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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. I'm just your average every day super-attractive, scarf wearing, spanish speaking, airplane piloting, sharp-shooting, skull-bashing, armour crafting, arm chopping, prisoner interrogating, surgery doing, slow motion vision having, antidote making, eagle-like, stay-at-home dad. Also my pancakes are killer

  2. Suggestion: Perhaps we should separate skill (how well you can craft) from knowledge (what you can craft) Then a high skill allows you many options to craft what you know and as you gain more knowledge, you'll have more items to craft well So someone with the highest crafting capabilities, but little experience won't be able to call himself a master despite being really good at mending buckles. Proficiency with weapons and armour, experience in fighting certain weapons and armour, owning certain weapons and armour, all improve knowledge. Eventually you may have fought with spears or against spears or carried a spear long enough that you got to study it well enough to start crafting it yourself. And then your skill in crafting is applied.
  3. Congrats man! now after Dragon Commander I expect you to succeed on normal
  4. If they exist in P:E, they should not only be around when they're relevant, or rather, they should be just as relevant as any companion npc.
  5. If I have to pick, I'd say we don't need a ton different species of intelligent creatures. Humans will do. but it's a minor gripe. hardly worth mentioning, certainly no deal-breaker.
  6. Perhaps, but I think those problems would then probably also crop up with a six character party involving those same classes. If a Monk-druid somehow manages to be devastating on his own, perhaps the combination of a Monk and a Druid would be as well. They'd involve the same abilities, after all. That's no lie.
  7. A) I said "overly restrict," for what it's worth (in case that was directed at me). B) Even in mutli-classing, you're still restricting their playstyles, as opposed to a single-class system. Unless you have a limitless system, by choosing half of one class's abilities and half of another's (for example), you are restricting yourself from the other half of one class's abilities (which you could've accessed if you had stuck with a single class).Sure, but it would still be a lot less restrictive than having only single classes. You still get to choose which half you take, to top this of, there is no requirement to take a second class, if you want to single-class your playthrough, there would literally be nothing stopping you. In other words... you have a length of string, and you can make whatever shape you want with it, but it's always going to have the same circumference. That makes no sense whatsoever, what's important is the shape, not the circumference. It's not the powerlevel, it's the playstyle. Also, the more classes you allow to be picked from at once, the more difficult it becomes to design the ability hierarchy. How do you guarantee, for example, that someone with the first 3rd of Fighter, Cipher, and Druid abilities will be as capable as someone with 100% of the Druid abilities? Both ways. If you manage to balance out the selection of abilities so that a third of each of three different classes works really well, how do you make sure that people sticking to a single class don't suffer, and how do you make sure it doesn't became detrimental to NOT multiclass? Wow, good argument, still, there is a whole bunch I can say to that. It's not my job, or the job of the developers, to perfectly balance all choices. As long as all playstyles are feasible. Generally there are a whole bunch of ways in which balance can be achieved. Good class design would have the single-classes be easier to play, but not necessarily be more powerful to play. Historically, however, I don't think players have ever been punished for choosing to stay with just one class. Key being choice. I'm not suggesting this means mutli-classing is all bad and not in the least good. There are just many things to consider. Everyone acts as though it's as simple as "Do you want people to pick more versatile builds, or not?" As if there are no consequences to consider. We can just flip a switch in options in a given game design and turn on multiclassing, and nothing in the game will be affecting except an increase in choice. It's just not that simple. So, again, SINCE P:E's being designed with single-class-only builds in mind, I think it's not a bad thing in the least, and I believe that a very good amount of build versatility (a surprising amount to some of you vying for multiclassing, I'd wager) is very achievable with the correct design. Is it inherently guaranteed by the choice of design? Not at all. But ANYTHING could be screwed up by the actual designers, no matter how good the initial design logistics are. Humans are fallible. But, I trust a team with Obsidian's experience to all but nullify that possibility, even if they don't get it PERFECT; they'll most likely do it properly. Two paragraphs of hopeful speculation. I hope you're right. But it is speculation. Really, though, when it comes down to it, I believe that single-class-only and classless cover the range of choice most efficiently. If you design a single-class-only system to be versatile enough, you allow for quite a bit of choice in build and role without actually breaching the class lines. You could even just have a pool of abilities that are available to all, so that instead of having to choose what other class you want, you simply choose what abilities outside your class you want. Basically, you'd have class-specific abilities, and non-class-specific abilities, and that's it. Beyond that, it would be silly not to just bridge the rest of the gap to classless, allowing for any and all combinations (within the overall limitations -- total ability points/levels, etc.) to be chosen. I too, agree, classless would probably have been great. although class-systems allow characters to take more asymmetrical approaches to resolving their conflicts and obstacles. Since mulit-cassing would still limit the choices of a player to a few (but way more than if you had single-class only) you would not lose the distinctiveness of classes, nor do I believe it would become a homogeneous mess. But that's just me. *shrug* *Shrug* my response in red.
  8. I don't mind achievements, though I find them rather pointless in an RPG, but I do mind achievements for things that are bound to happen, and aren't really special. like: "The way forward" "Successfully pressed 'W' to move your character" I feel insulted when I see those kinds of pats on the back. Congratulations you've managed to burn the rope.
  9. There is no doubt that restricting players to single classes will restrict their playstyles. That's just simple logic.
  10. city of god, depicts sociopathy really well.
  11. vanilla all the way. Though personally, I would really appreciate a mod which allows you to portal to other servers, provide both are online and the portals are keyed to eachother.
  12. Nah, no Ninja She's the philosophical type of rogue. The Zen master of her martial art. Confident, deadly, doesn't usually have to use her abilities for sheer respect earned. Believes personal skill and mastery of self are what makes her more effective as double dealing backstabbing bastard. Believes the end justifies the means. Takes over the criminal underworld and makes her goons follow a code of conduct because it draws less attention from authorities if you don't sell to kids. Loves Nietzsche. Started out as a clever rogue who suffered from arrogance, and took lessons from a monk-mentor who unexpectedly made her think about how she applied herself. Both in practice and in mind.
  13. I like the idea that the better you are at crafting, the more parts of items you can replace/repair/upgrade. So say you have a sword, a novice can only fix the blade and hilt, a journeyman can add/edit/remove the guard, master can fix the entire weapon And also that as you improve you gain more options in upgrading the hilt/blade/guard/sheath, etc. Some upgrade components need to have the correct recipe/knowledge to make and build (needing cross-skill checks) But these really only improve the repertoire of modular upgrades you can give weapons. Likewise for armour or guns. Just more parts of the item that can be worked on, more options while working on that part, and extra options only through pursuing recipes in gameplay.
  14. I think it would be interesting to see the rogue-cleric or I dunno, Druid-Sorcerer. At least in PnP it gives you the ability to roleplay a nuanced and detailed personality. It would be challenging, sure, but that's part of the fun. I could see a P:E Rogue-Monk happening, I could roleplay that.
  15. I agree whole heartedly. It would be awesome if the Vailians drew more inspirations from Africa Prime influences. What because they're black they must have African based culture? I find that to be pigeon holing the Vailians based on their appearance. Anyway, this isn't ****ing earth, it's a unique world, inspired from but not based on ours.
  16. I wonder if you guys ever heard of Epic Rap Battles of History. It's basically my favourite youtube channel.
  17. last night I had a meeting set up with everyone who'd joined our minecraft server. It had been very quiet lately, and most people hadn't met eachother yet. I figured getting everyone together for a community event would be a great way to get everyone to play the server again. aside from myself four people showed up, two of them late. that's about 30% of the membership. One of them after we'd just started fighting the ender dragon. Bit of a disappointment, but I'll do another event next week. I'm going to make this a "thing". I just want people to be on the server more.
  18. except that they should have released a Quality Assured product in the first place.
  19. http://tonematrix.audiotool.com/ http://tonematrix.audiotool.com/_/2a4.104.2a2.942.aa2.504.4g4.884.842.482.4g2.894.8gk.494.492.h29
  20. http://www.incredibox.com/?music=5263D160DBBB4
  21. I watched the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I'd been putting it off because I feared a regular romantic comedy, but it turned out really well.
  22. bad advice imo, tracking your partner sends the wrong message: "I don't trust you enough when you're not around me." Maybe she needed a night out with the girls.
  23. Aw man, some community outreach and I miss it. Well, I'm happy to see it! thanks Adam and Brandon!
  24. The legendary item thread has me inspired. Steel of the Stealer A.K.A the Stealer, the **** of Steel, the Taker, the One-Night Lover. This high quality cold-forged dagger has a polished tiger eye handle, carrying it is a dubious and often brief honour. The Stealer is well known, both mocked and desired by experienced thieves and dreamers, this blade is begging to be stolen. The Origins of the Steel of the Stealer aren't certain, but it is assumed it used to belong to a master cat burglar, who upon her death infused her favourite blade with her soul. * The blade wants to be stolen. * But the blade also only wants to be stolen by the most skilled of thieves. Previous owners have done many things to hide its identity; Wrap the handle in linen, the cloth would tear off in a careless and public moment. Hide the blade in a bag, it would cut a whole in the bag large enough to be seen. Brag about any heist it was involved in, it will rear its face. You simply cannot hide that you possess this blade, at least you cannot hide it from other thieves. Anyone in possession of the blade is not likely to keep it, however, most thieves upon acquisition of the blade have gone on to do impressive deeds with it. Tales of the blade are filled with treasure rooms, deep vaults, and lucky escapes. Most thieves upon losing the blade lose the fortune they've gained with it, but go on to keep doing impressive deeds, and having owned it is considered both a badge of honour and a plus on your resume as rogue. Nobody knows the touch of the Stealer for long, but whom she touches can expect upheaval. It is generally considered bad form to go after the blade after you've lost it. Nobody has succeeded in taking it twice so far, even though some have tried. Nor is it respected if you acquire it without subterfuge and personal skill. A leader of a group of thugs found his throat slit by the very blade his goons had taken for him, the blade itself was gone. Stealer appreciates skill, if her owner does not attempt to use a difficult pickpocket or mechanics skill check for more than three days in a row, she gets stolen. If the owner of stealer fails two pickpocket or mechanics skill checks in a row, she gets stolen. If the owner unequips Stealer and then attempts a pickpocket or mechanics skill check, she gets stolen. Acquiring Stealer will involve finding out who has her (easy) Planning to steal it in remarkable fashion. (from the person as they are using it, from a vault where it is protected at night, during a public display without the theft getting noticed, etc) (very hard) Getting away without anyone the wiser. (very hard) Stealer is a powerful wondrous item and gives +3 damage +15 mechanics +15 pickpocket +10 lore +5 reputation (thieves) +2 reputation (thieves, upon losing the blade) invisibility +5 seconds (rogue only) +15% gold found -30% wealth (upon losing the blade) 1 extra use of the rogue escape ability per combat (rogue only) Stealer is jealous and will only provide these bonuses if equipped as main hand weapon. Otherwise it's just a +3 dagger. If stolen, the player is likely to see Stealer reappear in someone else's possession eventually, and reappear again in yet someone else's possession. She is ever changing hands.
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