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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Yeah I realised its old news, I somehow stumble unto it regarding some police officer speaking about covering up refugees crimes, but I didn't want to share hoaxes, let me know if this is something talked about in Sweden: https://www.facebook.com/peter.springare/posts/10208300682343230
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3297317/Swedish-Foreign-Minister-claims-country-facing-collapse-mass-influx-refugees.html
  3. I think I never told that they say she is racist, otherwise its all same as i have provided, not sure where all this fuzz come from
  4. Are you sure about that name Holmertzová Gun President of Caritas International is Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle and Henrik Alberius is Chairman of Caritas Sweden Also Marie Lexhagenové seems to be off http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/stockholms-katolska-stift/news/gun-holmertz-fraan-caritas-upptagen-i-paavlig-riddarorden-146143 Do you seriously think I am making all this up or what?
  5. 5 minutes of googling and I dont even speak Swedish http://www.gp.se/nyheter/g%C3%B6teborg/han-ska-%C3%B6ppna-kamelcenter-i-angered-1.199116 http://www.gp.se/nyheter/g%C3%B6teborg/gun-holmertz-ett-helt-absurt-projekt-1.4148588 Gun Holmertz which operates Caritas has for many years been critical of how the municipality acted in Gothenburg suburbs. Her image is that too much money goes to the salaries of municipal officials and communicators in various projects without specific goals. Although she calls the project a fuzzy project. Read more: Suburban Vision: Goat and horse mower - Urban Land is an absurd project. You want to make Angered at some kind of exotic circus with immigrants, animals and allotments as inner city residents then can come and watch. It is a colonial mindset, says Gun Holmertz and gets support from many in the room. - We have people in the compound from Somalia and Middle Eastern countries that have extensive knowledge of camelids. Foremost is the experience of the young camels, but because knowledge is the same and the staff will receive training and researching more about how to breed camels in the Nordic region. In the long term, we also plan to buy more animals and even perhaps dromedaries, says Géza Nagy. seems like each article from Sweden covering only tiny parts of the story...
  6. All you are presenting is already in that first article I posted, I also spend time to translate you my original article, you have NAMES of people who told its racist including some head of charity organisation and real immigrants. What is you point?
  7. Well, I think I have put enough effort to support that article, I don't see any purpose to convincing you that its was criticised by immigrants that its racist. If you don't want to know it its your choice I will just copy paste from google translate for you and I am done with this topic: The idea behind the project creator Geza Nagy, supported by the city, is that the park will become one of the major tourist destinations of the city - and that creates for immigrants from the Middle East and Somalia jobs. "The biggest source of income is tourism park. We assume that the local park use for promotional photographs Volvo and other Swedish companies are also counting with fashion shows, "said Nagy local sheet Göteborg-Posten. He added that the immigrants who live in the district have "perfect knowledge of how to behave and train camels." Camel park is part of a larger project to create a zone with a minimum production of greenhouse gases. At the end of last year was the Gothenburg City Hall confessed subsidy of 13 million Swedish crowns from EU funds. The money was still used, inter alia, on the road to Germany and Kazakhstan, where the future employees learn training camels. Against the project, but also expressed Holmertzová Gun, head of Caritas, one of the major charities in the country. "It's absurd vision. The people who created it, Andgered want to change a kind of circus with exotic animals and immigrants, which would have outsiders come to see them, "he said. According to Marie Lexhagenové, an expert on tourism at the University, "not after the camel as a tourist attraction in Sweden just demand." Project while also angered many local immigrants. "If I wanted to work with animals or working on plantations, so they go back to their homeland, to Namibia. Here is the money needed for education, housing and real jobs, "she told a reporter Götenborgs-Posten Florence Hansen, originally from Namibia. "It is complete nonsense," assessed the project briefly Bert Karlsson, former deputy. "A ride on a camel, this is something that will undergo once on holiday in a country where almost nothing else to do. Once you pass and then after that never had much to be desired, "he added. source: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/goteborg-vebloudi-park-pristehovalci-d85-/zahranicni.aspx?c=A170216_120202_zahranicni_jol
  8. Slang word for: To criticize harshly; censure forcefully. Well it depends on who you ask no? I mean there were mentioned immigrants 'slamming' it: Leftist immigrant advocates are claiming the project is "racist," "xenophobic" and "islamophobic," while the right perceives it as yet more proof of a clash of civilizations. In local news there were citations as well... But it isn't mentioned in Swedish news about critic that the project has received. well, so we debunk everything you got against my article, and now you just point out that if information is not in your article so its not true? Doesn't it sounds a little bit like picking only information you like? Also Sweden is kinda known for hiding facts related to immigrants, I think we can agree on it?
  9. Slang word for: To criticize harshly; censure forcefully. Well it depends on who you ask no? I mean there were mentioned immigrants 'slamming' it: Leftist immigrant advocates are claiming the project is "racist," "xenophobic" and "islamophobic," while the right perceives it as yet more proof of a clash of civilizations. In local news there were citations as well...
  10. It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days. Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons... http://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/skattemiljon-gar-till-gigantiskt-kamel-projekt-i-goteborg It is private project that has no public funding or even permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on. I mean there is real think behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts. woot, headline from this page: Tax-million goes to the giant camel project in Gothenburg It has granted money from Västra Götaland Regional Council (Västra Götalandsregionen), which I first though was only some development organization, but it is actually some regional governance in Sweden. So it has actually received public funding, my bad. But other details in article are still off. (Million SEK is about 100k EUR) Although SVT's article is about how entrepreneur behind park is marketed benefits of camel milk in way that is against Swedish law and how park still don't have building permit. So what actually in that article I posted is not true? Starting to be confused. Location of park It isn't aimed for immigrants (at least not by information given by SVT's article) And it is slammed because it don't have building permit and illegal marketing, not because it is racists. oh cmon, so its not in Göteborg but nearby which is completely irelevant other sources confirm that it was ment to support immigrants get job and integrate, in your article its not mentioned at all not sure what slammed means
  11. It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days. Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons... http://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/skattemiljon-gar-till-gigantiskt-kamel-projekt-i-goteborg It is private project that has no public funding or even permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on. I mean there is real think behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts. woot, headline from this page: Tax-million goes to the giant camel project in Gothenburg It has granted money from Västra Götaland Regional Council (Västra Götalandsregionen), which I first though was only some development organization, but it is actually some regional governance in Sweden. So it has actually received public funding, my bad. But other details in article are still off. (Million SEK is about 100k EUR) Although SVT's article is about how entrepreneur behind park is marketed benefits of camel milk in way that is against Swedish law and how park still don't have building permit. So what actually in that article I posted is not true? Starting to be confused.
  12. It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days. Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons... http://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/skattemiljon-gar-till-gigantiskt-kamel-projekt-i-goteborg It is private project that has no public funding or even permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on. I mean there is real think behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts. woot, headline from this page: Tax-million goes to the giant camel project in Gothenburg
  13. That link "continue" can lead you to a page though where you are asked to create a PayPal account. It doesn't really make sense... That said if you have a credit card it should be very easy to set up a PayPal account with it I dont see that optiion, probably disabled for my country sadly
  14. It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days. Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons...
  15. oh god, Sweden keeps giving xD https://www.dailysabah.com/europe/2017/02/14/proposed-camel-center-slammed-in-sweden
  16. Jackie4Chan and Sharia Jesus are the best
  17. I am freaking rolling on the floor watching this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnZI3wdDihw
  18. well, if its should be pirate related you can go with flintlock pistol, scimitar, eyepatch, bandana or parrot pet?
  19. well apperently after 5 or so hours I have finished banner saga, i must say still extremly torn about it, and now when I finish it I think its pretty short and that 'story' is kinda short and I thought I would learn more about fellow travelers, kinda disapointed I must say :/
  20. I mean, some abilities doesn't even make sense, there is 'stone wall' ability which adds armor for next turn, but it doesn't force enemy in any way shape or form to actually attack that character so it always ends up as wasted turn, I really struggle with that combat part of the game, quite disappointed to be honest
  21. so I bought Banner Saga on GOG. I must say I have pretty mixed feelings about it. I love aesthetics and storytelling so far. But I am quite tired of fighting dredge forever, battle tactics seems pretty limited, character development seems almost non existent and that travelling animations seems pretty slow after a while :/
  22. I didn't followed this game on purpose, I want to have fresh experience
  23. Hush, stop making long posts and go play BG2 already
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