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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. I think the main reason for the lack of activity here is because 1) What little new information we get seems to come every few conventions or so, so there is little to talk about because it is kinda the same thing over and over again and 2) There are other more populated and established avenues to talk about South Park in general, so this has really just been a home for stuff pretty much about the game alone for the longest time. And when that info has been sparse... The trouble with the info being sparse is largely in the hands of the publishers, if I'm not mistaken because they basically control the marketing. Matt & Trey will do their own thing, but usually the publisher has the say in what people will see. In all fairness to Ubisoft, they've only been on board for about a year now so I don't expect their marketing brains to be capable of handling something like this so quickly when the game was at this point of development. I pretty much have a low opinion of video game marketing in general. Well, marketing of entertainment in general. Actually, make that a good solid, if not vast majority of marketing as a whole. EDIT: They're defiantly not all bad, but as far as I'm concerned; marketing should practically never have any say in content, especially when they are responsible for changing things. Usually it seems to be for the worst.
  2. My 2yr old kept sayin' Mickey when he seen Castle of Illusion. I remembered liking it a way beck when, so I picked it up (the remake.) I don't remember the controls being that big of a pain in the old Genesis version.
  3. My browser doesn't like Yahoo right now, so I can't get at my e-mail to get Broken Age. Tomorrow then.
  4. My expectations for this game (gameplay-wise) is that it will be like the Paper Mario's. I like 'em a lot, but I know I'm also not going to get blown away by 'em.
  5. As long as you keep Uplay in Offline mode, and only go Online to put more games on your computer, I don't find it that bad. At least you can always play your single player games in offline mode with it.
  6. I just gave them (Bloom) obviously fake info. I think I said I live in the glorious town of Nowhere, Nothere (or something like that) at 221b Baker Street. I told Dani that since all of my rewards were digital, they only needed my email address. I'm hoping we got that because something included was accidentally flagged as physical. Hopefully this isn't Kickstarter wanting us to include all of that info now with everything (nothing else that I've kickstarted has ended its funding period since Bloom) because it kinda looks bad for the creator of the projects end of things.
  7. Considering the very short period of time that they spend from writing the episodes, to when they air; it would make sense for the trilogy to be about the console wars, because that was the hot topic when they made it. On the other hand, I think they've been working on the game now for a little over 4 years. There was no real idea at the time of what the specs of the new consoles would be, or when they would be out so it's probably safe to say they never intended to make it new platform ready. If they rushed it out and didn't add in all of that new content, the original release date was 2 Christmas seasons ago while it was in THQ's hands. Again, probably the only way one will get to play it on the new consoles is through the streaming service when it comes online this summer for the PS4. Also, there isn't a whole lot of details surrounding the Playstation Now service, although according to this article, they're looking at a rental per title or subscription-based service. http://metro.co.uk/2014/01/08/playstation-now-brings-streaming-ps3-games-to-ps4-vita-and-more-4254089/ Hopefully, they end up including it with PS Plus subscriptions, and allow you to play games you own through the PS Store. That's the way it should be (well, it should be free for games you own in the PS Store regardless if you have an active PS+ subscription. Or perhaps a lesser evil than requiring a PS+ or separate subscription would be to charge a small one-time "upgrade" fee to play it on there - no more than $5, if you don't have PS+.)
  8. Things lately have been reminding me of old Royal Canadian Air Farce sketches.
  9. All of a sudden, Ken's Labyrinth was in my head when I watched that. I think it was the scrolling. Plus KL had some food in it.
  10. Redshirts are smarter and put up more of a fight than those Red Coats. I would probably like it more as a parkour game with no enemies.
  11. KOTOR2 is worth a lot more than $5. However Steams' DRM diminishes it's value to below that. It wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't add CEG to it recently. But they did.
  12. NBC has a similiar take as CNN on it. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/09/21837444-campus-officer-shoots-kills-texas-college-student-after-chase?lite That's the campus police statement. There are no witnesses to that. Funny how the camera fell off for that one.
  13. Is "Stop Resisting" a legal defense for 2nd degree murder? Even for campus police? http://politicalblindspot.com/cop-shoots-kills-college-student-for-speaking-disrespectfully/ “I didn’t hear him say anything like, ‘Get down on your hands and knees,’ you know?” one witness explained, “I didn’t hear him say anything. He just started shooting. He emptied the gun on him… Boom, boom, boom.Six shots — five or six.” Mohammad Haidarasl also witnessed the murder, saying that Redus’ last words were “Oh, you’re gonna shoot me?” Redus couldn’t believe officer Carter would actually go that far, but Haidarasl added that the cop kept yelling “Stop resisting, stop resisting,” even though it was clear Redus was offering no physical residence, only sarcastic comments.
  14. If A&E never decided to cancel the award nominated shows like the highly rated despite the crappy time slot Nero Wolfe (it averaged a 1.9 rating against Sunday Night Football and The Simpsons - Also their highest rated show at the time) that featured multiple award winning actors/actresses in favor of the cheaper Dog the Bounty Hunter's and other stupid "reality" shows, this never would have happened. Maury Chaykin probably said it best in 2008: "I'm a bit jaded and cynical about which shows succeed on television. I worked on a fantastic show once called Nero Wolfe, but at the time A&E was transforming from the premiere intellectual cable network in America to one that airs Dog the Bounty Hunter on repeat, so it was never promoted and eventually went off the air." Yes, A&E used to be my favorite network. The only time I ever wrote into a network was when they cancelled Nero Wolfe. This whole thing with this Duck Dynasty guy has reminded me of how great that network used to be. Now... I think I'll pitch a show to them called "Dumpster Divers". It's a show about a bunch of bums figuring out which dumpster they're going to go into, and the arguments and fights they might get into. Like: Who gets the dumpster by the Quiznos, and who has to settle for the one by Subway. It is directly inspired by their storage auction shows. The best part: The costs associated with my show should be a lot lower than that of the storage ones. Because that is why they cancelled Nero Wolfe. ($1M/episode was apparently too much for them then. Even though it made money.)
  15. It's all going to depend on each consoles streaming services for previous generation games (If applicable in the case of the Xbone.) As soon as the PS4's streaming service is live (if it isn't already - I don't have one so I couldn't tell you) buying it digitally would probably be the way to go for you. Even if the streaming service isn't live when SoT comes out, it will still be on your PSN account as having bought it, so there should be some option after the streaming service comes out to play the PS3 games you own on PSN on the PS4.
  16. And lets just put this Bob Ross over here. It'll be our little secret.
  17. I've got a bunch of Zeboyd Games keys, if anyone wants them. I've got: 2 Breath of Death VII's 2 Cthulhu Saves the World's 1 Penny Arcade Rainslick 3 & 1 Penny Arcade Rainslick 4 Of course, they're on sale for dirt cheap right now. $1 for the CSTW/BOD bundle; and $4 for the PA3/4 bundle, or $2.50 each.
  18. I should try playing it like that. I might finally enjoy playing TES games. Perhaps my problem all this time has been that I try to play them the same way I like to play other fantasy-setting* RPG titles, as opposed to trying to play like the darkest and perverted of all Siths. I don't even play my Siths that way. :/ Thank you Family Friendly Gaming! ------ *Chances are, we might also have very different ideas of what a "fantasy-setting" is as well. ---- EDIT: I've bookmarked them. I think I could have a lot of fun reading their reviews, and on how to get the most out of my gaming experiences. Finally, looking outside of the box is paying off! I feel like a teenager again! Costume Quest - Featuring the most controversial of 'holidays' Portal 2 - Review started off good, because gun. Lego Harry Potter 1 & 2 get lower review scores than the other Lego games
  19. Ooooh a pet subject of mine! Intellectual property rights. As you know, generally, they last for seventy years after the death of the creator (which was why they made 'The Great Gatsby' when they did, as F. Scott Fitzgerald's anniversary was that year). Let's forget, for a moment, that ebooks are overpriced (which they are, especially from legacy / Big Five publishers). The author, with a legacy publisher, gets about 25% on an ebook and perhaps 12-15% on a physical copy (which is why I turned one down recently). I get 70% direct from Kindle. More and more writers are going indie for this reason*. I digress... Nonetheless, with the likes of Agatha Christie, who would have been with a legacy publisher / imprint, they still have a residual interest. They nourished that IP, developed it, marketed it and squandered gazillions of dead trees. Furthermore, Agatha's lack of family notwithstanding, most of us have people we would like to leave some sort of legacy to. Including the profits from property we've created and established. That doesn't mean, however, that they need to be overpriced. Legacy publishers are bleeding profit due to digital distribution. They stick their fingers in their ears and go nyah-nyah-nyah when faced with the reality. They make the music industry's reaction to digital look prescient, and make the Retreat from Moscow look like an orderly tactical withdrawal. They will try to squeeze every last cent from every last IP in their back-catalogue, like a man in a lifeboat licking condensation from the rubber. Ha ha ha. * Google 'Scott Trurow and Joe Konrath' to see an indie author go hammer and tongs regarding the US author's guild if you are interested in this sort of thing. Trurow is fisked within an inch of his life by Joe, who is one of the most successful ebook authors around. I have no problems with them retaining their rights. If I'm the grandson, I wouldn't want to see someone else make millions off of The Mousetrap play without getting in on it - especially considering she gave all of the rights for it to him when it was released when he was 9. They should get paid when someone makes a TV movie of one of her novels. The novels themselves though - they had nothing to do with them. The grandson might have been a slight influence on some her latter ones in some way, but otherwise it's probably safe to say anybody else who was an influence to her whom in any way shape of form could have seen some of the residuals is dead. I can't imagine anyone is buying them at that price. Put the whole lot up for say $60, or other smaller bundles; I bet they'd see more money in one week than they have up to this point for all the digital copies they've sold. Oh well, I'll see what good tweeting them does with my ideas. ---- I'm follower 10,100. I feel so metric.
  20. And maybe Steam will turn into a good piece of software eventually too, but it's also still got a long way to go..... Oh crap, you think they have the same people working on SteamOS that they had working on the Steam application?! SteamOS is doomed before it even gets off the ground... They probably should figure out how to make an offline mode that actually works before they go into the OS business. "Sure, I'll try flying a plane! I've got plenty of experience driving cars and I've only crashed 59 of them, so I think I'm ready for this!"
  21. I decided to look up Agatha Christie eBooks at Kobo.com. Her full-length novels run between $6.99 and $9.99. Her last novel, Postern of Fate cost $1.99 when it first came out on paperback. The eBooks should probably cost no more than that considering it would have cost more then in those dollars to make that book, none the less ship it then it would to send me a digital copy now in today dollars (ignoring inflation.) She died of old age almost 38 years ago. Her only child died over 9 years ago of old age. She has one living grandchild who's getting up there. She gave him "The Mousetrap." He's made millions from that alone. There is no reason why these cost so much. There's no reason why the paperbacks cost as much as they do either today. They've about doubled in price over the last 10 years or so.
  22. I may have a solution to that over-population problem you are discussing.
  23. I wanted my Sith to be Chiss. Thrawn is that awesome.
  24. Since posting that Zombie video, I can't get it out of my head. Just the same old thing, like in 1994. And Sunday Bloody Sunday. As a result of these earworms, I had to hand them off to those around me at work. I was surprised when the guy who was training me had no idea what the troubles was; so hense he had no idea of what the context of either of those songs were about. He knew of the IRA, but had no clue what they were about. He's only a few years younger than me. To be honest, I think that's kind of a good thing. Phasing out stupid bigotry. Still got a long way to go though.
  25. How much for just the lens flare? Very nice, but... show me a high quality ocean surf simulation and then I'll be impressed. Your prayers have been answered! (video was flagged by YouTube for copyright infringement - for real)
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