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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. well apperently after 5 or so hours I have finished banner saga, i must say still extremly torn about it, and now when I finish it I think its pretty short and that 'story' is kinda short and I thought I would learn more about fellow travelers, kinda disapointed I must say :/
  2. I mean, some abilities doesn't even make sense, there is 'stone wall' ability which adds armor for next turn, but it doesn't force enemy in any way shape or form to actually attack that character so it always ends up as wasted turn, I really struggle with that combat part of the game, quite disappointed to be honest
  3. so I bought Banner Saga on GOG. I must say I have pretty mixed feelings about it. I love aesthetics and storytelling so far. But I am quite tired of fighting dredge forever, battle tactics seems pretty limited, character development seems almost non existent and that travelling animations seems pretty slow after a while :/
  4. I didn't followed this game on purpose, I want to have fresh experience
  5. Hush, stop making long posts and go play BG2 already
  6. oh man, how I love HINDs, most badass copters around
  7. Oh cmon, this is insulting. Our own countries shoot people trying to escape to Western world. I would say it was almost 0 people who get out of CCCP who wanted to create communism in the West. On contrary there are tons of Muslims in West who actually want to create sharia laws and caliphate inside of western world. Sharia laws are similar to ten commandments and laws in old testament, meaning that Muslims that don't live according to them are living in sin. There are lots of christian in western world that wants to make our countries laws more like laws in old testament, but that want alone don't make it become reality. And that is the fear that we somehow would suddenly accept Muslims code of morals instead of our own, and they would not and their children will not adopt our ethical codes and standards and assimilate them to their religious belief is the thing that currently drives lot of our policies and is one of the roots cause that drives resurgence extremist politics in main stream. In Finland we have over 100k people with Russian heritage and 70k of them speak Russia as their first language, big sunk of them are from Soviet times. In comparison there are 40k-65k Muslims in Finland. It is Muslims that are taking over our country according to our politicians. Not sure what are you saying by this. Also 10 commandments probably are not against most of secular laws in West, where Sharia sure is. Also I didn't heard that Christians are creating their own courts outside of regular secular courts. Like You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant (original translation slave), his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Or Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Thus you will say to Israel’s sons: “Yahweh your fathers’ deity, Abraham’s deity, Isaac’s deity, and Jacob’s deity – He has sent me to you;” This is My name to eternity, and this is My designation age (by) age. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." And laws in old testament go even more against many of our laws. There are Christian religions that have their own courts. Like for example in Finland we have Laestadianism which is a conservative Lutheran revival movement started in Lapland in the middle of the 19th century. Which has their elder council that judge over its members and their members often don't even go in our regular secular courts when it comes to disputes between two members. And they aren't only Christian sect that has their own court system. well, bad for you I would say as for the commandments - are there any rules/punishments for breaking them? Except not being considered good christian any more?
  8. Oh cmon, this is insulting. Our own countries shoot people trying to escape to Western world. I would say it was almost 0 people who get out of CCCP who wanted to create communism in the West. On contrary there are tons of Muslims in West who actually want to create sharia laws and caliphate inside of western world. Sharia laws are similar to ten commandments and laws in old testament, meaning that Muslims that don't live according to them are living in sin. There are lots of christian in western world that wants to make our countries laws more like laws in old testament, but that want alone don't make it become reality. And that is the fear that we somehow would suddenly accept Muslims code of morals instead of our own, and they would not and their children will not adopt our ethical codes and standards and assimilate them to their religious belief is the thing that currently drives lot of our policies and is one of the roots cause that drives resurgence extremist politics in main stream. In Finland we have over 100k people with Russian heritage and 70k of them speak Russia as their first language, big sunk of them are from Soviet times. In comparison there are 40k-65k Muslims in Finland. It is Muslims that are taking over our country according to our politicians. Not sure what are you saying by this. Also 10 commandments probably are not against most of secular laws in West, where Sharia sure is. Also I didn't heard that Christians are creating their own courts outside of regular secular courts.
  9. Oh cmon, this is insulting. Our own countries shoot people trying to escape to Western world. I would say it was almost 0 people who get out of CCCP who wanted to create communism in the West. On contrary there are tons of Muslims in West who actually want to create sharia laws and caliphate inside of western world.
  10. Charlie Hebdo - freedom of press, terrorist attacks, etc.? rings a bell? Always good to remember that Ben is young and his point of references are not the same as many of us. Charlie Hebdo was two years ago, and while I am sure he is familiar with it, it probably did not have the same impact if he was 12 or 13. That is something I always try and remind myself in the classroom. My students did not live through 9/11, Columbine, or many of the other major events that shaped the world we live in. oh my bad, i though he is 18 or something
  11. I think they offered refund? I might be wrong tho..
  12. SO, dawn of Germany is near, and people are surprised when someone want to get out of Union of European socialistic republics http://www.dw.com/en/court-rules-against-böhmermanns-erdogan-poem/a-37490204 as would Gromnir state HA! Good fun!
  13. any examples except console port and turn based system?
  14. guys, can't you just make thread named Trump? Its like 6th thread where every second post is about Trump. I fear that I will open fridge and there will be hidden Trump...
  15. I didn't liked aesthetics of mercs but now they are my favourite band. Sturdy frontline and best archers. Works magic for me. Other band I liked are cultists. Also I am not sure if its in tutorial, but Impressives are quite different for each band, and I really don't like merc one, so I rather take just heroes
  16. welcome on board (see what i did there? xD), which faction did you enjoyed most? Also I don't feel enemy turns to be too long, maybe I got it changed in settings, but doubt it
  17. Wow. The "Refugee Welcome" Austria on second place? Did not see that coming. ha, they flipped long ago: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3535936/EU-concerned-Austria-planning-build-fence-border-Italy.html http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-austria-idUSKCN11Q0R0
  18. I agree with the general view we need more women in government and making decisions Lets be honest, men have been in charge for thousands of years. We have seen progress and we have seen decline yet the countries in the world that are the most benighted and dysfunctional also have no interests in equality or human rights and womens rights are normally absent So yes lets get more women into government and management. This doesn't mean we get ride of men but its needs to be more balanced and who is holding these women from these jobs now? You want something no-one asking for. If you want more ladies in management you should talk to them to make correct carrier choices instead of walking through cities with vaginas on they heads, that will not make them CIOs, that will only make them look really silly
  19. This kind of seems like a tone-deaf response to a women's empowerment movement. Do you want her to be like "Women are moving towards equality, but we need to make sure we line up exactly with the men and don't surpass them!" Like any group that has been dealing with subjugation and discrimination for centuries, you can expect a fair bit of grandstanding in order to bring attention to their cause. Heck, Trump won an election grandstanding about the poor neglected white men of this country. You have to understand that every action creates equally strong counter reaction, that's why you have now orange president. Until his opponents don't understand this expect 8 years of his fabulous hairs in White house
  20. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/hillary-clinton-womens-march-makers-conference-future-is-female-a7566246.html that lady needs to learn what equality is, for god sake...
  21. send it around in our company, few people asked me if I am prepared to get fired xD
  22. Bruce I see some progress in you, but you still make same mistakes again and again 1) noone care if you want or don't want someone leave EU. Maybe instead of still railing against states leaving it you should focus on reason why they want to leave. Maybe you should start thinking about why not to change EU rather everyone who wants to leave it 2) wtf is 'misplaced view of sovereignty'? Any view different than yours?
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