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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. Johnnie red, neat. Do it. Do it!
  2. Hey Bryy, I have every confidence that Obsidian will be working their asses off to deliver this game. Every confidence.
  3. I'm playing the WL2 beta and loving it. If you check my posts on the inXile forums they are almost universally positive, well, minus the bug reports of course. A major difference between that beta and this one, is that its around 2.5x longer (~10 months). The other difference is that backers have been able to beta test about 50% of the game, having the opportunity to provide critical feedback on so much of the game. WL2, I know, is going to be a much stronger game than it otherwise would have been due to how it approached the beta.
  4. I will perhaps try a run tonight where I (heaven forbid) completely neglect to save my game... just for the sake of science.
  5. So this is certainly a fair point. I have bug reported and listed in this thread the main bug that's plaguing me (disappearing equipment). But there are others, and because my time has been very limited today I have not taken the time to list those out. Will try to spend some time this evening to do that.
  6. I would hope - this being the beta and all - that people will be honest about the flaws. Otherwise it won't get fixed because Obsidian will think its okay. Fully agree.
  7. There seems to be a fair few posters who seem to think that because this is a beta and because it's the first 24 hours we shouldn't be calling out the games flaws. That's rubbish. I can only react to the game state I'm seeing right now, not the one that will exist after a patch or two. I have also said that I believe PoE has the makings of a truly great game, so stop acting like I'm here just to trash it. All of my points about the game are being presented in a constructive, respectful manner, so I've certainly nothing to apologize for. If I could actually play the game without my equipment constantly disappearing I'm sure I never would have made this post. But I can't, and I know OE was aware of this bug prior to releasing the beta. They should have sorted it out first. I think that more than anything else us what I find unacceptable. I'm not in game development, but I've worked in other software development mediums long enough to know that when you pass a critical bug to your end users for beta testing, you're only going to piss them off. I'm rather displeased that OE has chosen to do exactly that to the backers. I sincerely hope this one will be corrected with haste.
  8. Take better care of your piggie?
  9. I love the 2D painted backgrounds. Man, have I missed those! I love the music that I have heard so far. More than anything I love the potential that this game has to be great, truly great. There's more, but I'm pressed for time.
  10. A few things here. First off, my post is not one born of "impatience." I'm plenty patient, in fact I'm the one suggesting that OE take "more" time with the game if needed. So "impatience" was the wrong argument to hit me with. As for entitlement, I hear this word bandied about a lot on these forums, with an unnecessarily negative connotation associated with it. Yes, I am fully entitled to share my opinions, even if they happen not to be of the 100% praise category. So yes, I appreciate you acknowledging my entitlement, even if you mistakenly think there's a problem with it. Further if I was raising concerns 3 - 4 months from now, that would be way too late. That's when the game is set to be released, and at that point those concerns would be release day realities. Far, far better to raise one's concerns early, in my humble opinion. The other thing that this forum is going to have to deal with, is that the world is filled with cynical people. I'm one of them, and in my personal life I have turned this into an advantage, so I don't see it necessarily as a flaw. It's the folks who "assume it's all under control" that I have a hard time understanding. When it's something that I care about, as I care deeply about this game, that's not good enough for me. And further, why should I assume it's all under control? Why should I assume that Obsidian will have things all wrapped up in 4 months? They might, but frankly, any voice other than their's on this topic means little to me. For my way of thinking, for the way my brain works, there is legitimate reason for concern only 4 months away from release. And further, they opted to release the beta in a barely playable state. This is a discernible behavior that I am reacting to, and it indicates that they might they do so with the final release too. I don't want that. Why should I be dismissive of that? At the end of the day, I want only what the rest of you want. I want PoE to be the rousing success that many of us have waited 15 years for, and have overly bloated expectations of. I guess I just happen to express myself differently than many of you. I expect to be held accountable for my actions in my real life, and I don't have a problem holding others accountable. So be prepared for some honesty from me in the weeks/months to come!
  11. I know what you’re thinking. Of course it does, stupid! It’s still in beta. Yes I get that, but the number of issues that I’m seeing with such a small portion of the game has me very concerned. I mean, I presume that OE took the time to make this beta demo as good as it can be. It is still lacking and, well, what about the rest of the game? If the 3 – 5 hour backer beta needs this much work, what about our stronghold? The 13 odd levels of Od Nua. Two major cities, and so on and so on? Can a December 2014 target still be attained? For me the beta isn’t even playable, as in 3 separate games my party members have consistently had their equipment disappear. Try playing a wizard without a spell book! Let me be among the first to say that I fully expect the release to get pushed back. I just don’t see Winter 2014 happening. You figure, they’re going to want to release at least a little before Christmas, so at most they 4 months to get this out on time. I just don’t think there’s going to be enough time. Now let me pause to say that the “wrapper” of this game is fantastic. I love the graphics. I love the Infinity Engine feel – obsidian has nailed this! I love the varied classes and races and sub-races. I truly feel that this game has all the potential to be the first worthy spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate, and perhaps even end its 15 year reign as the King of cRPGs. But I hope that OE will take the time to give it the polish it deserves, and release it when its truly ready.
  12. Based on the fact that dialogue seems only to occur through you created PC, and your PNPCs don't help, this for me is favoring creating a high Int, high perception character. This is sort of unfortunate, but based on the way things are currently, it seems that if you don't have a high perception character you are going to miss a lot game opportunities. So this is pushing me toward playing a rogue, perhaps exclusively. OTOH, maybe by doing this I will be closing the door on other game opportunities (e.g. game options that can only be triggered by high STR characters)? I hope the disappearing gear bug is resolved soon, since I can't see much point in playing any class if my party's weapons and such continue to disappear.
  13. You can keep those. I will miss miniature GIANT space hamsters! Those are much better!
  14. It's more of a beta demo, since the scope is closer to what you would expect from a demo. I was disappointed by this, but have made my peace with it.
  15. Select your lockpicker to pick locks. It's their special skill. That's how it should be.
  16. I've created 3 characters and have had these issues each time. I think I'm going to wait to play to the beta until it's resolved. It's a pretty nasty bug, and it seems to be happening to a lot of players. The idea that my wizard just suddenly can't contribute anymore is rather unthinkable.
  17. This happened again in my new game, but this time only to my wizard. My priest is fine, but my wizard lost his spell book and all weapons except for a shield. I had not loaded any saves in either game. Both times I just started fresh games and was running around the village checking stuff out. I haven't even gotten to any combat yet. For what it's worth, I did save my game both times, once or twice, but never loaded.
  18. I saw this bug in one of Adam's Gamescom playthroughs, and just experienced it myself. I'm not sure how to recreate. But a short time after starting the game I noticed that my wizard lost their grimoire and weapons, and my priest lost her weapons. I've since started a new game, and hopefully won't have this problem again.
  19. Backer portal. My account. Products.
  20. Thanks for the reply. I'm learning my way around the interface. I'm intrigued by the fact that there is an interface button just dedicated to the stronghold. That will be taunting me for the entire backer beta!
  21. I hope OE will give proper names to the BB party. BB Rogue, BB Priest, etc. just isn't very inspiring. Even for a short adventure, I'd like my party members to have names. Also, minor point but it would be nice to have a customize option in game at least for your PC. I got into the game and noticed I had chosen the same portrait as another party member, and can find no way in the game to change it.
  22. Weird. They just magically fixed themselves as soon as I clicked to talk to that group that starts just to the right of your starting position.
  23. My party members are moving in slow motion. Does anyone know how to fix that?
  24. Use this thread to discuss the 11 classes presented in the Pillars of Eternity Backer Beta. A couple of initial observations, I like that, compared to DnD each class starts with more hitpoints. So I would expect initial survivability to be better than it was at early level in D&D. With respect to the Paladin, I have really no idea which order I should choose. I understand that there are penalties or bonuses for each order depending on how you play. I was originally thinking I'd start with this class, but now I'm considering trying something a little more straight forward. I thought I had it all figured out, but now that I'm in the game, I'm as indecisive as anything. Guess I'll just pick something and run with it.
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