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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast
I love quizzes, but not reading instructions so here are my answers just like that. From the streets, baby: #1 - Poop? #2 - A duck #3 - 2.
Planking is fun and totally worth buying the farm for. Id be proud to go out like that.
I would like to have a nickname that would strick fear and terror into our enemies, like 'Geoff' that would be proper terrifying. Got a sweet Ducati racebike? Want it to handle more like a barn with wheels on it? We can do that!
Finished the prologue just now, Im kind of blown away by the production values of this game. The visual quality is just astounding, best graphics Ive seen I think. This is some serious AAA ****, not the euro-rpg I was expecting
All the options arent available in the ingame menu so I tweaked the *.ini files a bit. I decreased the size of the shadow maps (shadows are insanely heavy on the GPU) and reduced the maximum texture sizes for trees/plants. Got about 20% FPS increase Config.zip goes into "C:\Users\****\Documents\Witcher 2\Config" where **** is your windows login
First impressions are very, very good indeed! Its so much better than Dragon Age that it's tragic, Bioware should hang their heads in shame.
Me and my hipster friends will be playing this... ironically "
That seems a tad over the top, cant they just do what we do and not let the general public vote?
This episode was probabl the gayest thing Ive seen. The shaving scene was way worse than Brokeback Mountain, atleast there you had proper blokes going at it, not some girlie men in fancy lighting
So Azerbadjjan won this year? That's about as un-europe you can get, so when are they going full international with it? p.s As a pinky Swede with the "omoralisk schlagerfestival" and so on, I still say we should ban the whoe debacle. And execute those responsible.
A British one, naturally, Norton or Triumph. Wickid, Im going all BRMC on y'all yo Sorry, anyone who thinks that kawasaki ninjas count as gay, has never seen Jessica Alba straddling one.. -So Bruce, I heard your boy got himself a motorycle? -Sure did, Jack. A Suzuki. -Oh... ah.. so.. I guess there will be no grandchildren there, ey? -No, see Jessica Alba has one so he's not a puff. -Mhmhmm, right. Next thing you know he'll come home with a handbag and tell you its alright cause Paris Hiltons got one. -JESSICA ALBA. NOT A PUFF. END OF BLOODY DISCUSSION, JACK! --------- p.s not that there's anything wrong with that, some of my best friends own asian motorcycles.
Do we have to wash and shave in this motorcycle club or can we go properly au naturelle? Also, american and jap bikes are really gay and I dont like BMW so... which brand would you recommend that I pretend to ride?
It sounds like you're getting the concepts of weight and mass muddled. I passed my physics classes, thank you very much. A pint of bitter has different weight between the moon or jupiter, but the mass stays the same. The interesting thing happens when there are distortions in gravity which causes an objects mass to behave differently. The number of particles that make up the object stays the same, but the pull it has on it's surroundings changes. Which in effect means that the mass changes. Im not talking about distortions causes by other lumps of mass, but of ripples in gravity itself.
What I was trying to say is that if big G is variable, then an objects mass is variable aswell. The hogwash part was just to emphasize how rubbish I think it is, and also to make it funnier.
Newton, Einstein and a whole bunch of old geezers presumed that G was a constant that couldnt be ****ed with. Im saying that the universe ****s with G on a daily basis.
Hold the facepalm, bro. There are plenty of people way more educated than me who are thinking along the same lines, for instance
All that really proves is that gravity exists and works, not how it works or what it really is. Im still not buing that gravity is curved space and not a force mediated by a carrier particle. Everything else is, and it would be really weird if one of the four forces didnt play by the same rules. Also, Einstein thought gravity was a constant, which is complete hogwash. Mass is just a variable as everything else.
Science isn't faith based. Yeah, well we'll se about that when they find the higgs boson
I dont believe in space-time. Space is alright, and rate-of-decay is fine but dont go all einsteinian on me and claim they're stuck together.
I want more fighty-time. All this faffing about isnt doing it for me.
Im feeling way too pragmatic at the moment for this kind of discussion. And you use far too many words to make a fairly simple point.
I thought team Seal team #1 were supposed to be the best?
No, no. What I was saying is that it was crazy to dump the body in the ocean, giving fodder to all kinds of conspiracy rumours. The jihadis are already so pissed off that not following islamic burial procedure wouldnt have made a bit of differance. I'm civilized and moral and I'm thrilled to bits, then again I don't recognise your legitimacy as the morality police. If you dont recognise whats wrong in celebrating the death of another human being, however big a bastard he was - then thats your problem. But to give an example, when Churchill was brought the news that Hitler was dead, he didnt dance a jig and order more champagne, he just remarked that it was richly deserved and then he carried on his day. That is the civilised response. Im not saying you shouldnt be happy that an evil bastard like Bin Laden is gone, Im saying you should behave in a dignified manner.
Celebrating the death of someone is not what civilized and moral people do. You can feel relief and a sense that justice has been carried out, but going all "The bitch is dead! let's throw a parade!" is just really distasteful. If I had a giant facepalm picture I'd post it. It's worse than conspiracy nuts, now Al-Qaeda and every other islamic nutbag outfit can go on claiming that Bin Laden is alive and well. It's not like they could have pissed off the jihadists MORE by brining the body to the US for a thorough identification and autopsy. "Yeah, it was bad that these kuffar bastards murdered out glorious leader but that they didnt bury him within 24h really ticks me off!"
And unsurprisingly, he wasnt hiding in a cave in the mountains, but living in a luxury mansion an hour from the Pakistan capital.