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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Monster Hunter: World
  2. My neighbor and I went in halves on a bottle of Jonnie Walker Gold. It is...alright...I guess. Neither one of us knows anything about whiskey so we just buy the most expensive / old one we can afford and see what happens. On the bright side, this experience has definitely proved to me that I prefer bourbon to scotch.
  3. ^The same thing happens to me with Battletech. I keep forgetting I even backed it and then I get an email update and I'm like "oh yeah".
  4. Girls: 1) Emma 2) Olivia 3) Ava Boys: 1) Noah 2) Liam 3) William
  5. Blizzard says hi.
  6. I was surprised when you mentioned that there's no clock in / clock out system and everything is kind of on the honor system. That would never fly here. Well, unless you're on salary of course, then they can work you like a dog.
  7. ‘Anti-phobia pill’ breaks link between memory and fear. WooHoo! This could probably obviate the need for trigger warnings left, right and center!
  8. I game for fun and relaxation but every once in a while I start to feel a little burned out. I play several mobile games at once, all of which offer "dailies" in the form of "complete x, y and z" and get rewarded with in game currency or whatever. Of course I don't have to do them but them I apply pressure to myself like "jeez you bum, all you have to do is tap your finger to get this stuff, stop being so lazy!" and then I log into the game and do it even though I don't necessarily feel like doing it. I guess I'm saying, sometimes it feel like a job.
  9. SpaceX Test-Fires Falcon Heavy Rocket for Maiden Flight.
  10. Anyone watching Black Lightning? How is it?
  11. ^Well, it wouldn't be the internet if everyone didn't check in to tell you that your feelings are wrong.
  12. World of Warcraft offers several "rp-only" servers if that's of any interest to you.
  13. Would you mind rolling that double-post into one? (kidding)
  14. I was just chit-chatting with the mailman for our office and he said the shutdown didn't even effect them.
  15. Rhetorical question, meet Tep. Whats the "number of posts in a row by the same poster" rule again? Obviously even two is too many but what about the passage of time? If 2H passes, then its cool? 6H? 12H?
  16. Those examples, and thousands of others, are covered by our respective countries laws and are required to maintain an orderly social contract. But, imo, if any religion's followers feel that they have to impose their gods will upon other people or cant execute the duties of their jobs, then they need to gtfo. Its always fascinating to me how these religious mantra's do not exist in their own lives but they sure as hell will draw a line in the sand over issuing marriage certificates to other people. That good sir, is a bigot. And they get to use this moronic excuse to discriminate against others. Really? You really thing "god" cares about this and its "your job" to make a stand? Give me a break. And maybe I should clarify "bible thumpers". That's a term from back in the day to denote highly religious folk that take the bible as a literal translation. Not your average Sunday morning Christian whos just going through the motions. *"You" is not you the reader.
  17. Huh, I didnt now "cracker" meant "whip cracker". One of the reasons I love this forum, I learn stuff all the time!
  18. Kelly's Heroes Excellent movie btw.
  19. Good news, everyone! I passed a burning bush on my way home from work that told me god is totally cool with letting people live and let live and that you can stop projecting your problems and insecurities and discrimination into "religion" to use against other people. True story.
  20. A popup blocker couldn't be the cause, could it? EDIT: This was meant for the GoG thread.
  21. That's one of my favorite series and I will cut someone if it gets cancelled.
  22. I quit games all the time over bugs. Iirc, the most recent being FO:NV where the dude in the dinosaur head was supposed to snipe somebody that I led into his killing field. It didn't work, I quit the game, and never pressed the "Start" button again. I cant imagine getting 100H deep into a game and something fails!
  23. Hmm, I just looked again and for me its literally the top banner on the page. In my case it has switched to "Thanks! The game will appear in your account soon".
  24. Iirc, 50+. Ive also seen a "poop-in-a-box-and-mail-it-to-a-lab" version. Ah. *fingers crossed for you*
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