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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. Obviously you have never read Rainbow Six, otherwise you would know that their end game is the destruction of the human race, with the exception of other enviro hippies. Unfortunantly, I have read that rubbish book. It was on a ferry and I was bored to tears.
  2. Werent they just going to stand outside it with banners and shouting poorly rhyming chants and whatnot?
  3. Why is the Met spending resources infiltrating a bunch of enviro-hippies?! What kind of horrific deeds do they think theyll commit? Liberating cows?
  4. I didnt know ILM were involved at all with Avatar, thought Cameron had a beef with them since he runs Digital Domain. But apparently they won an Oscar for their compositing work on the film. And Im in the minority here, but I really liked Transformers 2 and was impressed by ILMs work on it. It looked gorgeous(except for the over-use of cyan|orange grading) and was tons of fun.
  5. If top-tier VFX houses like ILM or Weta are invovled, it guarantees high production values. The film might very well be retarded, but it will look good. Avatar was rubbish as a film, but as a demo of the capabilities of CG and stereoscopic 3D cinema, it was great. Now, imagine if someone sensible would have been given that kind of money and freedom to make a film?
  6. What's that, you say? My sideburns pasted on in photoshop? Prepostrous!! The uncanny valley is leapt over on a daily basis these days, you just dont notice it when they do it. It's only when someone like Robert Zemeckis tries to do Polar Express, Beowulf, Scrooge etc. that it looks a bit weird. I think they did quite well on Avatar and Davey Jones in the second PotC film was brilliantly done as well. And you cant re-render or remake CG films just like that, there is just too much work and trickery that goes into each frame that it's impossible.
  7. Why didnt they allow homosexuals to serve in the first place? Is it a christian thing or just old-school homophobia?
  8. It was a Zara clothing chain store. Im not sure if they sell condoms that make you want to bang white girs in there, but I dont think so.
  9. Yeah well, atleast they havent blown up the internets yet. If they did that, we'd be in serious trouble, bro. Complete flippin' idiots, man. You could have gone chicken cottage, proper halal. Bargain bucket
  10. Reports state that jihaddist websites are beginning to call the incident a success, on account of the wide media exposure and following fear-mongering. Thats definently a step towards inspiring another nutter to try something similar. And it could have been avoided by being sensible about the whole thing instead of treating it like something newsworthy. But I guess its something that we have both the worlds most useless serial killer AND most rubbish suicide bomber.
  11. Ted Bundy had a degree in psychology and was believed to be completely normal by his neighbours too. My argument is that this was a minor incident that didnt hurt anyone except from the bomber himself. There was no al-qaeda behind it, just a crazy single simpleton that fancied himself a mujahedin. The only thing accomplished by the huge attention this has recieved, is to encourage more potential nutters to make bombs and blow themselves their 15 mins of fame. It should have been dismissed as the futile effort it was and thouroughly ignored. And there is no remotely effective way to prevent this kind of thing, you could pump billions into counter-terrorism and have armed military surveil the whole city 24/7 and an idiot with taped-together fireworks could still manage to blow himself and possibly others up. In 2003, a mentally deranged person saw the foreign minister shopping, nicked a kitchen knife from the store and stabbed the minister to death with it. This year, a lone idiot managed to wound 12 people in a series of shootings before he was found and arrested. There is just no way we can protect ourself against lone nutters in a reasonable and cost-effective way. We just have to accept that these things happen and get on with our lives. And try not to encourage more idiots by giving attention to these kinds of insane deeds
  12. Probably the most useless attempt at terrorism in the west thus far. Now they've deduced that he set the bomb of accidentally as he stopped to fiddle with it. Swedish evening press showing surveillance video from the 'accident' (safe for viewing, doesnt show anything graphic) You can tell from the massive amount of smoke that it was a poorly cooked homemade explosive or even modified fireworks.
  13. The bomber, Taimour Abdulwahab 28 is believed to just be a lone nutter, unemployed and probably suffering from depression. He claimed to have been to a terrorist training camp in Jordan, but no one knows if thats actually true. The fact that the deed was very poorly planned and carried out suggests he didnt have a clue what he was doing. The bombs he carried were just pipes with black powder in and there was no significant target where he blew himself up. It was just a clothing store. And only one of the pipes actually exploded and the blast wasnt powerful enough to harm anyone. The bomber is believed to have died from bloodloss or shock, not the blast itself. I dont think this qualifies as terrorism really
  14. One mentally ill guy blows himself up with a homemade bomb, causing no damage to anyone else, and everyones got their panties in a bunch. I bet the politicians are drooling at the opportunities to implement even crazier and more intrusive anti-terror laws than the ones we have already. The attention this is getting will probably do way more harm than the bombing itself.
  15. It's fun that EA's pr division and BioWare have yet again managed to fudge up the announcement. With ME2 it was the idiotic "let's trick the fans that Shepard is dead and they have to play like someone else" and ME3 it was "let's pretend we're doing a new separate game in the ME universe" What's wrong with "Yeah, we're going to show you the first trailer for ME3 at the VGA" ?
  16. Looks wicked! But if thats the jul goat, who was was guy who lives in a mountain in the far north and ate people every day except for one night of the year?
  17. If I am to be opressed, I would rather be opressed by a bunch of corrupt Junta-types than a bunch of bloodthirsty theocrats.
  18. I think it's good. Both because wikileaks have been too closely asociated with Julian Assange, and because it makes it harder to shut them up. But Im not crazy bout the idea of letting the commercial media decide if they want to publish or not. Because more often than not they will take the safe route and toss the material in order to avoid the wrath of the goverment. And because the people should have access to the raw data so they can check if the media left anything out.
  19. That's only because there are more cars than aeroplanes. If you calculate by journey, the risk of something going wrong in 100 flights is much higher than in 100 car rides.
  20. Im exhausted after taking pole position in F1 2010 on the hardest difficulty. I dont know what it is about driving games but they just make me completely hyper in a way that no other genre of game can do. I should take a shower now
  21. One thing you can find comfort in, is the fact that flying is only the worlds second most dangerous means of transportation. Motorcycles are the undisputed kings of accidents. ..the thing about it being the safest is a statistical folly encouraged by the airline companies. They calculate by kilometer travelled, not journey to journey as insurance companies and goverment agencies do.
  22. I tried that, I got to the plane when it was parked on the ground and instantly pussied out. The fear of flying went away but Im still insanely scared of heights
  23. Arachnophobiacs are still pussies when compared to us hypochondriacs. We get more "Well, you ARE probably going to die of cancer. But I wouldnt worry about it." which isnt really much comfort.
  24. Isnt arachnophobia treated by forcing you to play around with increasingly larger spiders until you realise theyre not that bad? Atleast TV tells me it is.
  25. I hadnt flew in a few years and when I finally did, I found out I had developed a fear of flying. But once I flew some more, it went away again. So Id advise you to book a couple of flight back and forth somewhere until you're not afraid anymore
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