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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. Some people just dont know that there is such a thing as too much bloom.
  2. Well, if they were in plain sight, some other adventurer would already have found them and walked away with them Im just saying an extra cool gun should be found in a special golden crate in the very heart of a hazardous maze, not in a shoebox in a cleaning closet. Because non-obsessivecompulsive players tend to just overlook those everyday boxes of crap and go shoot radscorpions in the tail
  3. I agree that the selection and balance of guns in FNV is brilliant. Though its not fair that a lot of the special versions are hidden away in pointless places where you wouldnt expect to find anything more than the odd stimpak or scrap parts. Caravan was completely broken for me until they patched the game. And its confusing that you have to use the arrow keys to select cards and stuff. But I dont understand the suits and values either, I just play by the numerical values. And the onoly special card I use are the kings who double the value of the card beneath them.
  4. Does anyone know how to get the game to use the Fallout 1 and 2 songs? I hear they're in there somewhere and sometimes an old classic seems to pop up as ambient music(non radio)
  5. I refuse to use anything but the mad Max leather armour, the other stuff is just too ugly.
  6. Yeah, she's got that whole Grace Jones thing going
  7. speaking of wallpaper, these screenshots of people modding FNV did little to ease my bitter dislike of japanese cartoons WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?!
  8. but when will it start to try and sell us counterfeit viagra?
  9. Toy Story 3 It was more to check out how what pixar are doing with Renderman, but it was actually the best film of the series. It's not aimed at a child audience like the two previous ones.
  10. "Remenber back in 2010 when FNV came out? That was a proper game, not like the Farmville 3000 you youngsters are playing these days." *lights pipe*
  11. Fallout is supposed to be part silly and ridicilous, its what makes it what it is. I love the Stalker games and Metro 2033 just as much but I wouldnt want that kind of dystopia in Fallout, it would kill the whole mood And I like the companions but I dont know what triggers their quests. It would be easier if it was level-based like in BioWare games, now I dont really know if I will ever get the chance to play them
  12. You could find cheat codes in magazines though
  13. See! A bot or a copy & pasting agent with a nefarious secret motive. ...and CoD4 and MW2 had the best multiplayer game design in a thousand years. Every single little minute detail has been planned, tested, and balanced.
  14. Toolkits like GECK are always rubbish to actually build stuff in. What you do is create a house, gun or whatever in 3Ds Max, import that into the editor and place it.
  15. I thought Violetta was a bot? Or one of those product-placement agents who go in and post 4-5 times and then hits you with some thinly disguised ad for some crap.
  16. radscorpions, deathclaws... NONE of them is even remotely as annoying as the Cazadors. Its just a flying bug, but they will kill you dead. I hate them so much.
  17. The wonderful gamebryo engine will sometimes hurt or kill you when it goes ka-ka with the collision detection. I died when trying to jump up on a truck because the game placed me inside the truck mesh.
  18. Wether you like Star Wars or not is a generational thing, if you saw the original trilogy as a kid you love it. If you're too old or too young you probably range anywhere from disinterested to negative. S(W)TFU 2 seems quite pointless though, some dude you dont care about doing some things which dont affect anything.
  19. Fine! Im wrong. But could you do that in the original 360 version or was it added in the enhanced edition they released later?
  20. I hate Johnny Guitar so much, I only listen to Black Rock radio nowadays
  21. The first one was boring, it was decently put together but the story was rubbish* and the gameplay wasnt good enough to sustain any interest. And.... the main character died at the end of the first game, so is this a prequel or some such idiocy? * Classic official star wars product scenario. Since it counts towards the official canon, nothing that happens in the game can be allowed to contradict or change anything previously established. So you know that no matter how hard you kick vaders ass, he's still going to survive it and die at the end of ROTJ
  22. I had very poor framerate until I installed the DirectX fix, but other than that it's fine. It does crash once a day, but nothing above the ordinary. ..and I have an nvidia card, that helps
  23. Ranger with a bigiron on her hip... well, not really *moded gun texture
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