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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. It's just a dialogue or two, very minor. Others don't seem to care.
  2. Those two are awesome! Concelhaut is so bitter about being made a pet again, his one liners on the ship are hilarious. And Nemnok is not far behind him - his whole quest was super fun, felt like I walked into an easter egg
  3. Personally, I like the Vailian Republics more than the others. That's not to say they are better than the other factions in any way, but I like what they represent in general - progress, commerce, inventions, non-militarism and flexibility. If anyone will be able to get kith out of the mess Eothas did in the ending it's most likely them. Huana are too traditional and stuck in their ways. I've read enough about Indian culture to really dislike caste system. One trip to the Gullet showed quite enough. Rauatai felt like a militaristic Japanese from the past century, visually too come to think of it. They're stoic, pragmatic and crafty, but seem kinda lacking sympathy for other nations or cultures. They felt like a machine that grinds and assimilates the lands of other cultures whether they like it or not. Principi are just pirates. Never liked pirates, but I'm sure there are lots of people that do.
  4. Btw, if anybody wondered where to find promised hidden ships: -one is a submarine given by the Rauatai faction at the end of the game -another is a creepy ghost ship you get by allying with the Principi.
  5. Well, if anybody wondered who are the companions that get together in the game - it's Xoti and Maia, of all people No love for Eder, literally
  6. It's tied to the animancers quest in Neketaka, which is resolved late in the game.
  7. I think I got the ending you mean even without actually breaking up with her, just declining her offer. Same with Tekehu. Ending slides are kinda buggy.
  8. I dunno, this sounds stupid to me. Kith lived for untold generations before Engwithans invented the gods and nobody died out then - tens of thousands years old migration of the elves and kith, bustling empires, no mention of any decline. I think what the devs wanted to do with this is give an option for the kith to live like we do in the real world - we die, that's it (unless you believe in Hinduism and reincarnations). But while we don't have any proof of having a soul, souls in Eora are a fact. Also, adra veins are definitely a natural phenomenon, unless devs decide later to retcon those too. So souls moving through adra into Eora's depths to reincarnate is a thing done by Engwithans too? I think somebody needed to think on this some more before retconing the **** out of everything. The whole premise of breaking it just to make a whole game plot out if it sounds more silly the more I think about it. If it's working fine why break it? Just to prove something, to make a point? Sure, the gods needed to be brought down a notch but not by shooting yourself in the foot, surely? Not only are the gods doomed to wane with this but also the kith if they don't find a solution. Way to leave people hanging, Eothas! I think he just lost his marbles after dying the first time. Anyway, I'm not satisfied with the ending. It is confusing in the mechanics of it, in the unclear explanation why was this necessary at all or what will happen next. And my main gripe is with "Engwithans created the reincarnation Wheel" retcon. Also, the gods in the sequel were a bunch of toothless sissies squabbing with each other, I liked them more in POE1, they seemed more potent and confident then.
  9. Are you far into the game? If not then it's still possible to get them to 2. Except Aloth, cuz he's bugging out on many people. Also you must do their quests. And yea, there's an option to romance Aloth, just be careful what you say to him if you don't want a break up in the ending slide.
  10. Earlier, it was said that one companion would leave you after you no return choose a faction. You're saying that three will leave you. Which is the truth, I wonder. And is it tied to their personal approval? Well, for example, I chose the Vailian Republics and after I talked with Tekehu and Maia about this they both left me. I had rep of 2 with them and did their quests. When I chose the Huana nobody left, but Maia wasn't pleased at all. When I chose Rauatai only Tekehu left, but there was no Pallegina's ending slide (bug). When I chose Principi Maia left. Pallegina gets killed in the ending slide When I chose not to ally with anybody, nobody left as well, was all neutral. Btw, ending slides may be buggy, seems like it doesn't matter whether they leave you or not, you still get their ending slides. Also it's more fitting for the romances thread, but another point for slides bugginess is that I got two slides about Tekehu and Xoti where it is basically stated that I dumped them and they didn't take it well I mean, really? All I did was decline their offer to get into my pants and they treated it as if I was their ex-lover or something?
  11. Also, there is an option to complete the game without allying with any faction. For that you need to seriously upgrade your ship. The ending slides are quite chaotic though.
  12. I had Grandmaster Aloth in this particular game and I had to convince him to give up trying to reform the Leaden Key. The ending slide was exactly what I'd been hoping for since PoE1 and has (temporarily) restored my faith in humanity. Thanks, Obsidian On to Tekehu! Hey, mind posting that Aloth's ending slide?
  13. Yes, I've seen dialogue prompt icons with no new dialogues a lot too. You may want to report it as a bug in tech support section. The whole relationship system and dialogues are a mess right now, I don't think they'll patch it all in the next fix.
  14. Just so you know, there is a point of no return with factions. After you swear your allegiance to one of them and do their final quest it all ends badly with the other factions who will turn hostile on you. Also, companions aligned to factions will leave you if you didn't choose their faction. It's all serious stuff.
  15. So I've completed the game but I don't understand what te ef happened at the end. Eothas destroyed the Wheel? Wasn't the Wheel and souls moving through adra veins to the Beyond and reincarnation a natural phenomenon of Eora? But the ending suggests that Engwithans not only created the gods, but also the reincarnation Wheel and the In Between to sustain them. It also suggests that without reincarnation souls won't go anywhere after the Wheel is broken and sooner or later all living beings will die off because souls won't reincarnate. If Engwithans created the reincarnation system then how did it work before them? And lastly the ending suggests that somebody (animancers) can later fix the Wheel. What. The. Ef. What was the point of breaking it (and the whole plot of the game) in the first place then?
  16. Thanks, I tried it and it worked. Hopefully devs will fix it. Here's a link to the mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2?tab=description
  17. I hope devs will notice and fix this, seems like a bug indeed. For me his rep was stuck at 1 for larger part of the game no matter how hard I tried to say what he likes. Only got it fixed with console command mod from Nexus, some people also got it working with ingame command console.
  18. Got it working with Nexus mod, it also doesn't disable achievements: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2?tab=description You can raise rep there pretty quickly without entering the command many times.
  19. Didn't work. Still sitting at 1 doing nothing.
  20. Modwyr is under Neketaka, in the old city ruins. Try Gullet entrance.
  21. It is very likely that Aloth is bugged. There's a whole thread were people are experiencing the same problem: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98088-reputation-with-aloth-and-romance/
  22. Similar thing happened to me too immediately after getting Pallegina as a companion.
  23. Looks like another one of those relationship system bugs. I'm experiencing the same thing - completed his quest and larger chunk of the game but still stuck at rep 1 with him and no extra romance dialogues or anything.
  24. Here's a tip how to quickly get an achievement for negative rep with a companion: - grab Pallegina and some other companion with high Religion and go to the shrine northwest of Neketaka, - identify and pray there numerous times until Pallegina's rep with you goes to -2.
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