Those examples, and thousands of others, are covered by our respective countries laws and are required to maintain an orderly social contract. But, imo, if any religion's followers feel that they have to impose their gods will upon other people or cant execute the duties of their jobs, then they need to gtfo. Its always fascinating to me how these religious mantra's do not exist in their own lives but they sure as hell will draw a line in the sand over issuing marriage certificates to other people. That good sir, is a bigot. And they get to use this moronic excuse to discriminate against others. Really? You really thing "god" cares about this and its "your job" to make a stand? Give me a break. And maybe I should clarify "bible thumpers". That's a term from back in the day to denote highly religious folk that take the bible as a literal translation. Not your average Sunday morning Christian whos just going through the motions.
*"You" is not you the reader.