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Everything posted by Sedrefilos

  1. You go play WM, then return to Sun in Shadows, you don't scale it up and finish it in 5 mins tops (because you're gonna be overpowered). That's what I did. Don't let your boredom of replaying SiS keep you away from WM 'cause it won't be a problem at the end. It's a must.
  2. Nah, it was as expected, Q1 '18. Since the game is not out I don't care much about having a key right now. I'll go with GoG most probably. Apart from the drm free stuff, for some reason GoG's versions are more compressed making the files smaller and faster to download. Installing might take some more time but downloading faster is the plus imo.
  3. At a same time, there were attempts to go without crowdfudning after the sequel, which, for unknown reason, didn’t pan out. Tyranny is one such example. Banner Saga 2 is the other. I think it was Banner Saga folks who mentioned how much advertising crowdfunding gives to the game. Eh, "here, play again our last year game to go to a frozen village and wait a few months more to return and finish it again" and "here, play a 20-hour rpg about being cool being evil" are reasons enough I think
  4. I can understand you to a point, although getting angry over a video game is beyond me, especially since you'll have you localization version without paying extra. Promising something and then changing it is another thing, though. And I still believe that the "no publishers" attitude for going crowdfunding is total BS from them. They did it with the first game, they're doing it again. The geek industry, as I like to call it, including board games, comics etc has found its golden egg laying goose: crowdfunding platforms. They invest squat (since funding comes from geeks directly) and they profit limitless. No other industry can do that because geeks are loyal to unimportant stuff such as geek stuff and fanboyism/fangirlism reign supreme Now, that isn't necessary a bad thing per se, since you get what you back and others then buy a finished product that they, supposedly, like, and there are also small groups/companies who really need that kickstart, but, at least for the larger ones (and that includes Obsidian), let's call it for what it really is, no?
  5. Didn't play Inquisition so can't comment, but leaving character arcs unfinished sounds like a horrible idea. There could be some minor side stories continued (I think New Vegas did a great job teasing sidestories, which would be delved into deeper), but again, I would rather do it as a side content within a game than have "tying leftover threads" expansion. I do prefer when base game feels complete. While extra content is welcome, it shouldn't feel like part of a game was chopped off and sold seperately. As good as "Shadow Broker" DLC was for Mass Effect 2, the obviously missing Liara's interaction in base game left a bitter taste in me mouth. I think you have played Dragon Age Origins if I remeber correctly. Think of that game's expansion as an idea. You get a complete story ending but you can expand upon. And some characters that might have something more to do after finish (like Morrigan and her baby) can be adressed in the expansion. Something like that. Now if they plan to do 3 dlc they might fit both expansion types and it'll be ever better.
  6. Yeah, but I personally am on the other sectrum. I find it difficult to care for expansions set after the main story. Let's take Pillars for example: how do you follow finale of Pillars with a DLC? Its not enough to tackle any of the important stuff, and telling sidestory just feels more fit as a sidequest rather than standalone game. Whatever cool stuff you add is shortlived because it will be used for couplehours only. What you get is more of the same. Adding content to base game means that you can add mechanics, items and other stuff to the main game enriching the base expericene as well. The best made stand alone expansions were Throne of Bhaal and Mask of Betrayer, but frankly I am not too fond of either. To me neither have enough space to properly breathe even though both have good stuff in them. Writers can intentionally leave some ends unfinished like Dragon Age Inquisition. Conclude the main story but leave some character conclusions or some minor yet important stuff unfinished for an obvious expansion. Pillars 1 was designed from the begining to not have an expansion such as that but I believe more people would be interested to play something that ties up the lose ends of the base game ending rather than having to replay the whole thing.
  7. Wow that is sad to hear. Those were very good expansions and well worth the money. I believe the problem with it was that it wasn't a continuatiation of the story. Many wouldn't care to replay the game after a year just to do a parallel story, especially when it was split in two parts with one months after the other. I was a backer and I loved the basic game and still I tried hard to convince myself to play the White March, Though totally worth it of course
  8. I hate when I have to say that, but, speak for yourself. I could hardly spend my 26 euros to back the game while I wouldn't care about game prices 20 years ago. Things differ in parts of the world and times of the world. And, in general, I always believed games were expensive, though some totally worth it when you can play them for years and years but the majority of them are just to spend a week with them tops for 50+ euros. Lame imo.
  9. I'm also like you; I play only once the main plot and I didn't like the idea of the White March beign parallel to that. And as that kind of player, I highly recomend that you play the White March. What I did was I loaded before jumping in the final dungeon, return to finish the White March and then just ploughed through the final dungeon and finished it once again in like 10 minutes (I didn't chose to scale its difficulty up). White March is the best thing in Pillars 1 imo, its better than the base game and a high recomendation for everyone that liked it, even if you're not into playing parallel expansions.
  10. Maybe an option of mounting artillery on our ship and laying waste on Neketaka would be nice. Or even better, a nuke catapult. Ha! Who ever thought of that?
  11. Well, if they add a dlc with an additional class, yes, I wouldn't like that. If they add a dlc with a bunch of extra fancy items here and there I wouldn't care; won't spend money on that. Hopefully the dlcs they're talking about are fair to meaty expansions (even more hopefuly they have post-finish value!) White March style.
  12. If you're angry for playing it half a year later what should people from countries that it won't even be translated do?
  13. Well, games have become much more complicated over the years. You can't compare a game made in 1989 to PoE2. They were not more polished back then, just a lot more simple than compared today. That's why in some cases you could live without a patch. I was talking mostly about the late 90's and early 00's (that were closer to what Pillars is) but anyway
  14. When was it ever like that? There's always been patching. Even before the general introduction of Internet. They sent floppydisks to you with patches via the regular mail. So yes, there will be patches. And it's a good thing because it will mean a better product for all of us. I never ever patched a game during the before steam era and noone ever mentioned them. Unless you were really involved in a game community you'd never notice. I usually would download or buy a years later edition of a game and be like "oh, includes patch 1.01. Cool whatever it is". Developers were making them, yes, but the games didn't really need them - they were complete and played good. Now most games are blatantly unfinished or unpolished on release and patches are mandatory. Pillars 1 was good at release and, although patched made it better, if they never made them, it would still be good and most wouldn't care that much.
  15. tbh, I don't want them to release any patches is the sense that I want the game to be as good as it can get from the start. I just want, if they're into doing so of course, a meaty expansion that would continue the story. You know, like it used to be
  16. I was hoping they'd release it at the same date as the original just for the sake of it It would have been cool, plus I'd make a birthday present for myself without even knowing it a second time! :D
  17. I bet they'll be. That said, I played the 1st one the moment it came out and had no problem whatsoever, no bugs no nothing.
  18. "Spring" is relative Here in Greece May is almost early summer and I can imagine same goes for California I'm gona be thinking spring = March or April tops
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