice graphics, even for its year. The characters look nice, the world looks like Thief the Metal Age with sugar on top, just good enough that it doesn't interfere with your enjoyment of the game. So far I'm getting my ass handed to me. I'm hoping that will change once I can throw around a fireball or two, my humble shortsword doesn't seem to have any effect on the platemail guys who have been chasing me since the tutorial.
  3. Gorgon


    And I guess they will get away with it as per usual. Sometimes I do miss having a TV.
  4. I'm playing Might and Magic, and so far it's hilarious. Every mage speaks in a booming voice. I present the voice coaches :
  5. I do think DA is pretty ugly, not so much the level design, but the characters and animations. Just barely passable when it first came out, going to look worse than FONW when this thing hits the streets and the engine is not even that old.
  6. I could be thinking of a different game. There was some game out there that, when uninstalled, would just erase everything for some reason. Always thought it was ToEE. Maybe so. I remember the same tale told to frighten gamers who wouldn't behave, but wasn't that older. Devine Devinity, Pool of Radience ?
  7. If you happened to patch the game in the wrong order or have the first release. It's a horrible horrible game, but the rule implementation is pretty good. Great 'tabletop' feel of the whole thing. I always wished some one would have taken those assets and made something worthwhile with it.
  8. I played them all , except borderlands. I was under the impression it was some kind of mmorpheger.
  9. Alright that's 10 E on STEAM, a bit steep for a decade old game, but what the hell, I'll bite.
  10. Dark messiah OF might and magic Dark messiah might and magic Dark messiah. 3 games, or 1 ?
  11. Is that Dark messiah might and magic or is that something else. Which game is this ? - because that looks like a lot of primitive fun. By the way I don't have a console, and I don't really 'feel' Alpha Protocol, although I'll probably play it once it cools down pricewize.
  12. No it's not. FONW is already out there. They have found a way to strip the steam from steam games.
  13. Not really a mmorpheger man. I prefer my games to have a beginning and an ending.
  14. You know I really feel like giving Assassin's creed 2 a go, except that would be like selling your soul to the devil, or in this case Ubisoft. I will not be tempted, I shall overcome. I really want something with a combat system that's as good as Two Worlds 2, but where your first reaction to every single encounter is not 'I don't care whether you live or die, but if you have a 'go there fetch that quest' make it snappy or I'm pressing escape'
  15. Can you guys recommend me something. Not looking to pay full price unless it's a 'sure thing', and by that I mean Witcher, Fallout NW, or simliar territory. I tried Two worlds 2 and I absolutely hated it, except the melee system, that was rather good for an RPG. I forget is it Gothic 3 or 4 that comes with a broken combat system, it must be 3# right, so how is Gothic 4 ?... Risen, what else.
  16. The pre order goodie on STEAM is two paper cutout dolls + assorted other junk. I mean, come on, that's the worst idea ever. Besides, I'm getting it on GOG, no 'game not available' nonsense.
  17. I noticed you can pre order Witcher 2 already. Is there a release date for this thing ?
  18. The small jumping spiders I leave alone, the big woolly ones, they gotta go. A man's got a right to protect his property.
  19. Eventually it will - it always does, when millions of voices demand to be heard. What happens when billions of people don't really care enough to make a fuss though..
  20. I was making mincemeat out of Deathclaws while I had two companions. Just run back and let most of them engage your companions, then charge back in with a ballistic fist.
  21. Cue Mkreu, the high lord defendor of GRPG's
  22. 4 million copies fine, apparently. I rather suspect the main problem with PC exclusive titles is convincing publishers that they will sell well enough without being multiplatform, hence the rather dodgy ports of essentially PC games like Risen. Still (nota bene, Morgoth) TW2 has got Namco-Bandai publishing so it ain't a problem for them. What about the rather dodgy PC ports of essentially console games which constitute 90% of the market. Walk a mile in our shoes buddy.
  23. Well, wouldn't people in the know immediately start using different algorithms ?. Seems to me it would make the affected software versions more or less worthless.
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