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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Wait, the backlighting turned to red/yellow when you fired the flame thrower and returned to blue when you let off? Im totally not jealous of your rig. No siree!
  2. To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Rick and Morty.
  3. Wizards of the Coast Is Making a Transformers Card Game
  4. Good luck, Shady.
  5. Im not sure that exists anymore, on either side. Everything has become a combative race to the bottom where the goal is not the administration and betterment of our government, but instead a matter of "how can we stick it to the other side".
  6. Just in case you havent already used this resource, https://support.obsidian.net/ has a FAQ, but more importantly, it has a "contact" link which allows you to send an email and attached any save files / game logs / whatever they need.
  7. To Hit Armor Class 0 (zero) It was used to determine hit / miss, back in the day.
  8. Its interesting to me about how I "imprinted" on the ruleset that I came up on. To me, D&D 2E/2.5E is perfectly clear and understandable, while wrt PoE, Im 10 pounds of stupid in a 5 pound bag. I just cant get it!
  9. Maybe like others have postulated, they are a success despite the ruleset? I mean, just uttering the word THAC0 seems to confuse people who are unfamiliar with the older systems. Actually, I haven't played the EE's, do they even still use THAC0?
  10. No worries. I hadnt seen any articles reporting that so I was/am genuinely interested in the study.
  11. Were they? I haven't read that but I would be interested in a link.
  12. Holy moley, look at the BGEE and BG2EE numbers. That franchise is like a money press that wont stop churning out profit. That's amazing after all these years and unpopular ruleset.
  13. Oh lordy, could you imagine the collective bowel evacuating that would take place if Trump wins a second term? The way the current political climate is playing out would make it worth it just for the schadenfreude. Im just waiting for one of the clowns that are confronting politicians in public to get punched in the mug by another who will be "defending" the politician.
  14. Ah, the "participation trophy" generation coming home to roost.
  15. You may review every post you've ever made by clicking here and entering yourself as the "author". Various filters abound.
  16. In 8th grade my kid was bringing home math homework that looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics to me. So far community college has been no problem and I don't notice all that much homework.
  17. WooHoo! Chicago is #1! Come, see the Bean, get a cap busted in your ass! Now if only a few million more would move out...
  18. Flopping and diving isnt considered poor sportsmanship outside of the "Anglo" world?
  19. 'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor. Lol, what a maroon! These citizens piss away ~$21,000 for two hours of being sassy to Trump, who wont glance at the balloon for more than a few seconds. Should have given the money to the "refugees" or homeless.
  20. The ole "sell it to a vendor and buy it back fully recharged" doesn't work? And really, there are only three charges per?
  21. Imo, there's a fine line to walk between "game balance" and "saving people from their own crippling ocd". I don't know where that line is but it seemed like PoE stepped across it, for me at least.
  22. You've been around long enough to know the drill; when you don't have the facilities to discuss the topic, discuss the poster.
  23. The peanut gallery is stronk this day! Its not a "problem", or a matter of "squee, youre not as empathic as me" or anything you guys need to furrow your worried and confused brows over. As I stated in the first post, Im embarrassed for him. His "paper cut" is not equivalent to most others cases. I really don't know how to state it any more plainly.
  24. That's probably about 95% accurate. People love to run their gob and whine. But that's not what Im talking about, is it? Im smh that Mr. Crews and his five seconds of junk diddling are being equated with sodomy and forced sex. And the fact that he's the one testifying before Congress also makes me lol. We can now return to the intellectual dishonesty.
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