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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. I played games back then, and most were so hard that they were unplayable. It sucked, and anyone who says it was better back then is an idiot. "Hey, Ive got a great idea. Why dont we make it so that the player has to bring a spare violet rose from the beginning of the game to use in the end otherwise he cant open the grave and continue to the castle?" "Ok, but shouldnt we make some sort of hint that he has to grab an extra one? Or no one will be able to finish the game that doesnt already know this?" "Precisely! It's friggin' hardcore man! No one can beat the game except us and our friends." "Oh alright then."
  2. .....sucks to tell you but I believe that this game is the first Gothic not developed by Germans. Oh maaaaaan! You totally ****ing got me there, I was all like "Dude what the ****?!!?" then I was like "Ooh"
  3. Im curious about WRC 2010, but I dont know if its any good and there are no reviews. have any of you guys tried it? I still have Richard Burns Rally, but it doesnt work great with Windows 7 x64
  4. Me and me bro is going to get this and play it just so we can bitch to eachother about how entertainingly horrible german games are :D ..like when you intentionally rent a crappy movie just so you can sit and dissect its awfulness with your mates over a couple of beers.
  6. Alpha protocol would have just done it A) Save the woman, and be a douchebag sexist B) Save the doctors, and be a sarcastic jerk about it (the ugly stupid kind of sarcasm, not the elegant sort) C) Save everyone, and be a complete and utter **** to everyone invovled afterwards. ...I hear Obsidian is working on a DLC for AP where you play Mike Thornton as a depressed middleaged man dying alone in a trailerpark because he got fired from every job he had and abandoned by everyone he ever knew because everyone hates his guts.
  7. I'd answer in three parts: 1) I know moral atheists and agnostics 2) I think it shows poor awareness to suggest that morality as we understand it would have developed without religion 3) I think it is equally arrogant to suggest that every morality espoused by an atheist/agnostic is somehow better beause it is rooted in reason. Much of morality (but in my opinion not all of it) is rooted in axioms that move beyond possible reason Four parts 4) It is possible that one could argue that if morality is based in reason then that reason must be focussed on what is best for the user. If that is the case then the behaviour is merely rational decison making and selfish, rather than moral. This may be the point of the thing you saw. 1) Me too 2) I would say that morals and ethics are rooted in reason and biology. It's my belief that religons such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam were created by rational people as a means to carry ethics and morale to the wide masses without having to sit down and have a profound philosophical seminar with every single individual. With the western enlightenment, we began to become so civilised that we no longer require religion to explain why we shouldnt behave like idiots. The biological part is just natural traits that ensure our success as a species; we have a natural instinct to co-operate rather than compete for food etc. 3) I would say that decent behaviour by your own free will, is worth a whole lot more than decent behaviour because you believe you will be punished by a deity. If the only thing keeping you from stealing your friends girlfriend, is a belief that you will be divinely punished if you do, you're a jerk. Relating to axioms in moral philosophy, I have to read up and get back to you on that. 4) Rational moral behaviour is not always rooted in self-benefit. It can be anything from biologic empathical ability, to the intellectual recognition fo the fact that a measure of altruism is necessary for society to function.
  8. I was fiddling around facebook being bored, so I took a look at a thingie someone had made in which this was a question as part of a poitical quiz. But I just cant wrap my head around this question, are there really people out there who are so completely insane that they think ethics and morals are purely religious matters?
  9. And that he accomplishes by toting a rebellious 14-yearold around Gotham all night?
  10. EVERY robin, it doesnt matter wether it's D|ck Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake or Damien Wayne. Because he represents an element of Batman that only belongs in the golden and silver age comics, he's really out of place in modern batman stories. Its like how Captain America discarded bucky when sidekicks werent fashionable or believable anymore.
  11. The Thor movie will be complete rubbish, the Captain America movie will be really campy aswell so it will probably be crap too. ..and as I explained previously, the Batman continuity is so confused that you can make what you will of it, thus I dont aknowledge that Robin exists. One of the things the great Batman books have in common is that Robin is not in them. Robin doesnt exist in Christopher Nolans films either, and never will.
  12. Batman knows best
  13. You friggin' troll, everyone knows Nightwing is the Justin Timberlake of superheroes. Actually that was way too cool of a metaphore, he's more like the ..stuff someone put in your thing that you wish they hadnt.
  14. batman is serious stuff, dude.
  15. We drifted into comics over on the "what are you playing now" thread so I thought Id pull a necron and put a black ring on this old thread. Issue #1 - Batman is not friggin dead, alright? Darkseids omega beams only sent him back in time, and he is slowly making his way back to the present in the very crappy "The return of Bruce Wayne"
  16. 52/Final Crisis was utter rubbish, but I did like Civil War. It wasnt the usual "bunch up against the big baddie" crossover they've always done. The ultimate comics line held a much higher overall quality though. Also, Batman is friggin alive as hell, dudes. Darkseids omega beams only sent him back in time, it didnt kill him.
  17. The Widening gyre is an incoherent mess of poop. I really liked what he did with spiderman, but "The Widening Gyre" is just rubbish. There's fanficition thats better written and executed.
  18. Yeah, you have guys going nuts over tiny details and saying the game is a buggy piece of crap. "OMFG you can clearly see that Nico Rosberg is wearing sparco gloves, not his custom pumas!! Codemasters is using us as beta-testers for an unfinished game!! ITS A CONSPIRACY I HATE YOU!!!!!!" Oh I will talk trash about him! After all, the guy got beaten up and had his back snapped by BANE That doesnt count in the official continuity anymore. Nor does Kevin Smith's "batman peed himself in year one" stunt. Its actually one of the great things about Batman, since there is a thousand writers working on it and churning out stories right and left, if you dont like something you can just ignore it ever happened.
  19. Comicbook Tony is a total douche, the Robert Downey Jr. film version is awesome. But batman is friggin' batman, ok? Do not talk trash about the caped crusader.
  20. Well, atleast you don't downright hate it. I think the onslaught of negativity on the Codie forum is a bit of an overreaction, to say the least.
  21. Im playing F1 2010. It's about as arcade as Forza, but still tons of fun. However, there are some minor bugs and oddities. For instance, its apparent not all developers are familiar with racing as I just found a strange mistake: In F1 you split the track into 3 sectors that each have timing, so youll know in a more detailed manner where a driver is fast or slow. F1 2010 also does this, but the game only gives you the last times you did for the last lap. And in the last lap you will always go into the pit and park before completing the final sector, so you will NEVER be able to see your sector 3 times.
  22. OMFGz0rz he's going to go on a killing spree! Someone call the cops! ...though using antique blackpowder cap&ball revolvers means he can only kill a maximum of 12 people before stopping to reload for 20-30min, giving the police ample time to apprehend our oldschool killer.
  23. I thought freedom of speech meant that if you have a public forum, you have to let people say ****. it might be woned by someone, but its till public. If you had it running on a computer at your home and you had to be in your apartment to access it, then you might be allowed to decide your users cant say **** and ****.
  24. Back on the boylovers trail: Ahahahaha, I cant believe I hadnt heard of this before.
  25. It looks way to hip for me, I only ever read Dinosaur Comics.
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