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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. I though people voted him because they had lost their jobs and he will bring them back. I think unemployed vote were marginal, point was that bringing jobs back ofcourse affects middle class and business associated with big companies. eg if you start manufacturing cars, someone have to repair them as well, someone have to insure them, someone have to transport them around etc etc. thats what is creating jobs and benefiting middle class But if everybody already has job, why they would need drastic measures to create more of them? Do they plan to bring Mexicans to do the jobs or what? Also car manufacturing don't itself bring repair jobs you need people buying said cars and use them to make repair jobs, and bringing manufacturing job to back to US may rise prices of cars, as manufacturing in US is said to be more expensive than it is in Mexico, and higher priced cars usually mean less sold cars, which means less need for repair shops etc. which means less jobs in that sector. If there are more jobs than people, it drives companies to compete for employees -> salary raise -> happy middle class so yes, it can drive price of item in question higher, however you gain more cash as well, and not all items will go up in price or not that much as your salary (in theory at least)
  2. I though people voted him because they had lost their jobs and he will bring them back. I think unemployed vote were marginal, point was that bringing jobs back ofcourse affects middle class and business associated with big companies. eg if you start manufacturing cars, someone have to repair them as well, someone have to insure them, someone have to transport them around etc etc. thats what is creating jobs and benefiting middle class
  3. I suppose that reason why most people who voted Trump are not being seen in the streets that much is that they were A) from rural areas, B) have a jo,b so its hard for them to riot for days in city centers xD
  4. just a side note, Commies actually forced people to work, there was nothing like unemployment. If you didn't worked assigned job you could have been jailed or get into forced labor - e.g. work camps
  5. this is not going to last long xD
  6. well, ef that, I thought last year was bad enough, now we lost last man standing on different object than Earth sob http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/16/us/eugene-cernan-dies/index.html
  7. This pretty much explain why UK don't like Eastern Europeans, but have no problem with other migrants
  8. That's something you will find quite great as opposed to US I suppose, public traffic in EU is quite outstanding (excluding south states )
  9. If you've got some green, and are going in the winter, you could look at going to the Ice Hotel in northern Sweden . It's pretty pricey, and besides some impressive arctic climate and aurora borealis there is'nt that much to see up there, but we have some museums further south. Well, I've been told that by a french coworker, even she dislikes the general attitude to english of her countrymen Oh cmon, you have tons of great stuff in Sweden, but you are expensive as hell yeah and that problem with alcohol - not for use east Europeans
  10. I don't say they don't know English, I am saying they don't like it. I was there few years ago on skiing trip, I know what I am talking about
  11. Well thing with France is - they don't like English speaking people
  12. Czechoslovakia, oh cmon man What? I said you people are beautiful. edit: WTF? DDR merged with BRD? dude, google it
  13. Dude, there is nothing like Czechoslovakia for 24 years now Havel is Czech, not sure what that 'Chauchesko' is This fun dude, I suppose. Ah Romania, ok, makes sense, not czech tho
  14. Dude, there is nothing like Czechoslovakia for 24 years now Havel is Czech, not sure what that 'Chauchesko' is
  15. I would skip France personally but its up to you why are you asking, seems like you already got your plan . If you want something alien i would suggest Africa or Asia, most alien would be probably eastern block for you
  16. Also you Czechs have an active and memorable red light district Really? I thought we are top in porn business, never heard about red light district there much (except highway E55 which was know for prostitution)
  17. My tips would be: 1) avoid hotels in capital cities, or at least don't pick those in center 2) pick countries with mountains, otherwise landscapes in this time of the year are quite bleak 3) UK, Switzerland and Nordic countries are most expensive. Slovakia have beautiful mountains, so do Austria but its much more expensive. 4) general rule everywhere around EU - people under 30 will speak English, at least most of them a little bit 5) I would not recommend south states (Italy, Greece etc) as you will miss half of its beauty in winter 6) You can find nice architecture in most of the countries, but for nice nature I would head more east 7) as for culture, I don't know man I don't think you will find most Europeans that different from US but it depends on which people you will meet and where, don't expect to understand or even notice different culture when you are in big cities don't miss Amsterdam, its a must! xD If you choose to visit Czech rep, let me know, I can give you some specific tips. Enjoy your stay!
  18. yup, that is called solidarity
  19. Why would anyone want to 'turn' gay man hetero is beyond me, its win win for all of us (but there is still not enough of gay man, ladies are still avoiding me too much lately, probably still too much competition there )
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