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Everything posted by da_mayor

  1. I imagine the first thing the Devs would want to know if you're using an Apple or Ipad. Next, they'll probably want you to make sure you're logged into Google Play or the Apple App store, as appropriate. I'd worry about reinstalling the game before this gets addressed, because your tablet won't have any way to connect to playfab (I think that's the central dbase of purchases that spans all platforms) and verify that you've purchased the Bundle, thus you may lose everything. Edit: Ninja'd!
  2. Oh. Ew. I apologize for "speaking" before I saw all the data. That's an impressive one.
  3. When you're at the party selection screen, can you delete the old party with the X up in the upper right? That should free Merisiel up.
  4. Just once per check/step. Otherwise, unlimited.
  5. When I started a game of the four characters who start with Divine skill, there were enough Cures for each of them to have at least one. My fiancée would have to give me access to my tablet (which, to be fair, is at home, while I am at work) to see how many I ended up taking.
  6. There's a bug that marks the scenario completed without awarding the Scenario reward. It should just leave the Scenario uncompleted. They're working on it. There is, to my knowledge, no work-around. (I started a new passle of characters and played from the start.)
  7. It looks a lot like the "Hand a card to another player" icon in the "turn phases" buttons in the top right side of the screen. It should appear in the middle of the black kinda-shield-shaped Skills field at the top center.
  8. While that's where I find them on my cards at home, on the video game, I see them on the left, just above the first powers. It says "P Item" (or what have you). And that's less about "rarity" and more about which adventure you need to be playing before the game puts a copy of those cards into the "vault". The best thing is to NOT be in the game and look at the Gallery like in your first screen shot and click the P button on the upper right. That should show you the Promo cards of each type (to begin, you should have a Monster, an Ally and a Blessing).
  9. I have a suggestion. Try going to Story. You should see two "columns". The first is to start a new party. The second should be your munged-up party of Kyras and Merisiels. That second column should have an X box up in the upper right to make it go away. Try clicking that, then tapping the green "play" button at the bottom of the first column. Build a new group and see if that goes better.
  10. My best suggestion (if you haven't already tried) is to quit the game (you may need to make sure it's no longer running), start again, and look in the Gallery for it. The only Basic I've unlocked is the Dilettante, and he's been available to build decks with, for me. If you don't see it in the Gallery, check this thread and see if you can get the issue fixed.
  11. If you would like a large pool of characters to examine, go to paizo.com and "buy" the character sheets for $0.00. They'll be available for download as PDFs and you can see how not only the characters in the video game are put together, but the characters in the other sets and in the Character Decks. As for burying one of the blessings, that does have the advantage of wheedling your blessing inventory down, but even one round of that power could be overbutch if you have a handful of blessings. (Though it's not QUITE as bad as I think as that'll serious dig into his ability to explore multiple times.) I dunno. Being able to break the restriction on how many blessings you can play on a single check/step is a notable power. Having even ONE blessing apply to multiple checks would also be a notable power. Having multiple blessings apply to multiple checks is... huge. As for the spell, it might be best to make it an optional card feat and start with zero spells. I can only think of a handful of characters who start with spells, but don't have access to Arcane or Divine skills to start. All of them (Flenta, Crowe, some of the Alchemists) have powers that address the spells (except Ranzak, who is a messed-up case). Whereas many characters have the option to pick up spells even if they'll never be able to recharge them. Merisiel, for example, can pick up a spell with a card feat.,
  12. I've been playing on my phone as well. It helps to be nearsighted... My fingers are quite fat indeed, but given the screen real estate limitations, the UI is pretty impressive. I've been able to do everything I can do on my tablet (sometimes it takes a bit more finessing)...
  13. I read that as Foam Giant Sword +1 originally, and wasn't sure if it was a giant foam sword, or a sword belonging to a Foam Giant. "Everytime I pick up my sword, my arm collapses..."
  14. Also, you don't get the "Black" border cards. Some of these are rewards for completing Adventures in Legendary mode (Samisen, Orik's Shield, etc.) Some of them, I don't know. How DO you unlock Blessings of Milani and Cayden Cailean? 'cause those and Sivannah are my faves...
  15. One that was orphaned at a young age and raised by humans in the slums. It's hard to get a solid foundation of education living like that. I'm trying an all-healer party: Kyra, Lem, LIni, and Seelah. I was thinking about Harsk, but he doesn't get Divine until he picks his Role and puts a power feat into it, not to mention a card feat.
  16. Samisen? 50's pretty darn mighty. Don't think I've come close to that yet.
  17. This would be awesome. I actually wanted to be able to do this during the "Beginning of turn" action. Specifically: Lem closed a location and ended his turn. His next turn, he had a blessing in his hand. He also had several different blessings in his discard pile. I wanted to be able to check what kind of cards were at which locations so he could decide whether to use his Versitile Performance power to swap for one of the blessings in his discard pile (and if so, which one), or keep the one he had. I'd need to be able to look at everything without moving past the begginning-of-turn actions.
  18. Personally, I'm mystified that the experienced characters crossed over. According to everything I've read here, character party saves are local to the device and not shared on the cloud. Beyond that, I don't have anything useful to add.
  19. This is a UI issue. When you put it in the unequipped section, it goes from "Weapon" to "Loot". You may notice that there is no "Loot" button (would look like a sparkling crown) to view unequipped Loot cards. The only way to see it again is to click the "Show All" button.
  20. I'd swear someone mentioned this specific tablet... It's not the version of Android so much as the chipset. The chip (Tegra?) doesn't support an extension used by the game until you get to the Tegra 3 chips. (This is from memory, so I may have the specifics wrong.)
  21. Yup, the intent is pretty well executed. If you owned the card game, I'd suggest playing her a few rounds and seeing how she worked. As I say, that first power will probably make her tough to beat.
  22. Kgk4569's issue was resolved in another thread. The important bit was: The thread is linked here.
  23. I mentioned this in another thread. It seemed like a counter-intuitive UI issue.
  24. There are a bunch of instances where the skill used changes from what one might prefer. You can usually set it back by clicking on the skill name in the black banner.
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