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Everything posted by Cultist

  1. Half-Life 2 syndrome for me. Ended up with full ammo and dragged saw with me as long as possible. And Baldur's Gate 2 is no different - get all arrows you can but never waste them, try to conserve every arrow you can. I'm for unlimited ammo. That is kind of excessive micromanagement IMO and arrows as far as I remember NEVER had reasonable prices in the shops.
  2. That's really great! Much better than Gaider's "So what we allowed it in Dragon Age: Origins? We won't do it again!"
  3. I like turn based...but not a party-based RPG with 6 characters under your control. Devs stated that game will be real-time. So this poll is pretty useless.
  4. Dragon Age 2 and ME3 tought me to wait until the game is done.
  5. People seem to misunderstand a bit. Challenging a god is an ideal condition, basiaclly, if Obsidian have time for this. For a more realistic "goal" - is to simply say "I don't care about gods". Overall, a good chance, given the promo line - "If gods doesn't listen, then it is up to us"
  6. Well, if we can have a dynamic alignmet...that's completely different matter.
  7. It is usual for religions to have a kind of Big Bad. The One Who Screw Everything Up or The Reason Why We Can't Have Good Things) I don't really like D&D motto "There are many gods but only one Asmodey" but its the most universal solution - to have a kind of common denominator, in D&D case two - devils and demons. The thing I DON'T want to see is Warhammer like demons, that is completely alien and uncompromising to mortal mind and that wish only destruction of the universe. Mundane demons are more fun, but that' only my opinion.
  8. I'm for the character being allowed to pick a fight with a god. I'm also for - if its the direction they want to go - the gods being treated like the Lady of Pain in Planescape - you can challenge her but its End-of-Game & reload to do so. I bit different here, Obsidian have no rights to change Lady of Pain, as it's WoC prerogative to change lore. Now, it's Obsidian's universe and they are free to do anything they want with their own creation)
  9. Ah, here comes local DA problem there - with paraphrases you never know what your character will answer :D And as for religion, "Don't care" attitude even more fitting because there are several gods in PE. They seem to conflict or tolerate each other, but overall, there surely will be those who have no desire to join any religion faction there.
  10. There's always will be anti-religious fanatics along with religious ones, so I see nothing wrong with atheists popping up in a world, where cleric and priests can invoke spells from their gods. In fact it's a fertile soil for conspiracy theory quests) Like "Priests are simple mages that fool you into worshipping some false deity they invented!" or such.
  11. Yes, the point was - that option was in DA: O, and were cut from sequels. Faerun is a different matter, the was only option to either believe or go the Wall. That was explictly expressed in MoB. I was talking about just option to say "I don't care about gods", not "Down with the Gods!". That option would be welcome for the sake of "more options is always good", but surely not "a must" option.
  12. I suppose Atheism will look strange in PE setting, because there's obvious presence of the Gods. And atheistic approach is suitable in situations where it is unclear if there any greater power or not. But there's one more fitting option - Nihilism. For those who don't feel any need to worship any gods, even after acnowledging their existence. Or simply don't care about them. The closest example we have is from Planescape faction - Athar From wiki: ("Defiers", "The Lost"), who deny not only the gods' right to pass judgment over mortals, but their very divinity. They claim that the gods (whom they call "powers") are powerful but have limits and do not deserve worship. Athar is a bit of extreme example, mostly working against gods, not just ignoring them, but it's a good start) I think even the option to say "I don't care" will satisfy most people who don't feel comfortable to express any religious feeling, at the same time not harming those, who like to play with religious characters. I am worried because in upcoming Dragon Age 3 developers already stated that there will be no option to be atheistic.
  13. Soul concept mat give common "Sold your soul" plot a new life. We have no idea if there any infernal powers and how could they use souls they get, but the best part is - we don't need that infernal powers anymore. Because anyone can garther sould for whatever needs they want them. Powerful mage for example. Even cults and organizations. In D&D souls were currency for devils, they got power from them. I bet souls could be currency for some outsider powers as well.
  14. Fetch quest then and now is ok...but not when entire game is built upon them, like ME3 or DA2.
  15. Sociophobia – fear of people or social situations. Dragon Age 2 already did that. But my personal favorite is this: Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead
  16. Yes. Sadly, that quest was impossible to complete and player was left in the dark(
  17. They are scary, but so are bears, wolves, pumas and other animals. That way developers sould remove other monsters because some people have phobia of cats and dogs. Sorry, but that is a bad way for RPG. That reminds me about petitions from some parent organization akin to "Concerned Mothers" to remove drugs and brothels from Fallout, because that was a "bad influence". I have various tarantulas and scorpions for more than 15 years already. They are animals just like others. I know in fantasy setting they may get unique abilities and agressiveness, but insectoid monsters today are a traditional monster category. It would be unresponsible for all others to remove this category.
  18. Moderators said that this thread will be more appropriate in this section so I'll recreate it. From what we've heared, Project Eternity looks like an opposite from Dragon Age 2, and, from developers' statements, DA3 as well. - Full dialogues, instead of herp derp paraphrases. - Tactical combat, instead of AWESUM BUTTUN mashing. - Choices that matter, instead of linear gameplay. - Customizable PC, instead of pre-defined one. - Party-based RPG, instead of interactive movie. - Silent protagonist, instead of voiced one. - Complex dialogues, instead of "Yes" and "No" with two "levels" at best. And so on, and so on. I wonder, was it intended to grab that two million fans that deserted BioWare when they found what DA2 turned out to be or Obsidian just wanted to make a "true" wRPG?
  19. BioWare aqlready experimented with inventory: - Mass Effect -autoloot everything. Near-limitless inventory. - Dragon Age 2 - items of value and....junk. I think both are unsuccessful ,as you simply can replace "Junk" with gold and spare yourself that minutes of naming that junk. I, personally, liked how you meddle with inventory in Baldur's Gate, but the bad part is - 100500 bastard swords that cost 1 gold coin. So Fallout 2 approach is better - you can't get armors, because they get damaged adn turn into trash. And limit looting from taking every trashy bit from defeated opponent, but make only important bits matter. that'll spare us from hoarding trash items everywhere.
  20. I'm ok with mature content, like brothels, slavery and such. Just don't make it in Dragon Age 2 style, with clothed caricature sex and Twilight-like moral problems. Fallout 2 get it right - drugs, slavery, wenches. That's post-apocalypse for you, not some fairy land. Medieval setting is no better.
  21. Lovecraftian pacts tend to be more horrible and more intimate- like bringing loved ones back from the grave and such. And always have a back side. Like rising a decomposed zombie that'll scream at you "What have you done to me!?". In this case we have suffering in the process of completing the bargain, after it turns out to be something else from what you expected. D&D devils is more...mundane. Money, a bit of luck, a little power. You'll mostly suffer at the end, when you have to pay the said price, but mostly the bargain will be fulfilled and delivered. I, actually, prefer both, and in best case, we'll have both.
  22. There's a danger to it- remember that ring of 18 charisma at the beginning of Baldur's Gate 2? That was almost godlike item.
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