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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. I got a one month free subscription for iRacing. It's the best driving sim Ive ever played, but its too expensive and too competitive
  2. Artists are atleast as bitter as programmers. Not only do you never get enough time to make something look as good as it could do, but everyone and his grandmother has an opinion on how it should look. And sometimes you get fun instructions like "This has to be correct to 0.5mm precision." "Why? This isnt a CAD model, its just a table thats supposed to stand in the background and look inconspicious." "Mmhmm? Yeah, but we still need you to keep 0,5mm. Also, that thing you did last week, they want something less creative so youre gonna have to work this weekend and redo it cause I said itd be finished by monday monring" It would take a massive amount of work to go through and understand all the code, but yes. Yeah, and I know which one of us is going to get a copy of that baby, mr. programmer-man hint: it's you! Not at all my bitter5 designer friend. Alright, I totally believe that you wont get a copy of the code and go through it in order to look what kind of wizardry CryTek have in their engine. And neither will John Carmack or Tim Sweeney (Also, Im a 3D-muppet, not some pansy designer-wannabe.)
  3. Yeah, and I know which one of us is going to get a copy of that baby, mr. programmer-man hint: it's you!
  4. The Swedish anti-piracy organisation(http://www.antipiratbyran.se)employ sniffers who automaticly record IP-adresses of key torrents. Then they select the ones they think are possible to prosecute and go from there. Hasnt really worked. And there have been viruses and trojans made by what people believe are software and media companies, back in 2004 there was a virus that destroyed only mp3 files for example
  5. Of course they did, indie games are terrible. If I had paid money for some retro-platform rubbish made by some tit who thinks 'bart simpsons vs the space mutants' is the greatest game ever, Id kill myself. Couldn't have said it better myself, ****ing indie trash. Where are the real games? Uh...it isn't like a necessity to play every game ever released. If you don't want to drop a buck on a few indie games because they are crap, then why play them at all? Because he's a pretentious **** and he wants it for free. No, it's because I need to be able to know what Im talking about to troll more effectively. You can get the indie nerds pretty angry by saying for example that 'world of goo' is overrated, but you can get them really steaming if you can make a coherent argument as to why exactly that is. :D ...also, advertising is like totally as cool as games. When I watch tv and I see that toothbrush commercial, I can go "I modeled and shaded that!" to all my friends.
  6. In my pants.
  7. Of course they did, indie games are terrible. If I had paid money for some retro-platform rubbish made by some tit who thinks 'bart simpsons vs the space mutants' is the greatest game ever, Id kill myself.
  8. I think Jeremy Clarkson fits more into the "model example of how one should act and behave" category, rather than the "man-crush" zone. He is one of the worlds premier IRL trolls, though, and for that he must be revered. classic clarkson: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle5079350.ece
  9. The people who failed were the ones who went "OMFGz0rz you need a million dollar PC to play Crysis!!". I could play it 1920x1200 on a mediocre budget PC, no problem. It was quite well optimized, you just couldnt run it on the crazy-ass ultrahigh setting. There was also an issue where the hit detection is FPS-dependant so if you had your setting too high, you had to blast half a mag into every enemy to kill em, while it took 3-4 shots if you had +30 FPS It was a top-notch FPS and Im getting the sequel. Loads of crazy jumping out of boats falling off cliffs and blowing stuff up.
  10. I usually use it in sequential mode, the H-gate setting is way too flimsy and imprecise. If I had the money Id buy a custon shifter unit where the gears arent 0.005mm from eachother. And Rfactor is the crack of simracing, the physics are top notch and you can drive anything from monstertrucks to old 1950's formula cars. Phillistine!!! Rallying isnt without merit, but F1 is the crown of motor racing and always will be. And to compare it with Nascar is just plain offensive.
  11. EA uses alot of external QA sweatshops who get paid very little for long hours of extremely repetitive work, so its not unlikely that some schlob in India or whatever just copied it on a USB stick and took it home.
  12. One thing I have to admit, which was a severe blow against my manhood, was that the new Pirahana 3D made me sick to my stomach. The gore was just so well-made that, despite a youth spent watching countless horror flicks, I came very close to vomiting on several occasions. The Swedish 1950's murder-mystery thriller?
  13. Id probably have to say Richard Burton, which I have been indoctrinated with as a child by listening to 'War of the Worlds' and these LP's mum had of him reading poetry.
  14. They messed up the forcefeedback? AGAIN?! SNAFU.. I've been hoping it'd be a decent crossover between simulation and arcade. I'd really like a sandbox driving sim, but, heh, there does'nt seem to be much of a market for that. Have you tried out TDU2 yourself or is what you know about it from forums etc? Went from RBR for a long while to F1, was'nt a terribly clever idea to try left-foot braking. I tried TDU2 to see if it was true and sure enough, my Logitech G25 is limp like a homosexual baboon on tranquilizers. They're probably just using the wheel input like it was a gamepad, I dont think they ever intended people to be nuts enough to use a wheel with an arcade racer. And in modern formula one, left-foot braking is mandatory. Which really screws you up when you play something like F1 1991 for rfactor, where you have to use ye olde clutch again and heel-toe like a madman.
  15. If you look at the figures and go "If a million people pirate our game, thats a loss of one million copies" you're counting like a small child. The fact is that something like 95-99% of the people who downloaded the game would just have not bought it, if it wasnt available as a pirate download. But sure, missing out on 10-50,000 copies isnt pleasant. Though its lot like you can do anything about it, I dont like getting older but theres nothing I can do about that, is there? Its just something you have to accept and move on.
  16. Its just a nightly build, not the source code or anything. I doubt the people who were planning on buying the game are gonna go "Oh, guess Ill cancel my preorder and just play this bug-riddled mess right now instead!"
  17. TDU2 would be an ok arcade racer, but they've somehow fudged it so no version has any FFB. Which makes it very difficutl to drive since you cant feel what you're doing. Id wait for Shift 2, it's supposed to be alot sim-ier than the first game. As for RBR, playing mostly F1 sims for years has damaged me. Rally driving is completely alien in comparison, Yo dawg, I heard you liked shoulderpads so I put extra shoulderpads on top of the shoulderpads on top of your regular shoulderpads so you can.. I dont know, look gooder?
  18. Boy, I cant wait to don a ridicilously greebled armour and slay some theyre-not-orcs with my oversized phallos. Also, I hope they make all the NPC extra annoying. I found some of them almost tolerable in DA1. ...also, Im trying to play Richard Burns Rally again but its crazy hard so I just end up cursing and biting my wheel in frustration
  19. Those comics gave me nightmares as a child. Judge Andersson was always fighting really disgusting demons and crap I probably shouldnt have read heavy metal and those mags as a 7yearold but the grocery store had a very limited stock of comicbooks.
  20. The two films who traumatized me the most as a child was Alien and Jaws. But the thing is that it wasnt actually the films themselves, but my mothers extremely vivid retelling of the scary parts I wasnt allowed to watch. If they had just let me watch the hillariously crappy rubber shark, I wouldnt have been scared, but instead I laid awake at night imagining it all which was utterly terrifying. I couldnt even swim in pools without contantly putting on my scuba goggles and checking that a shark or two hadnt snuck in somehow.
  21. None of the really great comics have a big baddie, so it's tough to come up with someone interesting. I like the Joker when he's written as "evil genious" (like in The man who laughs, Joker, Killing Joke) rather than his usual Mark Hamill-voiced "crazy clown", but since TDK that's highly unfashionable to say. The Adversary from Fables is as big a big baddie as they come, and he's cool. Note, DO NOT read post #91 if you havent read fables because they spoil its true identity.
  22. As long as there are bridges, people will always have the option of easily available self-euthanasia. It wouldnt just be homeless people either, we could build handicap ramps that go over the railings and hand out pamphlets about bridges every time someone makes a purchase of antidepressants at the drugstore. What you did there, I saw it.
  23. I have a space addiciton coupled with an unhealthy childhood fascination of starwars so I might try it even though Ive hated every MMO Ive ever tried. ..and yes, Star Wars Galaxies is horrible. Im amazed people bought that piece of unfinished crap. The sound isnt even synched to the animations
  24. I tend to play every multiplayer game like it's team deathmatch regardless of what we're really doing. And most game rewards taking that route, giving you more stuff and thingies for killing stuff than capturing strategic points etc. Your skill as a player is also usually determined by your kill/death ratio, and not how many team games you've won. If you want multiplayer teamwork, the game needs to both have the actual tools to do it, aswell as the reward players for doing it. World of Tanks has neither.
  25. But what are these supposed roles? Light and medium tanks are just superfluous if there are bigger tanks in the match.
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