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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. the negative one has spoken :D well, i think it goes without saying that "revan has a specific fate" implies more than just a small "Uh, no I heard she quit the order and took up moisture farming"
  2. A friend of mines grandpa used to be a priest, now he's just senile. Once my friend and his brother got into a politics discussion with him, and it turned out he used to be a nazi back in the day. Thats like "songs from the second floor" where this old general starts raving about "say hello to G
  3. Terorists are flooding into the country from the entire arab world to get their chance to strike against the US without having to travel. The countrys infrastructure is in ruins, as is the case with most things in Iraq. Us companies with connections to the goverment are rebuilding chosen parts under billion dollar contracts along with the oil companies. The new goverment is known by all as the US puppetshow it really is. Saddam IS in jail, but did the whole country have to get crushed because of it?
  4. A tragedy that has unfortunently largely been overshadowed by the al-quaida attacks. 31 years ago, the Democraticly elected President Allende was overthrown by General Augusto Pinochets junta leading to a 17year long dictatorship of murder, repression, persecutions, war, starvation and countless other horrors that claimed the lives of tens of thousands and shattered the lives of many more. remember that.
  5. But if we're going to think like a dev, Revan went to Korriban because there was something of vital importance there. That something proved too much for Revan too handle and so she/he 1. was wounded or faced with such an overwhelming revelation that it made her go into exile 2. found clues to something bigger she is now looking for ..this is sort of like trying to figure out whos the murderer before youve even begun on the first chapter.
  6. northern, northern sweden(same latitude as fairbanks, alaska) moving far far south next week.
  7. i have a boat. its got a 4 horsepower engine and oars. its great because it travels on water.
  8. Who cares about stances? Its the moves that matter. ..the five basic stances of Kenjutsu would do fine(well 4&5 is the same but left/right)
  9. That desert planet looks very very very Tatooine-ish
  10. There was a lot of corpses returning from Bg1 to appear in Bg2... so you can never break our hopes! Nevah!! It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. A widespread investigation of funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead have been returning to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to be reporting this to you, but it does seem to be a fact.
  11. silence, you! (keep it vague or we wont get an answer)
  12. "money is the root of all evil" -Xbox games are more expensive than PC games. By giving Xbox a two-month headstart, its ashured theyre willl be a rich profit from the Xbox market without the PC competition. -Xbox games are not as heavily pirated as PC games, so an Xbox release would in theory, generate more profit that way also. *points finger at Lucasarts and Microsoft* ...I read Akaris statement but I belive there's more to it than that.
  13. all i want to know is(very vague but clear): Are there any sightings of purple Twi'lek in the game? Possibly female, ex-sith ones which may have had connections with the academy on Korriban? this question was brought to you by the association of appreciation of a certain purple female twi'lek which, due to us having to bge as vague as possible, cannot directly be named.
  14. I might play the game through once as evil but only if its a smart kind of evil and not the "Give me all your money" of KoTOR.
  15. Youd need atleast two new actors reading in hundreds of lines, so there is no way theyre going to do that. and there is a huge pitfall in this too- what if people dont like the PCs voice? that could ruin everything.
  16. I just think it would be a very good idea to have John WIlliams music in 1 or 2 major cutscenes and definently in the end. ..and the original score in the other 95% of the game.
  17. Thats the problem with game music, the composers think that it will just be something in the background noone pays attention to. So they put less effort in the music feeling that it would be a waste to blow their best stuff on music noone will hear- thereby fulfilling their own prophecy sort of. Im not saying I want an all Wlliams score to K2, Im just saying that it would be a great idea to implement two or three parts because it would highten the Star Wars atmosphere. p.s just watched all the cutscenes, no imperial march.
  18. KoTOR did not feature any other piece than the opening fanfar. Or have I gone deaf recently?
  19. Double-bladed or dual lighsabers just isnt very estheticly pleasing.
  20. I know there's an original score being written as I write but Im just wondering if any piece other than the intro music will be used? I would very much like to have the minor(as in key) part of the main theme (used alot in Episode II but written for the original trilogy) in the game. or is using more JW stuff than the opening fanfars just too expensive? .
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