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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. A bit of background first, I couldnt find a summary in english on a proper news site, so wikipedia will have to do for now. You can follow their sources for more detailed info.
  2. Then I would punch them because its rude to do that, and also because I have a thing about salival sounds. I once tried to stab a friend of mine with a fork when he wouldnt stop licking his fingers at lunch.
  3. Im only against attractive lesbians, because that's friggin unlawful competition. Ugly lesbians and man-gays are okay
  4. It was 251,287 messages of varying length. The five big newspapers who were given access to the stuff by wikileaks have decided to publish articles and select messages in their entirety, in four or more parts to be publishes in blocks. The stuff we're reading now is just the first part.
  5. That's not correct, only the sources who supply wikileaks with information are anonymous. The people who work in and contribute to the organisation are not. ...also, you wrote wikipedia. haa-haa!
  6. I dont get this argument that the leak is only "inane crap" or things we already knew. Ny Times have posted this list of some of the more interesting findings thus far, and its quite enlightening http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/29...e&ref=world And this is only the first part of it, there is alot more that hasnt been released yet
  7. I think there were lots of very interesting tidbits in this first release; US diplomats being instructed to take DNA samples and steal CC info from their UN colleagues etc. And only a quarter of the stuff has been outed thus far, so theres even more to come. For us Swedes, the documents might shed some light on the latest scandal about US embassy personnel spying on swedish and norweigan citizens. LINK It might also contain evidence that outside goverments and international big bussiness actors interfered in the Piratebay trial to coerce our swede legal system to make a dodgy conviction and dish out astronomical sums in compensation.
  8. Just call it "jul" and celebrate it anyway, no one can be offended by presents and gl
  9. The general theory is that; the natural tendency of any goverment is to act in the best interests of the goverment, not the people. And when that happens, it becomes more important to hide the mistakes you make, than to try and refrain from repeating them. And as a result of that, the only reliable source of information are third parties outside of said goverment.
  10. I would just like to add that modern anarcho-capitalism was formulated before anyone outside of the scientific community was aware of the negative effects of pollution on the enviroment. On the topic, what I would assume to occur in such a society if a similar incident occured is that BP might be coerced to pay for cleaning up the mess by a coalition of companies whose economic interests in the region were compromised by the oil spill. But mostly likely the people and companies harmed would have to clean up BP's mess with their own money because they would have no means to force BP into doing anything about it.
  11. For democracy to really work, the public needs to make informed decisions when they vote. A vital part of that is that people needs to know what's really going on, not just what the goverment chooses to let them know "for their own good", "for national security" or any of the other usual reasons for witholding information. In that regard, wikileaks is a very important tool for democracy.
  12. Aaaawwww, I thought this was about the Somali pirates internet pirates are boring.
  13. What I was trying to say is that we want PROPER spies doing real spy stuff in PROPER space. John Le Carr
  14. awesome game concept: +
  15. Your mum, that's what. What fascists would call derailment or off-topic, is known here as "thread evolution". Because we do not hate freedom.
  16. The key to the suckiness of IJ4 is and will always be the damn aliens. Indy is about historical legends and mysticism, not this flippin crap. Temple of doom had the almost unbearable combo of hysterical woman/annoying kid, but that still pales in comparison to raping the whole core concept of the series by tossing in sci-fi with aliens and other dimensions.
  17. Gran Turismo 5 would be awesome if it didnt require me to buy a damn Playstation. But atleast you can use a good wheel with that, I spent a gazillion on a Logitech G25 only to find out that the 360 is intentionally incompatible with anything except Microsofts own plastic piece of crap wheel that doesnt even have a gear lever.
  18. Indiana Jones 2 rules and there is nothing you can do about it. Sure, the chinese kid is really annoying and the girl is really bitchy but it HAS A GUY GETTING HIS HEART RIPPED OUT! ....Indy 4 sucked because Spielberg went crazy and let his fascination of aliens take over. Martians belong in an Indiana Jones film like Elves in a Terminator flick.
  19. a GRPG could be made on the moon, its a genre derived from a way of making RPGs that originated in Germany. It's like there are JRPGs made in the US or Britain.
  20. And people think I'm weird. I love it. But until 10 min ago I didnt know it was set prior to the first film, so it doesnt count. In fact, no film released before the term "prequel" was invented in the late ninties counts in my opinion
  21. The Godfather 2 is not a prequel, dude. It has long flashback segments but the main part of the film is all about Michael And Fredo. I cant think of any actual prequel that was any good.
  22. The term "good" doesnt belong in the same universe as GRPG's geeeeerman roleplaying games... applies even if they're not strictly from germany since its now a genre
  23. Well, nevertheless and off-topic... prequels suck. The only thing worse is a midquel, like The Force Unleashed for example (something that takes place simultaneously as the original). In the prequel, the ending is locked, but in the midquel, the entire story is locked form beginning to end.
  24. Well, you cant expect me to read through 6 pages of crap before making a post. So it's a multiplayer shooter? I hope its good.
  25. I think it's pretty obvious that it will be about Anderson, Saren etc. Boring and predictable. The idea of the prequel is the dumbest idea of the century. The question of "what happened after?" is a lot more interesting than "what came before?"
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