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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. This +1 million, and I will never thank you enough for it. Besides, achieving the same degree of detail and overall quality in real-time 3D would have mandated much steeper system requirements, and I believe it was always Obsidian's intention to make this game work on older machines to reach the widest audience possible. Last but not least: Area artwork in PoE looks RAAAAAAD!! *Leonidas gif animation*
  2. I too will wait and see, but I think dynamic lighting is a big part of what makes PoE look so good
  3. Also, referencing the first screenshot, the title of chants (or spells, abilities, etc.) should not overlap the decorative border on the parchment-like UI screen (known issue?).
  4. Sean, I just wanted to tell you that I'm personally in love with the looks of PoE and I greatly appreciate the realistic approach to graphic design you took. It is really refreshing in a world of cartoony over-the-top shenanigans like WoW's or FF's. PoE is, as far as I'm concerned, what an IE game should look like nowadays. Keep up the good work!
  5. Agreed. Higher-end machines deserve some eye candy.
  6. Amen to "if your characters can do it, enemies should too". Big time. And +1000 to the fact it should be basic in every game, rather than rely on mods.
  7. While I agree with you that Resolve should not be a dump stat for paladins, I believe many people are misinterpreting Josh's stated intentions with regards to the attribute system. IIRC, he never meant for all stats to be equally good for all classes—rather, he wanted to avoid a situation where a class built around certain attributes would result in a completely hopeless character. E.g. if you build a barbarian with high INT and low STR in any IE games, you'll soon find that you're screwed and your character ain't but a deadweight. If you do the same in PoE, your character will still be viable and able do something in and outside combat, albeit suboptimal versus other builds. (this is just an example; I know a barbarian with low MIG makes no sense in PoE too). Not saying that this is the best possible way to build an attribute system and/or everyone should be happy with the status quo and agree with Josh. It is perfectly fine to advocate that all stats should be equally viable for all classes. All I'm saying is that, to the best of my recollection, that was not Josh's goal when designing PoE's attribute system.
  8. I see nothing wrong with that. Barbarians don't necessarily have to be all dumb
  9. Serirousry now, compressing loading images is bad enough. In-game assets really should be sacred. Please oh please revert back to non-compressed or at least make it an option for people playing at higher resolutions and/or on higher-end machines.
  10. I too had not realized those portraits were meant to be aumauas. Thought they were orlans. Josh said Kaz would make a final pass on all portraits for consistency before release; hopefully that's still a thing. Also: Agree 100% with Luckmann on consistency. That's the reason why I never use custom portraits in BG: They don't fit the art style of the game and stick out like a sore thumb.
  11. I can be fine with that so long as it gets done eventually.
  12. I, too, find these changes interesting. Sensuki: Has Josh ever said anything about their will to make enemy AI use potions and items? AI not doing so was/is one of my major gripes with IE games.
  13. It doesn't matter. With loading screens as with everything else, either do right or don't do it at all
  14. Much agreed. I'll take longer loading times any time of day and night if that meant higher quality video or audio. Please make this an option or revert back to high quality assets.
  15. Yeh, wild orlans and ocean folk also need love. Agreed. But why does nobody think of the children sand-skinned aumaua?
  16. Further putting ranks in my delusional skill—if those things get done for PoE2, is there any chance you'd back-port them to PoE?
  17. Chances that this makes it to the expansion? It would be a pity if that was a PoE2-only feature.
  18. Thanks Bobby! It's great to hear you're considering more portraits for post-release patches on top of trying to get as many as possible in for launch :D All portraits so far look pretty rad and you can never have too many!
  19. Adam, If it is mostly a matter of time, is there any chance a post-release patch could get rid of combat-only?
  20. Hi Adam, Right now I think the sand-colored skin aumaua have no male or female portraits of any kind in the game, IIRC.
  21. Clean&Clear—If you open a thread dedicated to the subject I'll chime in to support the removal of "combat only".
  22. Adam confirmed in the bug section that movies have been made skippable. As for msaa, BMac said he'll look into it if he has time (so probably not before release).
  23. kujeger, I spoke with BMac about this in private as I, too, play at 2560x1440. He said they are aware of these issues and hope to get to them soon, so I am confident they will be fixed—it just might take a while as they're currently swamped in high priority bugs and optimizations.
  24. I disagree. Pre-buffing was always a deliberate choice on the player's part and never an issue one would casually run into. Pretty much like using cheat codes: They exist but nobody's forcing them on anyone. "combat only" makes no in-game sense and severely gimps specific character builds for no value added.
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