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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. /sigh Why do you have a problem with me expressing my opinions? How is it hurting you? I'm well within my rights to share my opinions and concerns about the game, I'm not being disrespectful to anyone, and to the best of my knowledge I'm not violating any forum rules, so I don't see the issue. Regarding your comment about Osvir, in the few days I've been dialoging with him this week I've come to respect his posting style even if we haven't agreed on everything. But his posting style is his. I have my own way of posting and expressing my opinions. And so does most everyone, for that matter. There are plenty of posters here that post in a manner that I don't enjoy, but I'm not asking anyone to change. I'm not sure why you feel so bold as to insinuate that I should do so. And lastly, you seem to have this impression that I'm "so agitated" and that I'm wringing my hands. I just want to clarify that I'm not losing any sleep over any of this stuff. I want a great game, and yes I care. But in the greater scheme of things I fully realize that this is "just a game". I dare say I haven't squeezed my hands together once over any of this.
  2. There currently appears to be no way to exit the chargen screen except for fully creating your character and launching the game. There should be a way to exit out and quit the game if you're not going to follow through on creating a character. Similar observation with the level up screen. Once you go into it, there's no way to cancel out and level up later. Please add... well, after you've addressed critical bugs such as disappearing items, disappearing quests, party members getting stuck in place, issues with stacked items, issues with looted items never entering the party's inventory... after those sorts of bugs are squashed, the above mentioned convenience fixes would be nice to see. Thanks.
  3. I'm seriously having bad luck with this game. I just created a new game with a chanter, intending never to save and never to loot (except perhaps quest items). So I got into the game world, leveled up my Chanter and spoke to the following individuals, Medreth, the guard on the bridge, the pig farmer, and then went into the Inn to find Nefre (sp?). Upon entering the inn I checked my team's equipment and sure enough, grimoire and wand gone from the wizard, and first weapon set gone from the priest. Nearly exactly what happened in my previous attempt with the game. I'm wondering if there's a way that I can give myself like a bazillion CP, so I can at least afford to purchase replacements every time I lose something. Anyone know how to do that?
  4. You realise that this would merely increase the base value by some amount, but have no effect on your clicking whatsoever? Whether your stats start at 0 and you have, say, 20 points to distribute or they start at 10 and you have 20 points to distribute, you still have 20 points to distribute and need the same number of clicks to do so. I will respond to this for the sake of clarity. As the game is currently, you start with 57 points to distribute which means 57 clicks are required to distribute them. If all stats were set to 10 at chargen, and assuming the same number of total stats, you would have 18 points to distribute. I tend not to have any stats below 10, so there would be 18 clicks. Final tally is 39 less clicks at chargen (57 - 18 = 39).
  5. LOL! There's no response required. The conversation was cute but has run it's course, and my last post was meant to close out the dialogue. Even though I agreed with the idea, I don't care enough about it to continue talking about it, or even talking around it. So feel free to bash the idea all you want. I'm moving on.
  6. I've seen this before too. Yesterday I started a game with a ranger, made absolutely no save, talked to Medreth, the farmer, and the apothecary gal to pick up their quests. Was planning to head to the crossing, but low and behold, grimoire and wand gone from wizard and one of the weapon sets from the priest. Game died right there.
  7. I haven't any goal here. I'm just poster B, who happened not to hate the idea of poster A, and I find Gromnir's semi-vociferous reaction to the idea a touch curious. There's no "deeper agenda" that I have for posting in this thread, so rest easy. EDIT: Oh, and I was also having a little fun with the fact that I'm apparently conversing with one of the villains from my all time favorite cRPG. Just innocent fun without any ulterior motive. Some of the posters here are such suspicious fellows.
  8. Complaint? Who's complaining? I'm reading this thread as merely an opinion and a suggestion from one of our forum participants. I'm not sure where you're getting the complaint angle from, but I guess it would somewhat explain why your reaction isn't exactly proportional to the idea. Here's what has happened, just to recap: Poster A has an idea. Poster B says, that's not a bad idea. Gromnir comes into the conversation, and grows increasingly annoyed, twisting the innocent suggestion into a bonafide complaint. What? No Gromnir, not good fun. Just a good way to unnecessarily suck a little bit of joy out of Gromnir's day.
  9. I'm also partial to "Youurr time is done... primate!" (doppelgangers) Along with: "Evil 'round every corner. Careful not to step in any." (Minsc) And: "The day comes when Tiax will point and click!" (Who else) And: "I don't know what you expected, but as a sword, I'm pretty one dimensional in what I waaaant!" (Lilacor the talking sword) Could probably keep adding all day.
  10. Some helpful tips in that thread Osvir. I may have to try attempt #10, with no looting. As for increased stability, I would have to surmise that you're just getting really good at avoiding the bugs. I had some better luck yesterday morning with 2 attempts. Followed by 3 that bugged out very, very quickly, with zero save game having been made.
  11. Gromnir Il-Khan has mellowed it seems. Shall have to place my hope in Dorn Il-Khan (Note the lack of emoticon).
  12. Oh, come on. Just go into your berserker rage. You know you want to.
  13. I read something about this, item stacks cause bugs and vanishing inventory. I'm currently testing without picking anything up, just running around an fighting where needed/unavoidable. Heading into Stormwall Gorge directly (because going East unlocks West too). "How can I progress forward and avoid known bugs whilst looking for new ones?" May the gods bless you my friend. The determination you display is admirable.
  14. Surreal eh? Pretty good word for an orc, even one with divine parentage. Meh. What you are going to do? You don't personally care about this. Someone else on an internet forum does. Nothing to get worked up over, in my estimation. Though us evil human clerics do tend to see things differently than evil orc barbarians. I get that you have to do your "rage" thing every so often!
  15. Not a bug in my opinion. Especially when you might come to hate one of your companions and want to kill them!
  16. Really, the thing I'm more interested in seeing is the option to hold the increment/decrement button to have them values continue to increase/decrease, respectively. I'm turning into an old fart, and could do without the extraneous clicking.
  17. Well it's early beta, so don't expect that OE has had time to create a portrait for every possible character combo. They will likely add some more before release, but it's probably not realistic to expect that every possibility will be represented in with a custom drawn portrait. But that's where importing custom portraits comes into play!
  18. that is a genuine concern? is something you see worth spending any resources 'pon? well, am guessing that once absolutely all the bugs is fixed and the serious balance concerns is addressed, if the developers has nothing better to do, then we can see them setting initial default scores at 8. ... is so far down our list o' genuine concerns that it don't even bear mentioning. HA! Good Fun! Don't think this qualifies as "development". Get some 1st week intern to spend 10 minutes in a configuration file to change starting values from 3 to 10, and lower the attribute pool accordingly (i.e. wouldn't take any "development" resources, per say). Further, a lot of the discussion that happens on these boards is theoretical. I'm not saying OE should put this as priority 1 or anything, and I would be rather dismayed if they did that. It probably shouldn't even been in the top 100 priorities, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it!
  19. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually missing the "pathfinding" from the IE games! As horrific as it was, it's actually a good deal better than the current pathfinding! Yep, I said it. I went there. Whatchyou gon do bout it!
  20. For me this is more about the convenience factor of not having to click so often.
  21. Wait what? There is no exp for kills? What do you do gain levels by talking? By completing quests. I miss kill xp, and rogue xp for picking locks and the like.
  22. It's in the game. Just needs to be voiced. Yes, after all these years the "you must gather" guy has converted me. I want to hear him say it!
  23. Also off-topic: I did indeed read the article. Very interesting. I didn't intend my comment to derail or lessen the momentum of your idea. Please keep discussing and fleshing it out. There's always patches and at least 1 expansion on the horizon, where stuff like this has a chance to see the light of day. A name generator would seem a worthy addition, to help new players create characters that are "lore appropriate".
  24. It depends on how much progress they can make in a short amount of time. We don't know if the path finding problem is just a small bug or whether they need to sit down and come up with a whole new algorithm, implement it, fix it, and get feedback. I'm a little surprised we didn't see a quick patch come out the same week to address the low hanging fruit. Maybe there isn't any and they need more time. This is one of the things that concerns me. The disappearing items bug was known to OE prior to the BB launch. For how long, I don't know. I think anyone can admit that this is a devastating bug, but it didn't stop OE from postponing the beta. But nearly a week later we still have no fix for what may well be a long standing bug. I've seen one developer comment that seems to indicate that the fix is still a work in progress. So a fix may still be a ways out. But only 3 - 4 months away from launch, I'm wondering how OE can be properly testing all of the game content when the game systems are inherently broken. And disappearing items isn't the only game breaker. Party members getting stuck in place is another devastating bug. So again, there's roughly 150 maps filled with all kinds of content. 3 - 4 months from release we should have people playtesting this game front to back to make sure that, not only every single quest, dialogue, script and system works well, but that the overall progression from start to finish works as expected. I just don't know how you can provide that level of testing when the game is still fundamentally broken. Personally, I'm still unable to complete a SINGLE QUEST without a game breaking bug occurring. People accuse me of jumping to hasty conclusions for having lack of information, but something that I've become pretty good at is connecting dots. In my career I have been told by some that this is something I'm masterful at, as far too often I have to figure things out where I only have a fraction of the necessary information. Not saying that my concerns are on the money in this case, and I hope they aren't. Time will tell on that. But, well, let's just say that my Spidey Sense is tingling, and I've learned to trust that. I'm not sure why that puts so many people off around here, but it certainly was never my intent to "cause a scene". In a few months we'll all know if I'm going to be eating my hat. I look forward to that!
  25. This would seem to make sense. Though the other option, or perhaps an option that can be paired is to be able to hold down the increment/decrement button so you can min/max a skill without having to click 15 times!
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