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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Well if EU would act as EUROPEAN union and not whoeveregetsneareuborder union there would be no problem at all
  2. I misinterpreted you, then. I assumed you at least somewhat care about AAA gaming, what with you posting that Jim Sterling rant and so forth. I'm in the same boat, myself. I built a gaming rig recently... but have close to no interest in any AAA titles. And I've tried. Couldn't stand DAI's MMO-lite gameplay for more than 3-4 hours. DOOM came free with my display -- still prefer Brutal Doom. The games I've enjoyed the most in 2016 are Age of Decadence and Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. I'm currently playing Fallout New Vegas with a bajillion mods, a game that came out in 2010. Need to check what all the hoopla around TW3 is about, though. @Ros: I am a late 90's consumer, and early 2000's. A ton of bells and whistles covering completely unambitious design a masterpiece does not make. Is ressurection already translated to english?
  3. seen warcraft movie - mediocre, whole thing seems rushed, as it would be story for at least two movies, characters were developing awfully quickly and a lot of moments didnt make much sense
  4. Dont we get news about clean fusion every second day for like 50 years now?
  5. Welcome to Obs boards guys. It will be rough after what you were used to at Bio boards Good luck to all!
  6. I'm pretty sure Obsidian declared the game a success after 500k sales tho (also keep in mind there were some boxed copies for backers, GOG copies and Origin copies) Origin copies???
  7. I still don't understand what OP trying to prove/tell to us. Can someone explain it to me? Is he communicating with animals by imagining pictures in his head, or is he saying he is connectect to multiverse beings by his imagination? I am just simple man
  8. This again? Strange, you are using words now, I expected some picture as a response
  9. looks better than any US superhero movie I have seen
  10. Expansions are not a problem, cosmetic DLC are not a problem, everything else is BIG problem - biggest one are season passes where you are paying for something you dont even know what it will be xD
  11. Lol colonisation? We can't even put base on moon...
  12. exactly reason why I am buying only complete editor cut goty ubermaster last versions of AAA games, been fed up with this bullcrap long time ago. There are some exceptions tho
  13. And he also stated that he is not going to do it anymore and vote for who he align with no matter if he will get there or not so what is your point now? Its sad if you can't stand behind your own beliefs Well, that's a decision to do something different entirely. GD thinks that it's more important to support the long-term growth of a minor party whose platform he likes than it is to help the country decide between the candidate who have a serious chance. That's a reasonable response, but it's essentially using one's vote for the presidency to do something other than vote for president (except by absence-- the impact is the same as staying home). One person's "stand behind your beliefs" is another person's "demand that the world cater to your preferences." I'm not saying that GD's stance is such-- his belief in building his party's stature is sincere, and that's a reasonable thing for a civic-minded individual to do with their vote. I think less of those who decide based on indifference, frustration, knee-jerk cynicism, lulz, etc. Well I am not him but I think that you just put too much into that party growth. I too vote for small party just because they align with my view of word. I am much more troubled by people who vote lesser evil if they have choice to vote what they believe is good.
  14. And he also stated that he is not going to do it anymore and vote for who he align with no matter if he will get there or not so what is your point now? Its sad if you can't stand behind your own beliefs
  15. I have currently two AAA games on my radar - XCOM and Deus Ex, but I will wait for complete version including all that cut content. Did XCOM already get some DLCs/Expansion?
  16. Hi Guys, So i have bought finally expansions for PoE and I would like to hear some recommendations/tips about game. I have completed base game with my monk char without a problem but I would like to hear what is new especially in terms of char builds. I am thinking about fighter as they seemed to me to be best class in base game but with those new cross class skills I would take any advise you can give. Currently my plan is to have strong front line char who can dish out at least decent damage with great sword. Thanks, Chilloutman
  17. so still no complete edition? ef that
  18. I found out that there is finally some Mass effect trilogy bundle, do someone know if it contains DLCs as well? I want to finally play it now when its in complete package, but I want DLCs as well :/
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