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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. Here are the racial traits: Humans +1 Resolve, +1 Might Aumaua - +2 Might Dwarf +2 Might, -1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution Elf +1 Dexterity, +1 Perception Orlan +1 Resolve, -1 Might, +2 Perception Godlike +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
  2. I'm digging the introduction music. Very heroic. Very hummable. Now to create my character, at long last.
  3. Call in a bomb threat. That's the sort of outside the box thinking we need more of around here!
  4. And now the game is installed, and launched. It is a glorious thing. Today was a good day to work from home!
  5. 85%. Current broadband throughput is way below what it ought to be. I'll have to call my provider about that. But at least I'm nearly there.
  6. That could be. I think I got a message that 6GB were required, so I guess the download is closer to half that. Sorry for the bad info guys.
  7. 32%. Not screaming, but at least it's getting there.
  8. And downloading. It's 6GB download for those who want to know.
  9. Just hit generate key!
  10. Apparently this thread has not drawn the "laughing" type.
  11. Fine. I will have my wife flog me this evening for the error of my ways. Will that make you all feel better? And I wasn't looking for attention as much as hoping to give some people a laugh in a rather tense moment.
  12. If you happen to get a key that doesn't work, just send in a support ticket. We will more than likely be overloaded with support tickets, but we will get to them as fast as we can. Just wondering, but what do you game devs/community moderators/support specialists do to prepare physical and emotionally for "lauch day" of any significant description? I hear they watch The Leftovers episodes over and over. It the only way to get their spirits low enough for the pain and suffering that is sure to come.
  13. Or more likely, in less than an hour you'll be locked in a long, torturous download process!
  14. Just a little pre-release fun. I'm sure this will get locked or buried quickly as soon as this forum go into post beta support mode. So not to worry my friend.
  15. I don't believe Obsidian obtained the rights to Boo, unfortunately.
  16. I realize the beta demo isn't technically out yet but I already have a couple of bugs to report. The first is: beetles. Seriously, these things are overgrown. Some of them even eat rocks!! Please help! The second is: spiders! Again, huge and disgusting. These suckers gotta get squashed! I'm sure I'll be back with more equally helpful bug reports soon. So rest easy Obsidian. I'm on the job!
  17. it's not funny,dude Sah-Ree! But you have to admit, those images are obnoxiously large. I imagined one or several at the end of every post you made, and hence, my probably not so supportive response.
  18. You know, alternatively OE could just slip me my key and I could help them out with the whole validation thing! What's that? Not in a thousand ye... No, really? Waaaaaah!! Guess I better do some work then.
  19. Hey there guys, see how much better things are with communica... oh screw it! Thanks for the update Brandon, and appreciate all of the hard work from OE to get to this point!
  20. You have truly established your place as a god-like figure on these forums, never to be forgotten! Hail, hail to the great... uh, whatshisname! :P
  21. I've played a good amount of the WL2 beta, and have barely had time to touch D:OS. And now the PoE beta demo is nearly here. I guess it's good in way that the beta is "demo sized" rather than something much larger. But yeah, even still I have toyed with the idea of quitting my job for a while, and sending my family away for a while. 2014 is the year of the cRPG as far as I'm concerned!
  22. You know, there is a distinct reading deficit on these forums. Doppelschwert's comments were incorrect, and if you closely read what the other guy posted as "proof" you will see that. But at the end of the day, I really don't care to correct you guys further. My only purpose for being here is because I'm excited about PoE. The conversation with a small subset of the forumites here has become so pointless I'm beginning to grown nauseous. Carry on then.
  23. Proof or it didn't happen. Blind optimism? That, and I guess that the fact that Steam tends to update at 10AM Pacific? Still plenty of time for OE to announce a pushback to 08/19 though. Here you go. Well, the 3 hours comment was blind optimism. Yes, I hinted that it was possible for the game to be pushed back, but as I just finished explaining, it absolutely was a possibility. Delays are always possible. That's me being a realist. And further there was nothing "constant" about me making such a statement. So, unfortunately, Doppelshwert's (sp?) claim is still unproven, and incidentally, is false.
  24. Proof or it didn't happen. Not trying to proof anything here and won't waste my time either. Fine. Suffice to say that I never hinted that the beta "is" delayed, because I would not have known this. I may have mentioned that it was a possibility, which of course it was, but we're talking once or twice, not constantly as you erroneously claimed. And talking about such a possibility is more a realistic perspective than a negative one. And I certainly never hinted that it won't come at all. But other than that, your post was right on the money!
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