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Everything posted by Infiltrator_SF

  1. This is great, I really detest the arrow quest pointing thing. Yes, it can be turned off, but in those games where it is able to be turned off, they don't have enough descriptive information to make up for it. I very much enjoy having a full description with no retard-proof arrow, thank you.
  2. I'm not sure I want to play the beta.. I mean, unless we get to just kill rats to keep the game spoiler-free
  3. And that is a very good thing... you know what, just look at what EA does with their products (I don't call them games anymore, because they are just that - products) do EXACTLY the opposite and you'll be fine in my book. Case in point - they force multiplayer on just about anything.
  4. I like how this topic is done in PS:T. With new powers/abilities, old areas are suddenly key peaces of the puzzle that you didn't notice at first. I'm not sure if the same will apply to PE as I doubt it's as character-focused as PS:T, but at the very least I think that is a good example of how to make a player go back without making the area(s) feel redundant.
  5. Reading those words, I'm struck with an irrefutable sense of dread.
  6. You know. I've never understood why people say MMOs are cash grabs. By definition, they take more work than a regular game. Also: referring to making any product as "sucking on the money titties" betrays a vast misunderstanding of how the world works. I know. Because most MMOs ARE cash grabs until they make them F2P, and ultimately flop, I follow the scene from a distance and 80%-90% of the MMOs end up in this viscous cycle - grab as much money from subscriptions early on, then go F2P and hope for the best.
  7. Hidden and powerful bosses, mostly, such as the lich from BG2. But I do think that sidequests and "regular" bosses should have them too. Just don't put them in a shop with a 10000$ tag on it.
  8. Hell no. If you want to get milked, there's plenty of places you can get those suckers onto your money titties.
  9. Was that really a "cost," though? I mean, you could easily get that much element zero, with a little planet-scanning effort. You could get all element-zero-based upgrades and still have enough left over for at least a couple of respecs. And, really, I don't see anyone ever legitimately having a reason to respec more than once. I can't remember if you could do it in 3, either... I think you could? am thinking if poe is similar to mass effect 2 or 3 wherein only meaningful customization beyond class choice is deciding which 2 abilities not to be eventually maxing out, there will be considerable negative backlash. HA! Good Fun! I think it's an atrocity to bring up ME in this discussion. The game is obviously an action/rpg hybrid compared to PoE, a pureblood RPG.. so it' not really fair to compare the shallow RPG elements of that game to PoE - it's more fair to compare it to changing perks on the fly in CoD. If there is a respec, I'd put it in the form of a potion you get in a side-quest, only if you play your cards right, and only once. That's it.
  10. The problem with game prices is that you can't really compare them to RL examples (even in realistic games) because if you were to do that you'd first have to get a game where you're earning 10-15 euros an hour..
  11. Yep, we have enough classless games. This one was kickstarted as something that is a spiritual successor to BG/IWD/IE games. You want a classless game? You backed the wrong project.
  12. As do I, given the new mechanics I think it can be far more interesting as well. Well, just by looking at how stealth works it won't be possible. Stealth used to be a 1/0 switch, now you can't just go around with impunity in front of someone then stab them in the back with a quarterstaff.
  13. I dealt with those even more easily - backstab. That allowed my mages more offensive and defensive spells in favor of shield-removal ones. That said, the game was kind of easy, even with that mod, Ascension. I'd say PoE needs to be a lot harder than that on max difficulty, but again, NOT by making enemies have 400% hp..
  14. To me, deathblow seems to be more of a extension of the rogue so he can deal with enemies with unusually high health/protection later in the game, and not falling behind other classes in DPS. I think if any class should be able to "one-shot" mage-type enemies from the shadow, it should be the rogue, for a couple of reasons: 1. It requires the most effort to get a rogue in a position to do it, a cipher or ranger would just use their attack from afar with little regard to sneaking in the true danger zone. 2. The rogue is left exposed after the attack, and now has to manage whatever the mage's escort was. Other classes can begin the engagement from relative safety in comparison. I'm not asking if the rogue can 100% one shot every mage regardless of circumstance. I'm saying that it would make sense, given proper gear, skill choices and other circumstances, that a rogue who can actually get that much close to a cloth-wearing enemy should reap the rewards of such efforts, which is to kill them outright (again, with the proper parts of the equation being met by the player). This system would be far better than what we had in IE games, which was, either rely on luck and kill anything (crit from the shadows), or miss and end up reloading, or use the most bizzare weapons for the best end-result on average (backstab people with staffs..). So if a rogue who has invested into backstabbing does manage to come up to a similar-level mage NPC who is not aware of him, and has a potent dagger/posion on it, he should, by all means, one-shot him.
  15. So, I'm guessing rogues (or any other party members) can't apply 2 sneak attack modifiers on a single target prior to combat, which would translate that rogues can't "one-shot" soft, high priority targets (like mages before they bring up their defences) like in previous IE games?
  16. Well, yes, this pretty much explains why I could never really get into the IWD games. I mean, there are really cool squad-based RTT games without the completely unnecessary trappings of role-playing out there, why would I seek the same from an RPG? That said, I've never really felt that the combat in IWD 1/2 was significantly better than in BG2-ToB. Hmmmm, to me, combat in BG2 wasn't worse mechanically wise, but for someone starting out, it might have been weird because a lot of the areas you fought in were really, really constricted and you had to dance around the bad AI to avoid them, diminishing the gratification. Also, unlike in IWD, where you could make up a party from whatever you wanted, NPCs in BG2 were pre-set as we all know and some of them were truely horrifying when it came to doing something useful. But yea, mechanically there wasn't much difference, and the gap between IWD > BG is much smaller than the one that exists between them and PS:T. Then again, so is the story.
  17. Uh, ok. Here's my take on IE games and what I hope PoE takes and doesn't take from them: IWD/IWD2: These games were basically completely combat focused from start till end. At no point I felt interested in the story or was driven by anything other than gaining power and killing faster. I am certain PoE will not be the same. BG/BG2: Storywriting was ok, albeit often childish, in the sense that I would engage in comedic events and quests more often than I'd like, though I wouldn't sack this entirely - there needs to be some sort of tension relief. This was the middle ground between story and combat - it also had the biggest setting and freedom. PS:T: Of course, this one focused almost entirely on conversations and had a fantastic story, the combat aspect suffered for it, as it was very straightforward even if you didn't play a fighter character. The character creation was also heavily set in place unless you wanted to skip half of the game content. Basically, I'd want a game with a story like PS:T, combat like IWD and a scope like BG2. But I know it's impossible. PS:T was made around TNO, and I do not expect PoE to molded in such way. I would like it to have a more serious tone than BG2 while having a bigger scope, thanks to the success of the KS campaign.
  18. I think there should just be penalties with bonuses for a race, like they had with Dark Elves subrace in IWD2 for example. It doesn't have to be a leveling penalty, but anything that makes sense based on lore.
  19. I just wish the difficulty slider doesn't make enemies damage sponges like in most other games.
  20. As a counter point to your first point how 2H weapons suck, I want to say just one thing - daggers. They seem to be a curse in almost every RPG. Low base damage, high speed, low reach end up being their downfall as enemies typically have armor which negates their low damage despite the high attack speed. Daggers should be a viable option for warriors and an optimal choice for rogues - having bonuses to defense and armor negation, not to mention being perfect backstab weapons, unlike in BG/BG2 where they were basically dumpster tier weapons. Why would you backstab someone with a 1d4+x when you could do it with a 2d4+x or something better?
  21. That crossed my mind, but, the world they live in isn't new, and surely, nobles keep company with other nobles, and discussions like "did you hear what happened to Reginald after he was supposed to live forever?" are sure to be expected among them, right?
  22. I read the PoE undeath dev log from a few months back, and I can't figure why would "wealthy nobles" pay someone to cheat death if all it lead them to was them having an extended lifetime for the price of eating people and losing their sanity and personality in the process? I mean, surely, if you wanted to cheat death, you'd at least want to keep your mental state intact if you had to look like a ghoul, and have a way to preserve that state eternally until a violent 2nd death, right?
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  24. A guy who is making an indie game, underrail (an awesome game still in the making like PE) recently added a change in pickpocketing that made sense and disabled the usual "try and reload until successful" strategy. I'll quote him from his blog regarding the mechanic:
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