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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. I have seen that in some polls Johnson is on almost 15%, it seems like quite a chance to actually get into the race
  2. Sorry I know its extremely offensive but friend send this to me today in work:
  3. Strange that they are not getting into US, they probably have better immigration policies. There is also truth/lie detectors (I know they are not 100% correct) but surly its not that inhuman to ask immigration on detector if he thinks that killing apostates is ok, if its ok to beat your wife etc. Also as we know that most radicals are from poor background so maybe let in only these which have assumptions that will find decent job? I dont have all answers but its still better to do something than just sit on our hands and turn a blind eye on all of these problems. I dont want to end up in situation where I have to choose between dictator or islamic ruler
  4. Kind of unfair to them to think about it that way. What do you mean? Just that the reasons for lack of reporting are the same for no one knowing of another killer. Also, doubt the police are going to advertise that kind of information. In an odd way these radical mosques are useful to hang around, flame for moths. I know Britain used them in such a way, leave the imam alone and just watch people coming to him. agree, but again, its interchanging cause with consequences. Would not be easier for everybody to just not allow those who are radical or lets say orthodox in at all?
  5. Have you been to mosques? or are you basing this on what people who also haven't been to mosques say? Because I have and I talk with moderate Muslims- who are extremely worried about radicalization etc. It's like saying that your average dude in a church should be vigilant and report any signs of infiltration from the baptist church of westboro or a Jehovas Witness.. It doesn't really happen like that. They are pretty separate and the recruiting happens in a few select mosques that moderates stear very very clear of - and authorities are already aware of. But yeah you of course have the recruiters who intermingle and invite the young and impressionable types into the lion's den.. If we really want to stop giving them propaganda fuel then we should not ask each and every Muslim to distrust his neighbors and friends (guess what happens then?). We should perhaps stop bombing the Middle East to the stone age and actually start dealing with the region like a potential ally, helping them deal with their massive problems with books and know how.. That's would be a figurative bomb under the recruitment effort. Rather than a literal one under the peace effort. Yes I have spoken with few muslims who are long time integrated in EU. And they are scared by mass immigration of muslims because those integrated are becoming minority. Just look how many of newly arrived were protesting in UK to get sharia law legalized. They are scared what is creeping into their life style. They can't talk to other muslims because they dont know if they will not be 'reported' and then excluded from their community or even family. I really dont fear terrorists - they are stupid. They are actually making it harden for true enemy. Whole point was to have as much muslims in EU which are not secular that those secular will be scared to act. And then our own pride will be our doom - democracy. Just look at Turkey
  6. Kind of unfair to them to think about it that way. What do you mean?
  7. I share your view, but if those actions are taken in mosques in front of dozens of people, you would expect that those 'moderate' ones would call those imams out no? Or are you suggesting that if you go into *insert place of faith or importance for you* and hear such statements you would not stand against it? Sorry but I don't feel something like that happening in muslim communities.
  8. yeah possible, but you can't deny that there are many people who must knew what some of these terrorists were planning, someone have to give them money, someone have to get them shelter, someone have to connect them to black market to get weapons. There is far too many people involved and no-one sad a thing. From this calculation - for each one terrorist there must be at LEAST 10 or more people who knew or were quite aware of what they are going to do. And if you follow news lately there are these actions on daily basis now, heck now it seems its even twice a day. And of course mosques are monitored (at least I hope so) but even than, what are you going to do? In CZ there is VIDEO from mosque where highest muslim authority preaching about segragation, hatered against apostates, beating children to obey muslim doctrine and even having AK in mosque. And guess what - he is being invited into TV shows to preach how islam is religion of peace.
  9. I want see ONE muslim in Europe which will report that someone is planning terror attack and then I will reevaluate my view.
  10. confirmed to be Islamists, what a shame, I guess I have to apologize to bank robbers that I was assuming it was them
  11. if you want something homebrew, go for plum schnaps guys, its quite simple to produce and its really good https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slivovitz In the Czech Republic slivovice (as well as its variations from other fruits), due its somewhat symbolic status of Moravian "national" drink, is strongly presented in local traditions, culture and popculture like in proverbs, folk songs, TV shows and movies. It is primarily produced in the southern and eastern provinces of Moravia and in Vysočina, where the country retains its rural character. The production was likely introduced by immigrants from the Balkans since the 16th century.[citation needed] Although traditional, illegal, home distilleries still exist, the majority of home production moved to certified local community-owned distilleries to prevent errors during the distillation process (leading to production of toxic methanol). It also allows state authorities to collect their respective taxes based on the proof of the product, however there are tax-reliefs for private and non-commercial production of the drink. The usual proof of private-produced slivovice is over 50% of alcohol in the final product, commercially available mass-produced drinks are mostly lower proof. Slivovice is usually consumed at room temperature to bring out the flavor of the fruit. It's served in a small shot glass known locally as "panák" (literally: a dummy), "kalíšek" (colloquial for a small cup) or "štamprle" (from German "das Stamperl", little glass) and is almost never served on the rocks. Cooling helps to reduce the effects of high proof, however, to enjoy the aroma and taste of the original fruit it is better to drink slivovice at room temperature. I prefer it cooled tho edit: dont believe that part about most of production moving to certified local community-owned distilleries
  12. 2 armed thugs holds priest and some nuns as hostages in church in north France. I suppose they are bank robbers who mistook church with bank
  13. so Hilary = Cersei and Little Finger is Trump?
  14. Looks like you guys in US having blast this season, better than Game of Thrones. Was it always like this?
  15. What I read was that he was Shia and some Sunni turks were picking on him in school because of his religion (or it was otherwise I am not sure)
  16. oh boy, I really can't stand comic movies, i suppose iron man was decent but that WW trailer makes me cringe so hard. That King Arthur on other hand - yeah I can watch that (especially because I like Guy Richie movies)
  17. Yeah i get what you mean, but you have written in capital that problem is that people are presuming that violence is from islamic terorrists (or people of muslim origin). I just think that if there was not such surge of that type of violence no-one would be presuming it
  18. well, but stating that there is problem with islamist terrorists in EU and then stating that PROBLEM is that people think about other attacks they are as well islamistic terrorists is strange. I am not denying it, but it seems you swap cause with consequences
  19. wait wait, i thought that Putin admited that there were soldiers on Crimea by his command
  20. seems like it was Shia shooting Sunni afaik
  21. I always thought Americans to be kind of definists
  22. wtf is going on in US, you guys are crazy about politics xD. And who the ef is Alex Jones and what was this all about?
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