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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. A friend of mine persuaded me to join him for a bit of free Champions Online MMO playing. As a game, it's a complete joke. Utter and complete rubbish with production value so low, it makes your average indie game look like a AAA production. Only in the world of MMO's could you get away with this kind of crap.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_bubble is the simple way to explain it. The actual real profit value of the MMO market has been grossly overestimated for years and years.
  3. I hate everyone on the show except Sean Bean, the fencing guy(inigo montoya etc.), old man lannister, the midget and some other guys. I especially loathe the stargate guy who plays the retarded emo-mongol. A lot of actors seem to be cast solely for the purpouse of being as annoying as possible, like the children and those blonde twits.
  4. The only reason why we try to keep sex secret from out kids is because we dont want them to start playing creepy games in kindergarten.
  5. Yeah, I guess even a blind hen can find a bean in a basket on a good day. But it's very simple really, just a question of esthetics and statistics. #1 one bloke doing another bloke isnt a very graceful or stimulating thing to watch #2 the only people who would be interested in it anyway are a clear minority. Thus the logical conclusion is that most of us, in fact, does not want to see it. It's just like people who actually watch golf on television. Not that there's anything wrong with that
  6. It's not a cultural thing, it's just a fact that one man putting his **** in another mans arse is not something the majority of people, female or male, wants to see.
  7. Phh, it's not you care how it goes anyway. Me and my friends are just watching this to have something to poke fun at, that other fantasy thing on Starz was too crappy to be fun
  8. Are you locked into helping the elves if you didnt load a savegame from W1? I hate those woody buggers. By the gods that'll make for some ****ty looking shadows Only up close and if you enable SSAO, then thats drowns it out and you wont notice it. And that's comming from someone who rather spends an extra minute per frame to render raytraced shadows rather than use shadowmaps.
  9. That guide seems to ingore that shadows are a major, major GPU hog. If you force the size of the shadow maps to 128-256 youll se huge framerate imrpovements
  10. How bizarre! Are you an Italian living in Finland or a finn living in Italy? And if its the first, what are you dong there?!
  11. It's alarming when a finn has a better comprehension of the english language than a born englishman. Shame on you, mr. Nightshape!
  12. Id like to think he did, and then died before he had time to tell us about it. p.s I gave up on the endrega queens, I just cant damage them enough. An yrden trap only scratches it, same for my other equipment. You ARE supposed to use silves swords on it, right?
  13. I havent got any armor that can be upgraded, so my total armor is about 8-9 maybe
  14. I just cant believe how hard this game is, Im playing on easy and I just cannot complete the Endrega Contract. Those big bugs take no damage, but they kill you with 5 hits. Drinking potions doesnt really work, since the ones I have just trade damage for health and vice versa when I desperately need both.
  15. I want to play it so I can troll about it with some degree of accuracy, if you havent done your homework you'll be found out before the fun starts. ..and where are you working now, then?
  16. You'll only play it and hate it, so just don't bother. All you racing division had to do was take Richard Burns Rally and update the renderer a bit, but did they? No. I mean, how hard could it be?!?
  17. I heard Dirt 3 is out now, but I dont have time to play it
  18. One annoying prick dead, a hundred more to go. They really went over their heads to cast annoying actors in this show.
  19. Aaaw, I thought this was a thread about the rights of men to have as much sex as women do! Because as it is, we have to work so much harder for the same amount of coitus. Not fair and equal, bro.
  20. I liked Walsinghams thread more
  21. The prologue is much harder than the rest of the game, imo. Once you upgrade your abilities so you can block attacks from all directions and take no damage from it, it's not so hard. And you can use the "shield" sign/ability so you take almost no damage. I even set the difficulty back to normal. I dont like having to use bombs, traps and crap though. And am I being an idiot or is there no quick-thing for potions? Do you have to go into medidate every time?
  22. I play on easy (they should have called them normal-hard-insane-utter masochist) and I havent noticed anything.
  23. Given that, going by the rate of accusations by other members, we're all idiots anyway... But are we THAT stupid? First one to post themselves planking is officially the Obsidian 'Tard *grabs camera*
  24. If it isnt Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the tentacle, then I dont want your stupid prize anyway
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