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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Thats not the purpose of armor. I like the artwork, the proportions are a little off and as someone already mentioned the shoulder pads are way too big, but overall a lot better than what I've seen in in most fantasy games.
  2. Yes, Maximilian I allowed them to dress like that because they had such brutal and short lives. In my opinion the combination of completely outrageously colorful fine clothes with plate armor and giant great swords plus large caliber matchlock muskets made the Landsknechts the coolest soldiers that ever walked on the battlefields of Europe. By the way, its Landsknecht, not sketch.
  3. It certainly has become more dangerous in the last couple of years.
  4. Does anyone else think that this program is broken? I got really close a couple of times but I still scored lower than in any of my other tries. And damn you, Australia, some places there totally look like the desert-ish landscape of Utah with the reddish-brown earth and stuff.
  5. Closest I got with a completely empty road with one truck on it was 363 kilometers / 2563 points. (France) The road markings tell a lot about the location. 10378 points total.
  6. The US army has adopted the new Remington Sniper System in .300wm, fact is the 338LM beats the .300wm only by 400 yds (1400 vs 1700yds). I load the 300wm myself with 220 grain Sierra BTHP. IMO the next step from the .300WM should be something like the .408 or the .416 TYR, not the .338LM. .308 left, .300WM 220 grain BTHP's to the right.
  7. I'd call it an anti-everything rifle, its use is certainly not limited to destroying material or matériel.
  8. A lot of the late armors were indeed asymmetrical, when the full plates became so protective that shields weren't needed anymore knights used two handed swords and weapons. When you're right handed and wield a two-handed weapon you are standing slightly sideways, your left side is facing your enemy, like the stance of a right handed boxer. Thats why some armors were made with a slightly better protected left side, beefed up at the shoulder, armpit and elbow area. The right side, especially the arm was not as well protected to give the wielder more movement so he could wield his weapon more effectively.
  9. Me at the worlds biggest international gun show 2013 in Düsseldorf, Germany, checking out the Austrian Steyr HS50 anti material rifle. (The rifle was of course unloaded, pointing in a save direction and my finger never touched the trigger)
  10. Predators. That was one of the most uninspired flat out boring and cheapest films I've ever seen, an insult to the original ''Predator''. What a waste of time. This garbage doesn't even deserve a witty well written film critic.
  11. Watching the 41. ADAC 24 hour race on the world famous Nürburgring Nordschleife in Germany via livestream. Awesome. A 24 hour race on this track (the 24 hour version is actually even longer). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfW5_zjaMaw
  12. Man, I really like that song.
  13. Forget it, those anti-hunters wont stop until hunting is outlawed, dodging them with alternate ways of hunting is for naught. I've talked to anti-hunter zealots before, they're so far away from reality and aloof you can't even reason with them. By the way, the use of night vision scopes is allowed here in Austria which is really great, we have a big pig problem here.
  14. No. If I was a robber and see my victim pull a knife I'd certainly NOT attack because I don't want to get into a knife fight for a couple of bucks. I think most people would react similarly, only unarmed easy victims are fun, armed victims means trouble and an unnecessary amount of danger. Just look for a new victim that is less dangerous. Same thing with animals, there are many insects and animals that make very tough prey, predators usually leave them alone after finding out that they have hidden weapons and aren't as easy to kill as they thought. It certainly doesn't make them more aggressive. Tasers are defensive weapons. And no, it doesn't matter that they're police and I'm not, they have a gun to defend themselves against threats, armed ones, just like me. In my area criminals consist of groups of immigrants traveling by van and , randomly robbing remote houses near freeways at night. And they're often very violent. Maybe its really different in Germany, our police sucks. According to recent studies only about 20% of crimes get solved, and that statistic comes from the government itself so I bet its even worse than that.
  15. There are many (too many) cases where the robbers didn't give a crap about the homeowner being home or not, thats why they were armed in the first place. And as far as I know robbers weren't psychic so they didn't know somebody was at home or not, not everybody works at daytime and there are things like holidays, people who work from their home, old retired people, farms, women with babies staying at home. Carefully planned-out robberies are mostly fictional, unless we're talking about pros planning bank heists. What part of ''a chance is better than none'' don't you understand? I have my safe in my living room, thats where I spend most of my time at home anyway and its quickly and easily accessible. If that was true police officers wouldn't carry guns, their sidearm would make criminals aggressive and that would only lead to an escalation of the situation and firefights, right? I remember a case where a tobacconist's shop was robbed right in the middle of the day, even though the owner was unarmed and did everything that guy wanted he stabbed him multiple times in the liver for no reason, he almost died. He was robbed AGAIN some time later, he had a shotgun and chased away the wannabe-robber. (Later he was robbed yet again, thats when he retired)That happened about two years ago here in Austria, right where I grew up. Bottom line is if I'm not armed they can do whatever they want with me because I cannot defend myself at all. You really want to have your life depend on the mood of criminals? I don't.
  16. Dafuq do you mean with ''if the men were armed with muscle-powered weapons shorter than their arm?''? You want people run around in the woods chasing red deer and beating them to death with batons? What you seem to forget is that there is another reason why you DEFINTELY should use a powerful and as efficient as possible weapon when hunting - you don't want to wound the animal. Wounding animals happens even today with modern weaponry, as a result many of the shot animals die a horrible slow death from an infected wounds and starvation. Now if you want hunters to use MUCH less efficient weaponry all you get is hundreds of wounded and suffering animals. Yes, there are bow hunters, those who are really skilled pros know what they're doing and they are good ethical hunters, but 90% of the average-Joe hunters don't have time nor are they interested in mastering a primitive difficult to operate weapon which provides for a more challenging or ''fair'' hunt.
  17. Do you snore?
  18. Reminds me a lot of a female version of the white Walkers in Game of Thrones.
  19. Those fools! When the rhinoceros are gone we have no way to cure cancer!
  20. Self defense. Imagine the statistically unlikely but still very real threat of armed home intruders. Such things happen daily; even in our perfectly save bubble-world. When said situation happens do you rely on your ability to.... a.) beg to them to not get hurt b.) talk them down c.) scare them away simply with showing presence d.) jump to the phone to call the police and wait for them which will take a couple of minutes (15 in my case) e.) lock yourself and your loved ones in a save room OR do you do all the things mentioned above BUT with a gun in your hand in case nothing works and the worst case scenario happens - you have to defend yourself and your loved ones in the only way left. In my opinion its never a bad thing to have more options, it would be extremely unlikely that armed robbers would engage me when I SHOW them that I'm armed and equal, nobody wants to risk their life for some furniture, a computer and a couple of bucks. The even more extreme way almost never gets ignored - a warning shot. If that fails, well... Its never bad to have more options. *edit* Even here in Austria its not such a great place when it comes to crime like armed robbery, only a couple of kilometers where I live a homeowner got attacked in the middle of the day by several intruders, got nearly beaten to death with an iron pipe and got robbed. The police arrived at the scene 20 minutes later. Such robberies happen increasingly often. Follow the rules of gun safety, store your gun in a safe and its impossible to have an accident. There is no naivety, only logic and responsible firearm handling.
  21. What kind of storage had you in mind when you said ''keep in your home''? Because if the firearm is stored the only proper way - in a safe- there is no danger at all, for anyone.
  22. I'm not in the slightest bit interested in that, however, this does not prevent me from being curious about the exact logical reasons why someone thinks that guns are unsafe to have, especially when a good bit of misinformation seems to be involved.
  23. This comparison would only work if you would not own a car because you were afraid of having an accident. A responsible firearm owner takes equal precautions when he remembers and follows the rules of gun safety.
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