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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. ^^^^^^^ That one is an instant classic.
  2. Found this one after listening to the Family Guy vasectomy song
  3. Wadjet Eye is giving away Blackwell Deception for free on their site right now. Details here: http://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/1planx/wadjeteyegames_the_blackwell_deception_free/ What was kinda freaky about it, was the codes Dave got from Steam, gave someone Wadjet's entire catalog of games. That's fixed now though. I wonder if that included Emerald City Confidential? I played a bit of it at a friends house a few years back.
  4. For those that are interested, Ubisoft is having a Halloween sale right now, and in Canada anyways; Far Cry 3 is $18 CAD. http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubina/en_CA/pd/ThemeID.8605600/productID.250899600/Far-Cry-3.html I'm assuming that will take you to your country's store. You'll need a Uplay account anyways if you buy it from Steam. Also, Uplay's offline mode actually works, and doesn't kick you out after 14 days.
  5. Although not technically on Kickstarter, Level Up Labs is doing a similar thing for pre-orders for Defenders Quest 2. http://www.defendersquest.com/2/?page=preorder Defenders Quest 1 is my favorite tower defense game, so when I pre-order it probably next week I might have an extra DQ1 key for it, assuming Humble gives me another one if someone wants it. I say assuming Humble gives me another one, because it said "Redeemed" next to my GOG key, even though I hadn't used it, but had already bought it there before. If someone wants the game now on GOG, let me know and I'll give you that key, assuming it hasn't expired. (Yes, I bought it again. Bought it originally on a sale, loved it so much that I bought it again off their site when it was on sale again to give them more money, and get access to the mods on the Steam workshop to put on my DRM-free copy at home.)
  6. At least you are left the title of the movie Sometimes all you truly really want are the things you can not have. What would have been truly genius is if the the three posts had originally just said "redacted".
  7. A bright side might be if he starts drafting the fastest person left when it's his turn. Although the Raiders haven't really turned it around yet since Al died. I guess a side-effect of being a Blackhawks fan is I now think that a franchise can turn things around shortly after their crappy old owner dies.
  8. Jerry can't hold on to a half-decent coach, because he knows best. EDIT: This was from Lee on Deadspin's Why your team sucks last year: And Brad
  9. Anybody want Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can? It's in the new Indie Royale bundle right now, and I've already got it. I haven't tried it yet, so I can't give a review of it.
  10. As far as I'm concerned, police should have to write up a full report every time they use a taser, like they would if they used a gun. It should only be used in similar circumstances when it doesn't put the officers life in danger using it over the gun (i.e. bringing it to a knife fight. The lightest scenario for using it should be if someone has clearly taking something they shouldn't have, is acting VERY violent and the nightstick would be almost useless.) Too many police have abused it IMO. This was a minor accident. A 2 or 3 on a scale of 10, and the police elevated it to a 9.
  11. I realized not too long ago that I've never actually completed Boone's quest line. (Nothing annoyed me more in Fallout 3 than the Talon's constantly coming after me with no way of stopping them - even if you wiped them all out [the one group of three that Tenpenny/Burke sends is different. That one makes sense,] so I would play that game neutral to avoid that annoyance.) I corrected that a couple of days ago. One Legion assassin that ran away scared managed to kill Fitz and Lupe from the Grub n' Gulp before I got to him. At least there's a way to make them go away. Hopefully if Bethesda continues with this crap in FO4, they'll have a way to make them go away forever too.
  12. That is exactly what I'm expecting from them. Just making it Fallout: Blade Runner seems incredibly lazy to me, but apparently since a bunch of the Looking Glass people went over to Bethesda years back, stuff like lore has apparently taken a back seat (see vocal pre-Morrowind fan.) I'm hoping they surprise me in a good way.
  13. Misunderestimated. Yes spell checker, I know that's not a real word.
  14. It seems great. Too bad it's only on Steam.
  15. I am Chekov! (70%) Brash, rash and hasty, but everyone loves you. Followed by Will Riker & Worf (60%) Perhaps if there was a question about Marcus, Worf would have placed higher.
  16. I don't think it would make a lot of sense making another game with that extremely buggy old Gamebryo engine, when they've already made Skyrim with the Creation Engine. That to me wouldn't make sense on Bethesda's behalf, because it to me would seem like Sierra releasing a game with the SCI1 engine, then having someone make an official game with the SCI0 engine. It just looks bad. Plus, a lot of people will probably have converted over to the PS4/XBone at that point. Who knows how it would or could run on those things. Although Obsidian have shown they can make a great game in an insanely short period of time with Gamebryo, and perhaps could get it out the door before Fallout 4 comes out, quality will suffer for it. Even then, if they could duplicate that magic, at this point the release date would be very close to FO4's. Maybe even after because we don't know how far along they are with FO4. As much as I want more Fallout, at this point I'll just keep cracking open New Vegas (I'm still finding stuff I've never done before in it), or the other ones to get my fix. I may as well wait for quality, then get something that's really buggy and gets a lot of content cut just to get it out with a reasonable amount of time before FO4 comes out. And then I hope Bethesda has Obsidian make at least 2 Fallouts for the upcoming console generation and more down the road (and give a reasonable amount of time for QA.)
  17. Have you tried some of the larger sized mods out there? Fallout Project Brazil for New Vegas is huge. Of course, that's only good if you have the PC version, and Steam doesn't hate your guts because you don't have internet at home.
  18. My problem with it was that I was screaming (well my voice was slightly raised a few points from normal anyways) at the screen about how stupid the AI was.
  19. Thanks for the kind words (just added Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 ) I had the hankering to play those ones a bit back. I was surprised when I found out that I didn't have the second one. I thought I bought the Underworld 1/2 CD around the same time as when I bought the Ultima collection.
  20. The Cole's have made me completely paranoid about cats in their games. I wonder what would happen if you try to pet that cat.
  21. I don't want your life.
  22. What the heck is CAD? Use a real currency Thanks to the world economic crisis, our Monopoly money has been upgraded to Confederacy Dollars.
  23. Geography? Masochism? Probably the latter. That would explain many of the other teams I cheer for. At least the Blackhawks are winning again.
  24. I love Star Ocean, and Zeboyd Games, so this one was a no-brainer for me.
  25. If we kept Leinart, we might have won that game. Instead, our backup to our rookie QB, is an undrafted rookie QB whose career college record was 4-22. Why am I a Bills fan again?
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