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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Also, dafuq is this evil fascist MP40 doing there!
  2. Got my tooth pulled, it was hopelessly cracked and beyond repair. I really miss it.
  3. The sarcophagus and the tomb as a whole totally remind me of the Baldur's Gate 2 graveyard district. All it needs now is a couple of mummies and giant skeletons. Love it.
  4. Hans Hölzel aka Falco was a far relative of mine. RIP. Nope, its Linz, thats a big city about 250 kilometers west of Vienna. The building you mentioned is the ''Lentos'', a modern art museum: (not my picture) Linz after sunset. My apologies for the bad quality, my camera really sucks in low light conditions.
  5. Flooding in Austria. No, thats not the Amazon river, its the Danube river. And it keeps raining....
  6. You mean bipolar, right? Schizophrenia is something completely different. As a crazy nature-worshiper I loathe cities and I'm so glad I don't live in one, I'd surely get sick in mind and body if I had to live in one of those horrible tight and all gray concrete jungles.
  7. - Unreal Tournament 1999, played it daily for 4 years, played it least twice a month in the last 10 years. - Thief Dark project - Thief The Metal Age - Baldur's Gate 2 - Icewind Dale 2 - Mass Effect 2 - Mass Effect 3 - Gran Turismo 1-5 - Skyrim
  8. With the awfully wet and cold weather outside I had to decide between aquatic adaption or bumming around indoors being all grumpy, bored but dry. Even though I'm quite waterproof I like to have my body water percentage at comfortable 65% so I chose to stay indoors. Later I made the day a little more interesting with biceps curls drop stints and french presses. Man, the pump! I swear, if I had arm-wrestled Hulk Hogan after those biceps curls I could have ripped his arm off and thrown his lifeless body into orbit, thats how strong I felt. Weight exercise rocks more than any drug.
  9. I'm still in shape, after all those years! Inhuman DM match, UT99, hardcore mode, stock, no mods.
  10. ^ AFAIK that mountain is regularly used for downhill biking. The insane kind of downhill biking.
  11. Thats crazy. And awesome.
  12. I've always been a fan of munitions and half to three-quarters armors. I'd love to have half-armors as a subtype of armor in PE with different stats than full plate mail. (Better attack speed, bonus to blunt but less overall protection especially against projectile weapons than full plate and that kind of stuff) Love the patina color on this one. And yes, hes smiling, hell, if I were a cool plate armor I'd smile too!
  13. I couldn't agree with you more! IMO the worst thing about modern shooters are the awful controls, it feels like my character is walking on ice or driving a skateboard. I guess thats supposed to be ''realistic.'' Sadly I've never been really good with the flak cannon, but I've totally mastered the pulse gun secondary fire mode, the beam. I won like 75% of all duels with the pulse gun, I just dodge around like a maniac on crack and keep that beam frying my opponents face. Ah, and the good old shock rifle spamming alt mode in tight corridors... My favorite map was DM-Peak and DM-Liandri. Oh, and music: UT OST - Firebreath CTF - FacingWorlds. Nuff said.
  14. Went back to my PC gaming roots and played some Unreal Tournament 99, still the best game to keep my classic hardcore shooter skills honed. On godlike mode its such a fast and intense shooter its crazy when you compare it to FPS games nowadays. Feels like slowmo. Damn, I feel old now.
  15. Counted 16 girls in the first and 10 girls in the second pic. You just have to use your terminator scan mode.
  16. The online gamer chart is spot on.
  17. Same here, I used to drink lots of cola and even though I stopped drinking soft drinks yeas ago..well, the damage has been done. Its my massive jaw, I have the jaw of a shark that is putting lots of stress on my teeth, but sadly I lack the sharks ability to replace broken teeth with new ones.
  18. Holy crap! Hes almost as good as Bishop in Alien 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tmoNL53HoU
  19. That happened to me a few times a couple of years ago, my knee got really stiff and I couldn't bend it anymore, even with force. From my experience there are two things that can cause a stiff knee: the cruciate ligament gets stuck in the joint somehow and swelling of the meniscus. Swelling of the Meniscus happened when I ran a long distance with army boots, because of the stiff soles my knees had to absorb the shock instead of my feet which resulted in temporary miniscus damage. If its not the latter it can be fixed very easily, let someone pull on your leg. (but don't rip it out!) What I did today: Somehow managed to trash a tooth, it broke in half and blood was fountaining out of it like crazy, guess I need a trip to the dentists. I just hope I don't need it pulled...
  20. Nice update! About the UI: To be honest I agree with those who say the UI is a little bit too spartan, it could look more refreshing, but I like the layout of the buttons and the info screen, looks very familiar! The thing I dislike the most about the UI is having small character portraits arranged at the bottom, I hated that in Icewind Dale 2, it was a major PITA to keep track of the condition of the characters with those super small eye straining health bars and effect icons, I vastly prefer the way it was designed in Baldurs Gate, large icons on the right side vertically aligned, one quick look was enough to get all the essential combat relevant information. Also having a couple of effect & spell icons completely block the whole character portrait felt like a design flaw to me. BY the way, Polina totally deserves a pat on the back for all the great artwork!
  21. I imagine that priests draw their power and abilities from their faith and fanatic worship of a deity - a godless priest would be little more than a spellshaper with some mediocre combat abilities.
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