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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. Maybe he's f***ed too many people and got bored with it?
  2. It's sounds like you're being very Bergman-ish, Wals. I would recommend you buy a ferrari and if that's over your budget, get a motorbike.
  3. Today was my second day at my new job in the deep south of Sweden. Im doing 3D for advertising and visualisation. Got off early this afternoon when the electrical central blew up and left the whole building black. Had icecream.
  4. It's blasphemy, but I got pretty pissed trying to read "Crime and punishment" as a teenager. Got about 100 pages in, then gave up and read a synopsis instead. I couldnt fathom how you could stretch out what should have been a short story... into an 800-page brick I think I would appreciate it a lot more if I tried to read it again now, but I cant find it. Lost a ton of books through various moving shennanigans A very bold choice of litterature, mr Wally. Was it the cover or the title that lured you to read it?
  5. We've had "renewable energy" as our main source of power for +50 years here. Hydroelectrics is the shiznitz.
  6. Kaftan Barlast


    We dont get a whole lot of exported british ales in Sweden, so which of the most common brands would you guys recommend? I like ale that tastes A LOT, no mild stuff. And a ton of hops, it should be bitter enough to kill a moose.
  7. Kaftan Barlast


    Im neither old, fat or grey haired yet but I too prefer ales. And the occasional draught for extra protein.
  8. Be fair, aliens with a genocidal superiority complex would be bound to use Macs. Cant argue with that, bro.
  9. No, Battle of LA was much better because it lacked Will Smith. Whenever they started spewing out that armysexual propaganda speech, you could just space out and think about the explosions. The fresh prince of Bel-air have these powers of annyoance that makes it impossible to ignore him. ...also the aliens were not defeated by a MacOS 8 virus in BoLA
  10. You're still on about that film? It was crap in 1996 and it's still crap now.
  11. Does it make it easier or harder for your boss/parents/parole officer to monitor your weird private life?
  12. But how is it that no other nationalities have nya problems with these? Do you brits suffer from some kind of inpetitude relating to incendiary devices?
  13. Fire is dangerous, we should ban it!
  14. I feel like playing devils advocate today so: logicly, being discriminated because you were born poor is quite similar to being discriminated because you were born non-caucasian. It's a non-chosen state of being that defines your quality of life. "Of course you cant go to Oxford if you're too poor to pay the tuition!" "Of course you cant go to Oxford if you're black!"
  15. Mmmmm... nice non-slip handle. Then let me tell you an ancient swedish tale about finns: A young finnish man returns home late at night, stinking of booze and with a big slash in the palm of his right hand. His father is waiting for him him the kitchen. He takes a look at the lad, then his hand, then says: "You stupid idiot! Dont you know you have to keep your thumb on the end of the hilt when you stab?!"
  16. 100% accurate stereotype It's also interesting that Finlands No.1 murder weapon of choice is made in sweden I find it accurate in that the german guy sports a thin moustasche, but he lacks a mullet. All younger jerries have mullets.
  17. Dinklage rules, he should play all the parts by himself. Me and my group of co-tards were all jumping and cheering when it was finally clear that he was totally dead. I hate that actor.
  18. Swedish prejudice regarding other countries: Germans - fat, loud and obnoxious Finns - taciturn, alcoholics that likes to fight with knives and axes Norweigans - annoyingly chipper people who love outdoor winter sports Danes - perpetually drunk and vulgar Brits - pale, ugly people who all wear football jerseys Dutch - drugged out perverts Russians - pale alcoholics whose women all dress like prostitutes Eastern europeans - all men are criminals and all women are prostitutes Frenchmen - mostly obsolete Greeks - hairy homosexuals who spend all their time on the beach, trying to seduce swedish girls so they can rape their boyfriends Italians - Paolo Roberto Spanish - waiters and hotel staff
  19. Only Germans behave like that when they're on holiday here. British people fill up the beaches in an orderly fashion left to right, while the jerries always just smack down right in the middle. Not to talk about their manners around restaurants or hotel areas, they just blitzkrieg right in and annex the best seats with their horrible beach towels. "Oh mein gott! Zat is racist!!"
  20. I suspect that Germans will just continue to cocoon themselves away from the rest of the world with their dubbed tv-shows and specialized germanic internet-subnet. And just to emphasize my loathing of this country and it's people, here is a photograph of a typical german family on summer holiday in Sweden: "Jaaaa, zen vee vill go to ze beach und occupy all ze good spots wiz our obese germanic bodies jaa. Zen ve vill buy all ze schwedisches summer houses driving ze prices up to zilly levels zat ze schwedische cant afford, haha!"
  21. Germany is a crappy country and all germans are loud, obnoxious and obese.
  22. People who are 'shroomed or tripping are kind of fun. You always find them in the bathroom closet at 4am giggling
  23. GoT is crawling with pornstars, which isnt strange at all. There arent a whole lot of normal actresses who would do "lesbian whore school tutorial scene"
  24. Well, thanks that "I just assumed EVERYONE has the time to read al lthe ****ty fantasy paperbacks in the world, so of course I will spoil the whole series" jerk a few pages back, this wasnt a surspise. I bet they'll kill the midget too and just have all the annoying ****s like Jeffrey run around and be annoying
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