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Everything posted by Bester

  1. All my books are on kindle. Physical books are inferior, mostly for plebeians and the poor people.
  2. >talking seriously to a gay feminist Keep trying man, you'll make her into a normal person yet, maybe if you write a few thousand more posts? Don't give up!
  3. In all consciousness I can't blame IRA for what they're doing after what the Brits did to the Irish over the history. Genocides is not something you easily forgive and forget. And I'm not even talking about the rest.
  4. OH WOW. LOL! I just found out about the whole Zoe Quinn thing. HILARIOUS!! So much for "feminism" and social "justice" AHAHAhahahahaha OH WOW..! IT LITERALLY FEELS LIKE A BIRTHDAY, EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT. OH LOL.
  5. Who needs this? Considering the sexism in the industry, the industry does. Inclusion and diversity only help. Care to elaborate on the sexism part? Is it worse than the pharmaceutical industry, mining, engineering or any other sector? How do you measure it to begin with, what are the metrics? Why is inclusion and diversity necessary in itself? What instrinsic value is there to divide humans in a sector into different classes and genders instead of treating them like persons? STOP STEALING HER WIND WITH YOUR STUPID QUESTIONS, YOU SELF-CENTERED MALE!
  6. Which means you only did 30% of your job. Everyone liked and noticed BG's music.
  7. Now now. BG's only problem was that the battle music was super serious and therefore was misplaced when you were killing 8 goblins with 20 lvl characters. Battle music shouldn't start when the level difference is that big.
  8. This game seriously lacks in Mark Morgan or any other good composer. Why wasn't he a part of a stretch goal? I was expecting more.
  9. "I hate making movies", says Patrick Hughes, director of Expendables 3, "I'm more into filming political messages for money from gay lobbyists"
  10. Didn't the devs say they were going to make the game mod friendly at some point? Anyway, I wanted to write a save game editor, but I think it's only possible if the devs said what unity asset they used to serialize the save files (they didn't write their own asset for this, did they? there's already tons of available ones). I didn't know how to contact anyone, so I asked Josh Sawyer and Feargus Urquhart on twitter, but they didn't reply. I wish they were more forthcoming with simple information like that.
  11. When you try to say "mouse" you keep saying "miaouse". It's all the input I have.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye0-X8Dm_Xk
  13. I didn't know where to post it. What this guy's doing with Brian Fargo is worse than a hover hand. And I thought nothing could be worse.
  14. If we're talking realism, most lions would indeed attack a group of humans out of hunting instincts, but would back off and flee after sustaining serious wounds. They'd never fight till their last hit point, their only incentive to do so would be the cubs, and all lions in the game can't have cubs, come on. Plus I really don't want to kill a lioness with cubs, I'd be damning those cute little kitties to die in their infancy, and I'm not looking to do that in an RPG game.
  15. When you see enemies from afar, but don't approach them, you can select a character with a bow and attack the hostiles. The selected character will start playing his bow shooting animation, but it will result in nothing. No lines in combat log will appear, the hostiles won't receive any damage and they won't get aggroed either. Basically, nothing but the animation will happen.
  16. Yes. Winfrith is a big tease.
  17. Same thing. And can't open the grimoire for that character. Rested at the inn and then came out during the night, and then noticed the problem. Don't know exactly when it occurred.
  18. The floating text (spoken by NPCs) and GUI don't interact too well, see screenshot:
  19. What a lazy ungrateful harlot.
  20. I can confirm the bug. Only the default formation works fine when you start the game. Other formations are bugged, and if you try to modify the first (default) formation, it will become bugged as well.
  21. You failed to answer my previous question and here's already a completely new and fresh load of bullcrap. undermine /ʌndəˈmʌɪn/ verb to lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. So if the leaks undermined the US, show me an instance where the political effectiveness, power or ability of the US has been lessened. If you can't provide single result of that 'undermining' right off the bat, then I must conclude that your posts are akin to babbling of a parrot who mindlessly repeats things he's heard. Assange SHOULD face charges in the US? By what law??? To be honest, I'm losing all respect for you right now. You looked like a person if not of own convictions, then at least of some integrity before, because you stood firmly on beliefs that law is above morals and personal reasonings. I can't say it's humane or adequate, but at least it shows some integrity. And now, when this approach stopped being convenient for you, you've reversed your position 180 degrees like it was nothing?? Now you're saying that Assange should go to prison even if there is no law that says he should??? First of all, the leaks concerned many countries, so where is your obsession with the US stemming from? More parroting? Secondly, the US has no business concerning itself with foreign citizens' actions on foreign soil. It's like saying let's extradite you to the United Emirates for having had homosexual sex with a man, because that's the law in the UE. It doesn't work like that. And thirdly, even if you're a huge nationalist fanboy of the United States and think they should have more rights than other countries, you should know that leaking is protected by America's First Amendment. Even their own laws don't allow them to charge Assange with anything. And fourthly, you think videos of atrocities is an undermining of the US??? Frankly, I'm getting tired of your fanatical US apologetics. First you celebrate fascism in Ukraine and side with the guys who overthrow the government and then shell and throw air strikes on civilian population. Then you're unhappy about the leakage of videos that revealed how American chopper pilots shot in cold blood women and children on the ground, calling to put in prison for life the guy who revealed it. It's a trend with you, I see. You're a 'liberal' fascist, licking America's feet like a good dog. I can't see people celebrating atrocities, it's bad for my blood pressure. You'll make a very well deserved addition to my ignore list.
  22. So that's what it's about then, not the rape charges huh.So much for that. And what harm did he cause with his leaks to the US exactly? I mean we can't exactly count Assange's leaks all over american politicians faces as harm, can we? McCain's chestnuts behind his cheeks didn't grow as a result of him getting leaks all over his face and him deciding to save some for later, did they? Are we discussing the first wave of leaks that showed the inhuman treatment and killings of Iraqi civilians? Saying that it harmed the US is like saying that he published a video of a crime and the video harmed the criminal. Or are we discussing the second wave of leaks in which all we see is politicians shit talking each other in tweets and emails? Wow, it turns out that the Egyptian president talked shit behind Iran's president's back! It turns out the everyone thinks the Israelis are stubborn and bullheaded. It turns out that Obama wears pink trousers at home. Cite a single harm that came to the United States as a country as a result of the second wave of the leaks. A single sanction towards the US from the rest of the world or a single political agreement signing falling through.
  23. Oh, those chicks didn't say they asked him to stop or anything. Maybe the second one, but she's been vague about it. Definitely not the first one, who says that the condom broke. In sex you usually find out that the condom broke after you pull out and notice that it's a mess. So she couldn't have been forced to have sex after the condom broke, she just said she was very upset when she found out that it broke, which was most likely after sex. Plus, after that sex they kept living in the same apartment and went to the seminar together and were seeing together and everything was fine. The second chick had so much consent that she paid for his train ticket and they had sex several times. If that's not consent, I don't know what is. In all honesty, I can't call her a victim of rape EVEN IF HE HADN'T STOPPED HAVING SEX WITH HER AFTER THE CONDOM SLIPPED. She says "she protested", but we don't know how much. Was she like "oh no, the condom broke, now we have to stop" and he was like "nah, don't worry about it", or was it like "PLEASE STOP, YOU'RE RAPING ME", and him being "SHUT UP, BIATCH!"? Considering that there had been absolutely no struggle and the amount of consent she previously demonstrated, I think it definitely wasn't the latter. And then the two-week wait, and the joint complaint? And did I mention that there's no proof of even those ridiculous stories of condom slippage and breakage? Those allegations can't even be proven by anything. For me, anything that isn't proven - it's lies. And so it also is for any normal court of law. And anything that hasn't been proven in a court of law is dirty slander. He obviously didn't do what they're charging him with.
  24. Joss Whedon is to be 'blamed' for this. He always brings the same actors from project to project cause they're his friends and they all work great together. This results in an overwhelming number of good performances and you can just see that people on the set are having fun.
  25. ...She's a sixteen year old girl, in the film. Who starts out with anorexia. What the hell were you expecting? Marcel Proust? It's partly what makes it interesting. It's no Red Dawn. I haven't seen the film yet, but there have been a few pictures of Seersha/Saoirse from the Berlin's Film Festival of last year and OH MY GOD WAS SHE FAT. How did she play an anorexic with those big fat arms of hers? Did she do some diet for the movie? Did the director of photography hide her body a lot? I so miss her, haven't seen her movies for at least a year now, but I'm afraid of being disappointed by her new fat body or the film's script (IMDb rating not good). Pls tell me she's not fat in the movie!
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