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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. My first playthrough was on vanila, so no Veteran's Recovery for him, aslo I dont like idea of monk in full plate
  2. Its same as with shirts with Che Guevara or Stalin, most people doesn't see that politics behind, its just protest and most people don't know against what anyway
  3. Big hits for sure, two handed sword doing 70sh hit on regular attack is really satisfying, Also I can use him much more offensively and still be relatively safe while when I played monk I was constantly pulling out of fights. Fighter just stay here whole fight taking punishment and dishing it to others. He is always my last man standing
  4. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201607181043178514-nice-terror-hollande-civil-war/ Sputnik news, really? :/
  5. I was providing you sources all the time, make some effort and prove me wrong
  6. Before commenting on your previous answers, i have some other questions: - What then constitutes as European to you? - What are the characteristics of the European spirit, compared to for example the Japanese one? - What are the defining traits, characteristics and culture? - When does one not become a European? 1. Either by historically being European in a geographical sense when talking about events, languages, traditions and so on, or, when we talk about people, a passport from a European country. 2. I sadly don't know enogh about Japan to draw the comparison, sorry 3. A culture is defined by its traditions in a broad sense. I also include for example language or arts. 4. When he drops European citizenship Your answers are conflicting one another as sometimes it is just a passport but then later it is unique traits expressed through culture. I will help with point two, it wasn't a direct comparison to Russians per see, but rather how do you even define what the European spirit is when we have songs, art and literature highlighting what is quintessentially French, British or Croatian for that matter. What do you define a European one on the same terms?
  7. OK I was not going to point it out, but you have some serious problem understanding written text. It was jab on how you stated that 2nd/3rd generations are all integrated into host society. Not sure what logical fallacy you used to think that I have sad that because your ancestors were Nazis you are as well You said: Immigrants have set cars on fire, their children and grand children will as well. If that applies, them: Germans were nazis, so their children and grandchildren will be as well must apply. Logic is not selective. Now you just pulling this out from your .... I have never said/wrote that
  8. Did you ever attempted to get Visa to US? If you do maybe you would understand why immigration into US is viewed as benefit for USA - good luck getting there if you are not 'rocket scientist'
  9. Sorry but you dont want EU nation, you want one nation if you don't care if those citizen in EU are actually Europeans
  10. OK I was not going to point it out, but you have some serious problem understanding written text. It was jab on how you stated that 2nd/3rd generations are all integrated into host society. Not sure what logical fallacy you used to think that I have sad that 'because your ancestors were Nazis you are as well'
  11. 1) still could be, that's why they are banned 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_French_riots#Summary_statistics The BBC reported that French society's negative perceptions of Islam and social discrimination of immigrants had alienated some French Muslims and may have been a factor in the causes of the riots: "Islam is seen as the biggest challenge to the country's secular model in the past 100 years".[23] It was reported that there was discontent and a sense of alienation felt by many French Muslims and North African immigrants in the suburbs of French cities.[24] However, the editorial also questioned whether or not such alarm is justified, citing that France's Muslim ghettos are not hotbeds of separatism and that "the suburbs are full of people desperate to integrate into the wider society." mind you its 10 years back, there is now no doubt that its caused by second/third generation of migrants, but I will let you do some stuff and debunk this statement
  12. are you actually giving me ammunition by this? Or this proves that this whole discussion is troll attempt? ok lets continue this for a short while for amusement. 1) 3 million German Turks, and a few thousand demonstrators represent them all? If that were true, the few thousand neo Nazis would represent all Germans, so does that apply? Yes of course it does, Only percentage of Germans were Nazis yet whole country was swallowed by it so I don't see your reasoning on this at all 2) About Paris... I assume you are aware of the fact that the article you linked shows that there were less cars set on fire? ah oh yeah so 15 years of car burning aside, now these kids of immigrants are ok because they burn less cars that year, gotcha!
  13. are you actually giving me ammunition by this? Or this proves that this whole discussion is troll attempt?
  14. This is not only extremely offensive, it is also simply wrong. The refugees are mostly from Syria, not turkey. Most German Turks don't give a sh!t about Islam. We have two members of the CDU in parliament that are German Turks. CDU stands for Christliche Demokratische Union, which means Christian democratic union. While they are not really a Christian party (anymore), these members are officially Muslim, which just shows how unimportant religion is by now. And I can think of not a single German Turk whom I know personally or who is a public figure who supports erdogans policies. Sadly, turkey is an important ally due to its geographical location. And I assume by burning cars in Paris you refer to the terrorist attacks. You do realise that te terrorists were born in Belgium? They were EU citizens since birth, not refugees Also, if you want to show me your level of education, I'd recommend you use correct grammar and perhaps fact check your claims that all German Turks are supporters of erdogan, looking to spread Islam and burning cars every other day in Paris 1) I was not the one attacking opposition as uneducated, it was you 2) 5 seconds of google - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36937891 3) as for burning cars - you were the one stating that second or third generation of immigrants will be integrated, I was not talking about terrorists, I was talking about these generations in Paris - 10 seconds of googling and skipping half of pages some could consider not reliable - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30653784 man you are really lost, hard to believe you are not Bruce edit: quoting seems to be broken
  15. I am getting lost, what is your point? Why do you want to govern other people who don't wish it? You agree with Merkel that you want refugees illegal immigrants as benefit to your country - yet you try to stuff them into other countries which don't wish them. Whole Germany is walking contradiction in EUMy point is, the refugees need help, and we, as in the entire EU, are in a position that allows us to help. So in my opinion, it is the only right think to do (especially for countries like Germany, France, te Scandinavians, and until recently Britain). Besides, I already pointed out how the EU will gain from the refugees within a few decades. Two or three maybe. Further, I believe that a lack of education regarding the EU and its function as well as its actions leads to people to blame many problems on the EU that are often not directly or even not at all related with the EU. People do not realise anymore how much stability and growth the EU provides, they take it as given. This created a dangerous situation where right winged parties gain more and more support, and Brexit only enhances that further. Why in a situation with many immigrants a strong right wing is not ideal I don't think I need to point out. 1) There is a UN law that refugees should stay in first secure country 2) there is EU law that countries should protect outside borders of Shengen 3) Its right thing for refugees to get accepted into EU countries, not right for people in these countries 4) I must missed that your point where EU gains from refugees, can you point me to it please? All I see is 3 millions of Turks in Germany praising islamisation of Turkey and Erdogan's purges, burning cars on Paris outskirts, immigrants in Calai jumping into trucks 5) your view on anyone who don't share your view on EU as uneducated as indoctrination 6) all that growth and stability which brings EU is from its core as union of free trade and movement of people - I don't argue that point 7) raise of Right Wing is EUs own doing, as they don't act as their own population wants them to
  16. I am getting lost, what is your point? Why do you want to govern other people who don't wish it? You agree with Merkel that you want refugees illegal immigrants as benefit to your country - yet you try to stuff them into other countries which don't wish them. Whole Germany is walking contradiction in EU
  17. lol communism is NOT anarchy, you clearly are not old enough xD. And by the way why east european states doesnt want EU is precisely because we already had https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comecon read it and think as for leading figures... did you ever voted for Junker? did you ever voted for Tusk? Have you ever read Marx? The final stage of communism is an anarchist society without any government. This should be reached through a revolution and a temporary dictate of the proletariat, which Marx refers to as socialism. All real-world "communist" states never got beyond this stage. However, Marx himself admitted his goals were unreachable due to human nature. yeah I am not talking about Marxism, which may sound like nice idea but look where it end in reality. Again you need to work with facts and historical evidence, not with you wet dreams You were the one to say communism isn't anarchy. I was not making historical references to communist regimes in the past, I referred to the philosophical idea of communism. Yeah I get feeling that everything you write here is only philosophical idea, I am trying to show you how such ideas end up in reality
  18. lol communism is NOT anarchy, you clearly are not old enough xD. And by the way why east european states doesnt want EU is precisely because we already had https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comecon read it and think as for leading figures... did you ever voted for Junker? did you ever voted for Tusk? Have you ever read Marx? The final stage of communism is an anarchist society without any government. This should be reached through a revolution and a temporary dictate of the proletariat, which Marx refers to as socialism. All real-world "communist" states never got beyond this stage. However, Marx himself admitted his goals were unreachable due to human nature. yeah I am not talking about Marxism, which may sound like nice idea but look where it end in reality. Again you need to work with facts and historical evidence, not with you wet dreams
  19. lol communism is NOT anarchy, you clearly are not old enough xD. And by the way why east european states doesnt want EU is precisely because we already had https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comecon read it and think as for leading figures... did you ever voted for Junker? did you ever voted for Tusk?
  20. More people vote No than yes. Bad job guys... Having a united Europe a decade ago could have avoided every major crisis since then (or at least make it far easier to deal with). I also find it amusing how so many voted against the EU as a whole... You guys do realise that the EU has assured peace since 50 years, which is, considering European history, quite an archivement? How exatly EU assured peace since 50 years? EU is not even half that old. Also, peace my a**: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_in_Europe Well... Since the 1960s there has not been a war between the EU members, and especially between Germany and France... Which is a long period considering our history. And while obviously there was war in Europe, there was no war between EU members. And that is very valuable considering how powerful those members are. Two world wars have so far come from Europe... Ready for number three? No? Well, at least to some extent the EU will stop World War III, and that is by making war between its members impossible. But sure, you guys live on in your world where the EU is not related to inner European peace what so ever and is in fact totally unnecessary. This is like stating that since CCCP there was no war between states in CCCP. How old are you? Alosi ts funny that you need EU to not constantly war French
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