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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. That "income" has already been taxed on the original earner. Now it should be taxed again because it was given to another? If I spot you a $20 for lunch, should you be taxed on it? Its "income" after all.
  2. Yep no worries! I just hadn't seen the subclasses yet and the Paladin ones sounded cool. I was the one being off topic.
  3. ^Those Paladin subclasses sound fun!
  4. Generally speaking, when considering casting time, are casters behind melee in the average number of attacks per battle? EDIT: Is this summary accurate?
  5. Oh crap! Thats my favorite band!
  6. I don't know what Gfted1 was referring to, but when I see a statement like that I don't think of computer-y tech. What I meant by the first sentence is, this topic seems righteous for some serious triggerin yo, and non-conformist opinions really gets the hurt train chugging, so I was pressing the launch sequence. And baths are dumb. I don't fit in a standard tub nor do I like to sit around in my own swill water. But who shares their bathing habits with others that they would fear being judged?
  7. *NSFW* U.S. Navy Is Very Sorry That Their Pilot Drew A Dong In The Sky.
  8. What was the results?
  9. That exactly illustrates the societal changes from yesteryear. In their day, dads worked and moms raised children. Now the norm is two working parents. Times and technology will further change that when "mens jobs" (typically labor) are replaced by automation.
  10. I do understand that you were referring to Tyranny, but casting limits have been a staple in almost all games. I don't want to get mired in the various secondary affects so lets switch the example to Minoletta Minor Missile. Straight up single target damage with no secondary. Using your example, with a Wizard and Ranger standing shoulder to shoulder in the back rank plinking away at the tanked mook, why is the mage done after a few casts but the Ranger is not? Maybe a system that offers spells that are unlimited and with spells that have limits is too weird? I think at one time lower level spells were to become unlimited while the higher level ones would retain casting limits, but that plan went into the tank afaik.
  11. I don't understand this line of thinking. In the PoE universe, spells don't scale. For example, the Chill Fog spell does roughly the same damage as a War bow. Yet for some reason casters need to be "reigned in" via hard casting limits while physical weapons can attack all_day_long without restriction. How are casters OP without casting limits?
  12. Its just a meme. Nothing important.
  13. Are multiple failures of a system proof of a good system?
  14. Hmm, I wonder what this red button does...*pushes button* Imo, societal masculinity has an inverse relationship with technology.
  15. Does the Food system feel like a counterbalance to Rest spam, to you?
  16. I see a lot of comments that resting has been trivialized in PoE2, but my understanding is that this was countered by diminishing returns wrt food cost (and maybe something about puking?). How does the Rest system feel when considering the Food system?
  17. I do it every time I log on. As part of my gig I always scroll to the bottom to see if there are any posts from new members in any forums that need approval.
  18. With all my games of the last several years being digital, literally the only thing the CD drive has done on my current rig is upload my music CD's to iTunes. Be gone clutter!
  19. I use Steam, GoG and Origin but most of my games are on Steam. I suppose I gravitate to that platform because...I'm not sure why. I don't have any love/beef with any particular business model but I would really like everything to be in one place, which will never happen. Since Ive switched over to digital Ill never buy physical media of any kind again.
  20. Very cool! Assuming you are playing Human, are the forehead markings some kind of scarification or does it have any meaning?
  21. Government lawyers? Sure. But they get paid too. Afaik, Trump isn't opening his personal wallet to fight government lawsuits so these monies are consumed from the government coffers, which are filled by the taxpayers?
  22. Whew! This place is hopping today with the opening of the PoE2 Beta. 1255 users online as I type this!
  23. Condolences.
  24. From the above linked article:
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