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Everything posted by Bester

  1. >also, it may be cynical o' us, but we suspect that right now western nations is making deals with brazil and other food producers to convince them to limit exports to russia. Undoubtedly. But Russia and Brazil are in an organization called BRICK. They're in it for a long term partnership, there's even a possibility of creating a new international financial/currency center (it may fall through, or not, we'll see), but in any case the West can't just swing in and change the whole long term Brazilian foreign policy with a bribe. Plus, the food sanctions are only for a year (it's official, not just my estimates). And frankly, have you seen the list? Like, ok... Russia won't buy frog legs from France. But they will from Vietnam now. Won't buy fruits from Greece? Will buy the same fruits from Turkey and Israel. Potato-potato. I could go on, but it's pretty obvious things there. Frankly, it's something so irrelevant in the big scheme of things to come, I don't feel like further discussing it.
  2. >All feminism means is the belief that the genders are equal Yeah, right. If genders are equal, then why do you call your doctrine FEMINism? Call it MANism, then I'll believe you. >As most of you know I consider myself a committed feminist. Nice one xD I had a short burst of uncontrollable laughter when I saw this xD Alright, one more time. Here's what feminism actually is. Feminist theory on sex consists of three distinct theories: 1. If you're not gay or lesbian, then you're mentally ill (See "Feminism and the connection to homosexuality"). 2. Any sex with a man is rape, and even married women who consent are just plain too stupid to know they've been raped, even if it was a pleasant experience. 3. That all forms of pornography and sex are fine, so long as it is not connected to any type of traditional values or morals, such as marriage and family. This piece outlines most of the material from section 2: "All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." Catherine MacKinnon "All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French Author, "The Women's Room" (quoted again in People Magazine) "[Rape] is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which ALL MEN KEEP ALL WOMEN IN A STATE OF FEAR" [emphasis added] -- Susan Brownmiller (Against Our Will p. 6) "Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership." -- Andrea Dworkin. "Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies." -- Andrea Dworkin "Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks." Andrea Dworkin in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1995.. "Under patriarchy, no woman is safe to live her life, or to love, or to mother children. Under patriarchy, every woman is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's daughter is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman," Andrea Dworkin, Liberty, p.58.. "One can know everything and still be unable to accept the fact that sex and murder are fused in the male consciousness, so that the one without the imminent possibly of the other is unthinkable and impossible." Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 21.. "In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them."--Gloria Steinem "And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual [male], it may be mainly a quantitative difference." -- Susan Griffin "Rape: The All-American Crime" "The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist" -- Ti-Grace Atkinson "Amazon Odyssey" (p. 86) "When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression..." -- Sheila Jeffrys "I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." -- Robin Morgan, "Theory and Practice: Pornography and Rape" in "Going to Far," 1974. "Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down." -- Letter to the Editor: "Women's Turn to Dominate" -- Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia -- Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia - 9 February 1996 Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Catharine A. MacKinnon, 1989, First Harvard University Press (paperback in 1991) [a legal treatise comparing and contrasting feminism with COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM] "It is not only men convicted of rape who believe that the only thing they did that was different from what men do all the time is get caught." "If sexuality is central to women's definition and forced sex is central to sexuality, rape is indigenous, not exceptional, to women's social condition." "Under law, rape is a sex crime that is not regarded as a crime when it looks like sex. The law, speaking generally, defines rape as intercourse with force or coercion and without consent., Like sexuality under male supremacy, this definition assumes the sadomasochistic definition of sex: intercourse with force or coercion can be or become consensual." "Compare victims' reports of rape with women's reports of sex. They look a lot alike....[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it." Catherine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, "Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991. "In a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent." Catherine MacKinnon in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies, p. 129.. "[Acquaintance rape] is more common than left-handedness, alcoholism and heart attacks." Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth (in the feminist attempt to build a case that "one in four" women have been raped in America.) "Rape is a violent expression of a pattern of male supremacy, an outgrowth of age-old economic, political and cultural exploitation of women by men." From a pamphlet entitled "Woman Against Myth" by Betty Millard published in 1948 by CPUSA (the Communist Party of USA.) "[R]ape represents an extreme behavior, but one that is on a continuum with normal male behavior within the culture." Prof. Mary Koss of Kent State University (1982) "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." Catherine Comins, Vassar College Assistant Dean of Student Life in Time, June 3, 1991, p. 52.. As cited in Andrea Dworkin's "Right-Wing Women" "...I submit that any sexual intercourse between a free man and a human being he owns or controls is rape." -- Alice Walker in "Embracing the Dark and the Light," Essence, July 1982. (Feminists believe that marriage = ownership). "Compare victims' reports of rape with women's reports of sex. They look a lot alike....[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it." Catherine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, "Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991. "I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, (editor of MS magazine) A young woman at the University of Pennsylvania who wore a short skirt complained of a "mini-rape" because a young man walked past her and said, "Nice legs." (Camille Paglia and Christine Hoff Sommers, "Has Feminism Gone Too Far?" Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, Produced by New River Media, Washington, DC, November 4, 1994.) At the University of Maryland, some female students posted the names of male students selected at random, young men about whom they knew nothing, under the heading "Potential Rapists." The message was that all men are potential rapists, though the men actually named probably did not find much comfort in that... Far more serious are the accusations of actual rape when nothing of the sort occurred. A female student came to a male student's quarters with her toothbrush, planning to stay the night. The next morning she was seen having a peaceable breakfast with the man. Later she charged him with rape and he was briefly held in jail. (John Leo, "De-escalating the gender war" U.S. News and World Report, April 18,1994, p.24.) Accusations of date rape are flung freely by women who consented and later changed their minds about what they did. -- From: Robert H. Bork (1996): Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, Regan Books/HarperCollins, NY (pp.193-225) "Female heterosexuality is not a biological drive or an individual women's erotic attraction or attachment to another human animal which happens to be male. Female heterosexuality is a set of social institutions and practices... Those definitions... are about the oppression and exploitation of women [by men]." Marilyn Frye, Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism, 1976-1992 ( Freedom: Crossing Press,1992) p.132
  3. Feminist theory on sex consists of three distinct theories: 1. If you're not gay or lesbian, then you're mentally ill (See "Feminism and the connection to homosexuality"). 2. Any sex with a man is rape, and even married women who consent are just plain too stupid to know they've been raped, even if it was a pleasant experience. 3. That all forms of pornography and sex are fine, so long as it is not connected to any type of traditional values or morals, such as marriage and family. This piece outlines most of the material from section 2: "All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." Catherine MacKinnon "All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French Author, "The Women's Room" (quoted again in People Magazine) "[Rape] is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which ALL MEN KEEP ALL WOMEN IN A STATE OF FEAR" [emphasis added] -- Susan Brownmiller (Against Our Will p. 6) "Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership." -- Andrea Dworkin. "Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies." -- Andrea Dworkin "Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks." Andrea Dworkin in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1995.. "Under patriarchy, no woman is safe to live her life, or to love, or to mother children. Under patriarchy, every woman is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's daughter is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman," Andrea Dworkin, Liberty, p.58.. "One can know everything and still be unable to accept the fact that sex and murder are fused in the male consciousness, so that the one without the imminent possibly of the other is unthinkable and impossible." Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 21.. "In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them."--Gloria Steinem "And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual [male], it may be mainly a quantitative difference." -- Susan Griffin "Rape: The All-American Crime" "The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist" -- Ti-Grace Atkinson "Amazon Odyssey" (p. 86) "When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression..." -- Sheila Jeffrys "I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." -- Robin Morgan, "Theory and Practice: Pornography and Rape" in "Going to Far," 1974. "Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down." -- Letter to the Editor: "Women's Turn to Dominate" -- Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia -- Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia - 9 February 1996 Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Catharine A. MacKinnon, 1989, First Harvard University Press (paperback in 1991) [a legal treatise comparing and contrasting feminism with COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM] "It is not only men convicted of rape who believe that the only thing they did that was different from what men do all the time is get caught." "If sexuality is central to women's definition and forced sex is central to sexuality, rape is indigenous, not exceptional, to women's social condition." "Under law, rape is a sex crime that is not regarded as a crime when it looks like sex. The law, speaking generally, defines rape as intercourse with force or coercion and without consent., Like sexuality under male supremacy, this definition assumes the sadomasochistic definition of sex: intercourse with force or coercion can be or become consensual." "Compare victims' reports of rape with women's reports of sex. They look a lot alike....[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it." Catherine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, "Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991. "In a patriarchal society all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent." Catherine MacKinnon in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies, p. 129.. "[Acquaintance rape] is more common than left-handedness, alcoholism and heart attacks." Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth (in the feminist attempt to build a case that "one in four" women have been raped in America.) "Rape is a violent expression of a pattern of male supremacy, an outgrowth of age-old economic, political and cultural exploitation of women by men." From a pamphlet entitled "Woman Against Myth" by Betty Millard published in 1948 by CPUSA (the Communist Party of USA.) "[R]ape represents an extreme behavior, but one that is on a continuum with normal male behavior within the culture." Prof. Mary Koss of Kent State University (1982) "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." Catherine Comins, Vassar College Assistant Dean of Student Life in Time, June 3, 1991, p. 52.. As cited in Andrea Dworkin's "Right-Wing Women" "...I submit that any sexual intercourse between a free man and a human being he owns or controls is rape." -- Alice Walker in "Embracing the Dark and the Light," Essence, July 1982. (Feminists believe that marriage = ownership). "Compare victims' reports of rape with women's reports of sex. They look a lot alike....[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it." Catherine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, "Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991. "I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, (editor of MS magazine) A young woman at the University of Pennsylvania who wore a short skirt complained of a "mini-rape" because a young man walked past her and said, "Nice legs." (Camille Paglia and Christine Hoff Sommers, "Has Feminism Gone Too Far?" Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, Produced by New River Media, Washington, DC, November 4, 1994.) At the University of Maryland, some female students posted the names of male students selected at random, young men about whom they knew nothing, under the heading "Potential Rapists." The message was that all men are potential rapists, though the men actually named probably did not find much comfort in that... Far more serious are the accusations of actual rape when nothing of the sort occurred. A female student came to a male student's quarters with her toothbrush, planning to stay the night. The next morning she was seen having a peaceable breakfast with the man. Later she charged him with rape and he was briefly held in jail. (John Leo, "De-escalating the gender war" U.S. News and World Report, April 18,1994, p.24.) Accusations of date rape are flung freely by women who consented and later changed their minds about what they did. -- From: Robert H. Bork (1996): Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline, Regan Books/HarperCollins, NY (pp.193-225) "Female heterosexuality is not a biological drive or an individual women's erotic attraction or attachment to another human animal which happens to be male. Female heterosexuality is a set of social institutions and practices... Those definitions... are about the oppression and exploitation of women [by men]." Marilyn Frye, Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism, 1976-1992 ( Freedom: Crossing Press,1992) p.132
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvary (film) A second film directed by McDonagh with Gleeson. First one was a nice black comedy, The Guard. This one is not a tragicomedy as many expected it to be, it's a drama, so don't expect much humor (although there is some). The best movie of the year yet. The Irish cast is just great. Gleeson is a very charismatic actor obviously. O'Dowd from the IT crowd, but he really surprised everyone with his acting here. Really good. Kelly Reilly, the ginger girl who slept with Denzel Washington in the Flight. Beautiful girl. She has this face, that I can just watch and study for hours. Not a lot of chicks have this quality. Aidan Gillen, the 'Littlefinger'. Speaks with his native Irish accent here. Dylan Moran from the Black Books series and the Edgar Wright movies (Shaun of the Dead, etc). Plays drunkards to perfection, obviously. Gleeson's son Domhnall Gleeson had a minor appearance here. A good actor, saw him in an episode of Black Mirror and About Time. There is a little mystery going on during the film as you're trying to guess who is the murderer, which is entertaining in itself, but at the same time the movie is very serene, with long scenes of Irish green landscapes and the sea. And there is the drama of the main plot of course, which I don't want to reveal here. I'm not going to write posts like that for every movie I watch, obviously. I only feel strongly about movies maybe once or twice a year. Last year it was Stoker with Mia Wasikowska, in 2012 it was Cabin in the Woods, in 2011 it was Drive with Gosling. This year it's Calvary. Well the year isn't over, but I'm not exactly expecting a cinematographic miracle here. Calvary is not a 10 out of 10 movie, it's not like "In the Name of the Father" in a sense that it's not going to haunt you for a week after you've watched it. But it's a very pleasurable experience, which is extremely rare nowadays with movies being total **** most of the time.
  5. Yeah, probably. But it's supposed to be openworld, so... Nah, you're right.
  6. This is really good news, I hope the initial reviews are positive. >70 on metacritic >reviews are positive Pick one.
  7. Now now. They're about to start selling a game, the funds for the development of which came in form of a present. If they sell it well, they're going to have enough money to develop 10 games the size of PoE. And considering that they have their own engine now, that number is even further increased.
  8. We all know how americans went into villages, massacred everyone and then called them VC on their reports. Ok, it's known that the only way to fight a guerilla war with a regular army is to bleed the civilian population so much that it becomes incapable of supporting the irregulars living in the forests. But it doesn't mean you can seriously call them 'casualties'.
  9. To the contrary, a very informative post. An illustration of what happens when you marry a woman or at least don't sign a pre-nup. An eye opener for some. Maybe it's not too late for some people.
  10. You know when I cry? When I chop onions. Crybabies.
  11. In the context of world division of labor, most countries specialize in something. Finland exports wood and Nokia. Russia exports weapons and natural resources. you are correct that most countries have similar economies... which is why the gap 'tween the haves and have-nots is frequent seen as insurmountable. western european economies, canada, the US, japan and others is middle-class service economies, and/or manufactures who see most o' their export revenues derived from far more valuable and less volatile capital products. http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/deu/all/show/2012/ http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/nld/all/show/2012/ http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/gbr/all/show/2012/ http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/jpn/all/show/2012/ http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/fra/all/show/2012/ http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/usa/all/show/2012/ and even china http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/explore/tree_map/export/chn/all/show/2012/ more than a few o' the nations above see significant revenue from natural resources, but their economies is diversified and healthy. HA! Good Fun! Next time check your country's trade deficiency http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/balance-of-trade before giving lessons about export. Every month the US exports $40 billion less than it imports. Maybe try diversifying it more, write a letter to your congressman with your genius idea. >trying to link export diversification with export volumes Such facepalm....
  12. Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists - Telegraph Kiev throws paramilitaries – some openly neo-Nazi - into the front of the battle with rebels [...] The Azov [battalion] men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites. [...] Asked about his Nazi sympathies, he said: “After the First World World War, Germany was a total mess and Hitler rebuilt it: he built houses and roads, put in telephone lines, and created jobs. I respect that. Homosexuality is a mental illness and the scale of the Holocaust “is a big question”, he added. [...] Such characters under Kiev’s control play straight into the hands of Russian and separatist propaganda that portrays Ukraine’s government as a “fascist junta” manipulated by the West. I lol'd.
  13. >if you stare in the abyss... GOD DAMN IT. If I see this cheesy line one more time, I swear to God...!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I hope it is turn-based, is party-based, and is on PoE's engine. I'll be fine with RTwP, though. Pretty exciting news! It would make sense to use the PoE engine, rather than building a new system from scratch. But I have to wonder about how Pathfinder players would feel about that. The name brings with it certain expectations. Being built on Unity, PoE is extremely compartmentalized obviously. To go from PoE rules to Pathfinder would require very little effort, not rewriting the whole engine.
  15. It was long overdue for Pathfinder to kick D&D in the sack for their stupidity of the last years.
  16. What were the conditions to end sanctions against Russia after Georgia attacked South Ossetia? A quick reminder of that particularly shameful moment. - The mass media spun it like Russia attacked Georgia. - Europe imposed sanctions despite the EU report. The report confirmed that the conflict started by Georgians shelling Tskhinvali civilians and peace keepers for no reason. - The report was shoved under the carpet, Europe continued to babble and then quietly lifted all sanctions after a year. So by experience, we can assume that once the Ukrainian conflict ends, sanctions will go away after a year or so. The problem is that the conflict isn't exactly nearing its end and from the looks of it, it might end with Donetsk and Luhansk rebels in Kiev. What will the US (a very sore loser) do then? A second Vietnam in Ukraine? A second cold war?
  17. In the context of world division of labor, most countries specialize in something. Finland exports wood and Nokia. Russia exports weapons and natural resources.
  18. You say debt like it's a dangerous thing for them. Here's the thing though. You assume that once the American debt has reached a certain point, they won't be able to pay the interest fees and it will provoke a snowball effect? That is not correct, and here's why. Their interest rate is extremely low, something like 0.2 or 0.3%. With such interest rate, they can simply borrow money and buy obligations from other countries, which provide 3-5% interest rate. This way, by borrowing money, they make money. And if one day they decide they don't like their debt, they'll make negative interest rates. By having everyone depend on their currency, they can borrow as much as they like, and when they feel like it, then can emit money and not worry about inflation because they can export it to other countries. They're financial parasites.
  19. Ok, all jokes aside, Rostere, I'm a white European and I don't take kindly to my own representatives blindly following American orders and stabbing my economy in the foot, something my ancestors took centuries to build. I take it all quite seriously. I don't want to see self-congratulatory delusional jokes about how we're defeating the dumb Russians while it's the Americans who are defeating Europe.
  20. So I read your article and I got a weird feeling of unease. Like somebody was trying to trick me again...?! But why? Why would anyone want to fool me??? So just on a hunch I went ahead and googled up 3 random articles about Russia's food bans. And when I read them all, I gasped in disbelieve! Could it be... that I've been lied to??? Kitchenette (your article): Russia on Thursday declared that ALL food imports are banned from the US, the EU, Norway, Canada, and Australia. The Forbes: In another tit-for-tat exchange with Europe, Russia opted to ban imports of certain key food items following Europe’s ban on companies conducting business with some Russian banks, as well as Russian energy firms. Kitchenette: They've straight-up said "NO, YOU WERE MEAN TO US, SO WE'RE JUST GOING TO STARVE, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT" to three different continents. Wall Street Journal: While the list appeared tailored to avoid hitting ordinary Russian consumers too much, some economists said it could backfire by driving up domestic food prices, at least in the short term. Kitchenette: Economists are pretty salient about what a terrible idea this is for them at a time when Russia's economy can ill-afford it. Deutsche Welle: The economic climate in the eurozone is depressed and in the view of European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, the Ukraine conflict has only exacerbated the situation. According to the EU Commission, the European economy will lose 40 billion euros this year due to EU economic sanctions against Russia. A general economic downturn would come at a bad time for the ailing European economy. Europe is laboriously working its way out of years of crisis, not without setbacks: Italy, for example, the EU's fourth largest economy, has now surprisingly slipped back into recession. The weaker EU members, especially Italy, France, Greece and Spain, desperately need a boost. These sanctions will have the opposite effect.
  21. Liberal democracies? In what countries??
  22. Saw tons of films with him, but never liked him. He mostly did lame family movies (I'll explain why later). I don't know what people saw in him, but he never really impressed me with his acting either. It was ok, and that was it. Movies that mattered: - In Insomnia, it was like wtf is he even doing there, it was a complete miscast. He can portray a school teacher, but he can't convey any kind of threat whatsoever. And don't tell me it was intended this way, cause it wasn't. Pseudo-important movies: - Awakenings - Dead Poets Society - Good Will Hunting - basically the same role for those two movies. Most of the acting was: concerned face, patronizing irony face, then angry face when you "weren't supposed" to expect it. His character didn't do anything, everything was happening around him and he was like "oh..." and smiling dumbly for the most part of those movies. Now, notice, the "best" films he stared in, he was never the main lead in those. There's a good reason for it: he couldn't act. Movied that didn't matter and were sheit: Bicentennial Man, Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, etc, I could go on. And I mean... google him up and you'll see "known for acting in: Night in the Museum". Yeah, that's some achievement. Most of his movies were sheit, cause he played in anything that was offered to him. Couldn't discern a good scenario from a piece of literary sheit. I don't see him as an actor at all. Maybe he was good as a comedian in his times, but that's it. Let's not pretend he could act, ok? Now that being said, I'm not happy or anything about his suicide. I mean, who the hell does he think he is - Heath Ledger? He's got no business committing suicide at his age. What nonsense is this?
  23. >Ukrainian thread >discussing Russian cultural events
  24. Bester you don't strike me as the type who would be bothered by ads in your game...or would you? Bruce you don't strike me as the type who wouldn't be bothered by garbage in your house...
  25. I'd say right now we're 10 years away from when we have to have to pay additional money in order not to see ads in games. And we're 50 years from when we have to pay money not to display ads on our walls in our own house. I'll probably live long enough to see this ****.
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