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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. I was stationed in Alemeda for four years and never once took the Alcatraz tour. Fishermans Warf is pretty cool, as is that one curvy street.
  2. Iron Man 2 I liked it, not quite as good as the first but still excellent.
  3. Heh, what a long strange trip its been huh?
  4. no... NO... NNNNNOOOOOOO.... they got like EVERYONE wrong. Deadpool is not a combination of mutations, he's the merc with a mouth who got an extreme healing factor to deal with a cancer that'd kill him, but it also messed with his neurology to the point where he was basically insane. Sabertooth and Wolverine don't really have a filial connection between them, just a former working relationship that went bad because Sabertooth became feral. I was more referring to Wolverines backstory, but even that has some inconsistencies like the Weapon X program being in the US when, iirc, it was Canadian. I did like that they faithfully showed how he was created and some of the things that motivated him, like the "death" of his woman. I didnt know Sabertooth wasnt his brother, I thought that part was accurate.
  5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pretty good movie and they seemed to stay faithful to the canon story.
  6. Ive got it! The stepstool is keeping the cover from blowing off the tablesaw. or Col. Mustard, in the library, with the candlestick.
  7. Yep, hell hath frozen over. Thanks all.
  8. How sad. RIP.
  9. My daughter turned 10 yesterday so we had a big party at our house. Cooked up some burgers, dogs, brauts, Italian sausage, etc... and a great time was had by all. It made my heart swell to see her so happy. They grow up so fast, it feels like just yesterday I was carrying her home from the hospital and now shes 10! Wow, how time flies.
  10. Wow, that rocked.
  11. Heh, that reminds me of a picture Slowtrain once posted of his desk. I swear to god there was a piece of sandwich jammed in his keyboard. Im on the other end of the spectrum. Very minimalistic and everything at perfect right angles, lol.
  12. I dunno, probably, but by default I can move my wrist much faster than I can move a cursor with my thumb. I have the same issues with touchpads, hate those things.
  13. Im not a fan although Ive only used a trackball sparingly. Cant imagine having to use one while gaming, just doesnt provide a fast enough mouse movement.
  14. Gfted1


    I am referring to Universal Health Care but I dont understand your question.
  15. Gfted1


    Sure. Im just countering Aram's point of "if we can affort to give Isreal money, we can afford UHC" which obviously isnt the same case at all. Hell, we have 12 states with a higher population then all of Isreal. California alone has five times the population. Pointing to some tiny country and saying "if they can do it, we can do it" is just disingenuous.
  16. Gfted1


    Huh? Weve been able to prop up Isreal over those 59 years for the same cost as ONE year of UHC. They can afford it because there is only 7.5 million people there, unlike our 300+ million.
  17. Gfted1


    Well, this table shows the US have given $114 Billion to Isreal since its inception in 1949 thru 2008, so roughly 1/10 of the proposed TRILLION dollar cost of UHC over 10 years. Funny indeed.
  18. Screenshots on GameBanshee. Just go to their article and then the link, since it seems that linking from this forum (like funcroc did) doesn't work. Check the bottom of the blog for in-game screenshots. Cool, thanks guys. Oddly, those last four pics didnt show when I clicked funcroc's link.
  19. Did I miss a link? Where can I see the signs?
  20. Duh. Why would you bother to link it if nobody can access it?
  21. "Mature content filter on"...."Forbidden entry" and so on and so forth.
  22. I read that as the preorder just starts you out with four repair kits vs starting with zero repair kits. I cant imagine that would be the only four reapir kits in the entire game.
  23. I respect your dedication into researching your craft.
  24. Sherlock Holmes Great flick and I really enjoyed it, even if it was slightly too long. Watson was outstanding.
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