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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. Nah. As long as she's only proficient and never takes a CARD FEAT for weapons or armor, it's still a weaponless armorless compaign. She just has the ability to use the ones she picks up before she dumps them at the end of the Scenario.
  2. Yup. At the Scenario Selection screen, there are two round buttons on the lower right. One has a picture of a huamnoid with a bullet-point list (tap to examine your characters' skills, powers, etc), and one with an upright card with a stylized P on it. That's where you can examine the decks of the characters in that party, and even swap cards between them.
  3. Don't be so sure! Khorramzadeh is a Combat 50, THEN a Combat 50. Fortunately, Valeros was there with me and took the other check. Even with 5d20, he only got a 60-something.
  4. In tabletop Season of the Righteous Guild play, I got my best roll ever (which is kinda cheating, because the Wrath of the Righteous set in general can give you multiple d20s on a check). Grand total was 104, on a combat check that was SUPPOSED to be a 50, but was Transmogrified to a 30. I did not take a pic of the dice. (*sigh*)
  5. Uh, bad news, there. You never remove Basic blessings from the box. Why not ?!? Dad blammit! I'd SWEAR this was a general rule, but it's apparently only for Season of the Shackles Guild Play.
  6. Uh, bad news, there. You never remove Basic blessings from the box. (Unless Obsidian decides to do something different.)
  7. Yeah, but you can pre-cull the boxes. (Though that sidebar was accidentally left out of the latest PFSACG guide.)
  8. If you can get the image size down to 1MB or below, you can attach them here. Open a reply and click "More Reply Options". That should, among other things, give you an option to attach below the text window. First "Browse" to select a file, then "Attach this file" to actually add it to the post.
  9. You could always do the Adventure Card Guild cull. Remove all Basic AND Elite boons that are two AD#s lower than than the current Adventure...
  10. This is a known "bug", reported to and acknowledged by the Devs.
  11. It actually says so in the Adventure Selection screen. If you look at the bottom of the Skinsaw Murders screen at the bottom, there's a black button that says "Card Reward". It'[ll show you the Skinsaw Mask (AD 2 Item). Try going to that screen and tapping on each of the five scenarios in turn. Watch the colored skull that shows the difficulty you'll start at (if you don't select anything else). If one (or more) isn't/aren't red, redo that scenario on Legendary.
  12. Nope. I have a bronze border, so I'm Uncommon.
  13. No, there were devs on yesterday snapping up bug reports, including Aarik D and Sylvanta. (And of course, Mikey was on to collect questions for the upcoming playthrough of Brigandoom! tomorrow night...)
  14. Actually, there's no rule about replaying Scenarios at all, except on p 19 of the Rulebook: "No character may gain a reward from a given scenario, adventure, or Adventure Path more than once." So, replay all you like, and enjoy all the boons you acquire. But once a character has received a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path reward, they'll never receive it again.
  15. Ooooh. Yeah. I use an image editor (GIMP) to export (Save As doesn't work) the file to JPG and adjust the "quality" slider down a hair (75% is usually good) to sneak the file size down.
  16. You can absolutely upload screenshots. I've done it several times. If you're doing a Reply, next to the Post button is a "More Reply Options" button. That will open up the full editor and show the "Attach Files" function.
  17. I admit I've never done this, but it should do exactly that. Just remember, you can't have a single character in the middle of two different Scenarios, so if you stop in the middle of one with one party, you might have problems starting another with another party.
  18. You can always Salvage excess copies of a given card for gold (2 - 5 each, depending on its rarity) to keep the "population" down.
  19. One of the regulars actually asked about this ruling on the Paizo forum.
  20. Wow. That's EXACTLY the sort of difference I was looking for, and I totally missed it.
  21. Each character gets a nickname. If it's your first iteration of a given character, it's just the character's name. The second is the character's name with a 1 after. (You can also SET nicknames. "Old McLini" could be one of your farming characters, frex.) A character with a given nickname is a set iteration. If you've added a "new" Merisiel to each party, then no, they will be entirely separate, and when you go to the Party Character List screen, you'll see the one's individual nickname.
  22. That's actually all one power. "Add 2 to your Arcane check with the Force ( or Acid and Cold) ( or Electricity and Fire) trait(s)." It's just tougher to see in the game display. The best way to think of it is that everything within oblong rectangular box is one power. It applies once to a given situation.
  23. I don't believe Snakes let you explore, but otherwise, I agree.
  24. It's a treasure card that you might get out of chests.
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