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Everything posted by Hellfell

  1. Funny thing is that a LOT of quests in BG series were like this.
  2. Did you play bg2 yourself? There are quite a few more locations than shown on that map. Hardly much but I know exactly what you are talking about I was only counting the locations seen on the world map. Do you get teleported elsewhere? Or are you hanging around Athkathla for the duration of the game? There are 8 more locations that ARE shown on the world map where you will be able to travel. They are important to the main plot so they are not shown until you discover them.
  3. The main character is a victim of the event. What do you think this event might be? What will be most interesting premise to you? Here's possible options for the Event: 1. Betrayal (classic) 2. Wrong place wrong time (two ultimate rivals and you in the middle) 3. Infusal of Power at a cost (a deity who curses/blessess you) 4. Your Soul is Lost yet you still live and function (my favorite) 5. You gain/have A powerful and crucial-to-the-plot soul. (talk to your soul option plz) What are your thoughts on the matter?
  4. I see mega dungeon as the ultimate yet optional end game content. It has a big story behind it but it is not completely connected to the main plot. Sort of module within the main module.
  5. Did you play bg2 yourself? There are quite a few more locations than shown on that map.
  6. Boiled leather armor provided Real yet limited protection from slashes (thrusts went right through though). It is completely reasonable to put it into a fantasy game or movie. (magic didn't exist, I hope there will be no magic in PE)
  7. Share the link. Im serious.
  8. PST style with description in Italic and speech in normal or slight bold
  9. Yup. I also hated how in DAO every freaking origin implies that you are basically a "child". I hated human noble father for his "pup"...
  10. Yes I think players shouldn't be able to craft anything themselves. If they can, It ultimately comes down to 3 options: - open crafting screen and voila! - take neccesary equipment with you then open crafting screen (portable anvils and alchemy labs FTW) - use somebody's equipment in town. (sorry bro I need your laboratory, step aside) My opinion is that these options suck. The third one is essentialy the same as NPC crafters but without common sense. simple crafting on the go: sure, a ranger can make arrows but how would he make them in a dungeon? Forbid crafting in dangerous areas and it is once again the third option. Difference between buying from craftsmen and crafting through them is that craftsmen don't usually make unique powerful items. You need to acquire certain things in order to make really good stuff while generic armor and weapons are always available.
  11. Quick save rest quick save rest quick save quick load
  12. Couple of thoughts on the subject: - I firmly believe that allowing characters to craft anything is a bad idea and a horrible design flaw. Characters we play in RPGs are Adventurers, people who make a living from exploring the world, fighting dangerous creatures, serving as mercenaries etc. We play a combat oriented person who spends all his or her time practicing skills, spells and abilities. It's non-sensual to gain experience from slaying monsters and spend it on crafting skills. Yes it's a game, a fantasy game, but the common sense is what makes these games mature. Being a master crafter requires years of practicing, a blacksmith needs to work all the time in order to achieve the highest quality results. Adventurers don't have time for this. - its nonsensical that a PC crafter would make stuff on the go. It's also wierd that any npc craftsman would allow pc crafter to work in his or her workplace. Imagine your being a blacksmith and some guy comes and says "yo, let me use your anvil". "Derp NO!" you would say. Now that I explained why I see Pc crafting a bad thing, let me tell you briefly how I feel crafting should be done in general: * there are several crafting professions in the game. Let's say blacksmithing, inscribing (magic scrolls), enchanting, subterfuge (poisons and traps and bombs whatever), alchemy (I hope not). * there are multiple NPC craftsmen you can meet throughout the game. * they have different ranks like journeyman, master etc * you order something from them. Depending on the complexity of an item, you will need to provide your craftsman with a blueprint, materials and gold for work. Not all items require these. Simpler ones don't need much stuff, more powerful and unique items require a wide range of materials. * you can recruit NPC craftsmen to your stronghold. After that they become your employees and are able to advance in training. EG to craft an exceptionally epic mithril sword, a master blacksmith would need a book knowledge "cutting edge art of blacksmithing", which will make him high master blacksmith, then a time "mysteries of Mithril" which will enable him for crafting Mithril items and then specific blueprint. In the end, you will get a top notch badass sword. Well this is it for now
  13. Temple of Elemental Evil was PEGI 16+ and ESRB Teen yet you could slaughter entire village including women and children and loot everything they had on them. Oh World.
  14. I would love to have some kind of codex called encyclopedia or something where you put all the texts you've read - books, letters, notes an the like. I enjoyed taking pause from a game to read some lore.
  15. Dragon Age is objectively a great RPG. Don't care much for ME or DA2.
  16. It ultimately comes down to a logical question: why clerics can cast spells wearing a mail and mages can't?
  17. I think that tying combat and non-combat aspects to the same attribute is a bad design. I don't want to be story-gimped because as a warrior, I need points in strength and not in intelligence/charisma. The combat should have one set of skills and attributes, non-combat should have another.
  18. I'm replaying DAO because I want to check out Arcane Warrior.
  19. Anton Sokolov wannabe! Throwing grenades around and rocking an arquebus shotgun? yes please
  20. I predict mods for PE will include new NPC companions, items, nudity, balance mods. No new areas or quests... Until the TOEE Circle of Eight dudes come in.
  21. In PE, stamina is a second HP system, and cooldowns are used as a substitute for managing a resource.
  22. Frankly speaking, the gaming word stamina is so tied to the concept of non-magic resource for warrior or rouge abilities that it will only make confusion if it stayed. I'd gladly prefer "fortitude" or even better "resilience".
  23. 1. Game of Thrones 2. Breaking Bad 3. Mad Men 4. Dexter 5. Futurama 6. Firefly 7. Lost up to the 4st season
  24. I think Obsidian will do 1 animation set for one-handed weapons (swords, maces, axes), 1 set for two handed, 1 set for polearms and spears, 1 set for bows, 1 set for crossbows and guns and 1 set for dual wielding. 6 sets of animation excluding spellcasting and non-combat are enough for a 2.5d isometric rpg.
  25. Age of decadence has a full fledged merchant class which can finish the game without fighting at all
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