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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. I suppose it eventually comes to that. But I cant tell you how many times, over and over, Ive rerun a dungeon or raid trying to upgrade just one piece of gear. Or completed the same goddamn dailies hundreds of times to get my reputation high enough to buy a particular; enchant/gear/pattern/recipe. None of those things are reserved for end game raiding. Would I like everything the game has to offer to be unlocked while in character creation? Hell no! But again, grinding doesn't put sand in my crack. To others it does and I completely understand.
  2. "Im right, youre wrong." Does ~40H take on another meaning outside of MMO's? I see nobody has bothered challenging that everything is avaiable to everyone at no monetary charge, just squealing over the time committment. You should try to massage into your story how you are concerned about gambling, it will give it more weight.
  3. I suppose one persons "soul crushingly long and boring" and "completely unreasonable" grinding is another persons ~40H of gameplay. I would have punched a baby fur seal in the face to have "only" 40 hours work to get the best gear in WoW.
  4. But you dont have to pay to win. You have to pay if you want to win RIGHT NOW! Every single thing is accessible via grinding.
  5. There were hard limits on the number of camping supplies you could carry. Are you saying that has been removed for food?
  6. Run him out of town!
  7. But you can get the every single reward for free via grinding, right? So the contention is that its not instant? I'm not having a go at anyone. I honestly feel that this position is so indefensible that I must be misunderstanding the point. Almost every game Ive ever played required me to to make my toons stronger or better equipped so I guess I just have to accept that I don't get it.
  8. Not all neighborhoods have a homeowners association, but if they do, yes you must submit. And the association is usually made up of members of the neighborhood, so its not like some fatcat is coming in and telling you what to do.
  9. Home owner associations have all sorts of power over the exterior of the property. Siding, paint color, roof shingles, grass height, etc... I don't want to see some clown in his driveway with 3 cars up on blocks either.
  10. So there is absolutely nothing in the game that additional money must be spent on to acquire, AND they offer an option to skip the grind if you want to pay to get the best characters/equipment, but they are rat bastards for offering this? Sounds reasonable to me. To cut to the chase, is the general opinion that upon clicking the game's Start button, all characters and upgrades should be immediately unlocked and available? ~40H causes bowel evacuations, what is a reasonable amount of grinding to acquire one of the best characters, in you guys opinion?
  11. But in this game you can grind for it, right?
  12. Yeah, I guess its a matter of perspective. I am the supreme treadmill mule and ~40H is nothing to me for presumably one of the best characters in the game. And I will confess to some ignorance. Afaik, SWBF2 is a fully realized online shooter where you start out as the n00b with your trusty starting rifle and get better gear as you go. Is this correct? Every single special character can be ground out? Are there any aspects of the game whatsoever that can only be accessed by paying more than the base game price?
  13. Do you guys think RPG's should make people level up their toons themselves? Or is that another slight by manufacturers of games?
  14. Sorry to hear that.
  15. "Hey, how do I unlock Darth Vader?" "Well, you can either work for it or buy it." "Squeal squeal squeal! What do you mean its not free and instant! Squeal!" Never change, people.
  16. Holy moley! And I thought my ~2100 hours of D3 was a lot!
  17. Afaik, he liked to pull it out and manipulate it himself, right? Maybe they could get him for public indecency? Kinda like streaking?
  18. Sat around garage drinking with my neighbor and last nights random drink of choice was Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA. Strong stuff at 9%! Woke up feeling a little wobbly this morning.
  19. I wonder what the omitted question was? Guess I should have opened the email.
  20. The Results of Obsidian's Recent DLC Survey.
  21. Researcher: Aaron Hernandez's brain was severely impacted by CTE. Poor guy was all tore up with brain damage. I wonder what triggered him to commit those murders?
  22. Massive Skin Replacement Saves Child’s Life.
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