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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. If you are building a quiet system that is not really true. Then again most people would go for a custom water loop then. Anyways the cards(strix) are pretty good even in load.
  2. Heard about it, never watched it though.
  3. Watched Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki. It's about a mother raising two half wolf children alone. Highly recommend it. Can you link me to the manga on something like mangaupdates.com or even amazon?
  4. Well after watching Bebop I can see a lot of things that Champloo lifted from it, also Firefly straight up copied most of it.
  5. Wait, is the anime based on the manga? I thought it was the other way around. No defense. edit: I'm going to give Samurai Champloo a rewatch, I'm kind of in the mood for it after this.
  6. Just finished Cowboy Bebop for the first time, believe it or not. It's a great anime, I can see why it's a classic, though I'm not digging the ambiguous ending. I would have much preferred them going off in to the sunset (or in this case the stars), then what we got, but hey I know people like bummer endings. I'm going to watch the movie next. Also there are interesting theories on the net about the series, as there always are with popular shows, too bad the creator killed all of them by saying: "I've never officially said that he died. At this point, I can tell you that I'm not sure if he's alive or dead."
  7. That is why the STRIX cards are great, when it's idling the fans don't spin.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpVA2TCwJFs Any figures on the Vietnam war?
  9. Well it's not on the level of Man from Earth mind tease wise, but it's still good.
  10. I Origins. It's an interesting movie, give it a go.
  11. This was always the case, it's just a little more exacerbated right now.
  12. Not to mention the difference in the quality of components...
  13. Finished the main series, I want to start the side stories. I cried like like a little bitch when certain someone broke a leg, so yeah emo all the way. Though it's worth mentioning that book 1 just drops you in the middle of things and that the learning curve is very steep for the series.
  14. And on the flip side of that coin, if your country carries a big stick it can forgo all that responsibility, for their economic decisions or any other.
  15. That's a bait if I've ever seen one.
  16. We shall not speak of that abomination!
  17. Just get a plugin for your browser, found it to be the least of a hassle.
  18. Idk, I don't see why they would help them stay in the EU, much better to let them hit rock bottom and exit the euro zone and eu and then help them get back on their feet. As for them being broke, things don't work like that for countries of that size. Even if they were broke, the amount of money Greece would need to get a new lease on life would still not be significant enough for it to matter to them(Russia). If by chance Russia passes on Greece there are still other countries. No way is Greece going to devolve in to Venezuela, simply too many players in the game interested in that piece of land.
  19. Russia's economy is on such a scale that I doubt it would hurt them that much financially to help them. They would get lots of things out of such a deal, first of them being an ally in Europe and second being a key country for the southern pipeline. Arabs helped my country (Serbia) when we were on the edge, they loaned us 2 billion (with very low interest rate) most of which we used to pay off loans (with astronomical interests rates) that the previous government took out. Even now they are investing in various areas: Air Serbia, Agriculture(that the EU has been actively trying to destroy for the last 10 years), Belgrade on Water, etc. As for China, I would be skeptical to say the least that they are going to burst any bubble, no matter how much the west pushes that story. Most likely that story is being forced to cause damage to or restrain the economy. China simply has too much going on to be able to fail that easily.
  20. Doubt it very much. I'm of the opinion that they will get help either from the Arabs or from Russia/China. Edit: that is if they leave the euro and eu.
  21. I have 2 ACs in my apartment and haven't found them that impactful on the bill, what screws my household over the most is the water-heater. But then again it's working 24/7 so I guess it's to be expected.
  22. Kekkai Sensen finale is being delayed a second week in a row... It seems that the last episode is going to be over 30 minutes long if the rumors are true. Apart from that a new season of anime has started. So far there are few pilots that scratched my interested but nothing overwhelming. I can recommend you guys Gangsta., the animations is good and I know the story is good as I read the manga. As for the rest I need to watch a few more episodes. Also rewatched Rebuild of Eve 3.33, when is 3.0+1.0 going to come out...
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