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Everything posted by ryukenden

  1. Obsidian develops the game. But traditionally, pricing and marketing and all that stuff is handled by the publisher. Steam and GoG handles orders. I don't have champion edition, but you should check out steam or whatever and see if they have that upgrade. if their website don't have what you are looking for, contact customer service.
  2. Collectors edition are separate from steam or gog. They include a completely 100% no drm which is stored from the disc. In ADDITION, You get one version, a digital one. Choose from GoG or steam, royal edition.
  3. Even if the digital goodies are out, i assume GoG won'T have them quick as steam. I'm guessing at least 24hours after steam right?
  4. The digital goodies like ringtones are not available until release regardless of which version you get right?
  5. I notice the changes as the game develops. Take a look at the gif.
  6. He is streaming again. Something to take to take our minds away from waiting steam keys.
  7. Okay, I'm a little obsessive. I need something to keep my mind off this but....
  8. My fast internet won't make pre-loading early any better. But why I'm I so hype and instead of waiting like a sane person!
  9. Lies, there is no steam keys or update. Plus I check steam to see if its replace my BB. Nothing.
  10. I always been a big GoG fan but I might go with steam on this one. I haven't have many paid steam games in my collection. As much as I hate DRM, steam offers pre-load and quick update.
  11. Devs wilk argue spoilers but hey its only 2days away. I need a new ringtone.
  12. I saw this stream of self proclaimed IE veteran. So he played on hard. But his strategy made me pulled my hair out. The shades keep wiping him. He come back later with a new party member(eder) but still can't beat them. I told him many times to use knockdown but he keeps ignoring and focus on his mages. Finally after kill one shade, he attack with the only few abilities remaining. Knockdown but i don't think he is paying attention. Well knockdown work and temporary disable it. He finally read my comment and cast knockdown when its knocked again. °>.<°. Next groups of shade, next encounter. Continues to ignore using it. He think only mages can do anything... Bad.
  13. Can I get "Archwarrior" or Archwarrior of the Obsidian Order?
  14. Being top on the Steam charts, it comes and goes. There are thousands of games that made the list and doesn't even sell 100k.
  15. Cabinets aren't digital. Work that goes to physical and digital product is same. Replication of digital products is easier, which makes it easier to copy them effortlessly, but I would not ever say that Obsidian for example should not be able to sell their digital products to people or stick their watermark (like for example opening logo) in them, just because they are digital. Although when it comes to pricing sold copies I think there are valid reasons to except that digital copies of products don't cost same as individually made physical originals. Obsidian puts their "watermark" on opening logo outside the game. If they were to have that huge watermark in-game, we would have a problem. Now if she would put her signature on the corner of the painting, no one would complain. Think about that analogy.
  16. First, i like the art and respect the artist rights to the property. However, making your own portrait FOR a game is a work of passion. This is fan content. Fan content is to improve the image of the game. Claiming "this is my work to the game" but say no, you cannot use this artwork kinda defeats the purpose. If you don't want anyone to use the artwork, that fine. But you got to realize that this is no longer fan content because you aren't doing it as a fan. Unless i'm mistaken.
  17. I saw his stream. The voice acting the chanter makes is pretty cool. The chanter ui got a lot better. Might be my favorite.
  18. These artwork are sexy. The first picture reminds me of Valygar from BG2.
  19. Hey guys. This is my latest one. I will continue with it some other time. But right now its almost good enough to eat. I saved it in png. I'm not sure how bester want me to format this but this PNG can be extracted!. Go test this out. I know I'm missing the "highlighted" version, which I will work on it soon. Let me know what you think. The wood texture can be changed to whatever you like, I just found this neat texture on google.
  20. Edit: remove silly comment Also we need a spoiler category. The "non-spoiler" is being corrupted.
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