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Everything posted by DaWu

  1. Yes I am using GSYNC and pointing me to this thread helped me solve my problem. Game runs again with high fps. Thank you very much friend
  2. Before last patch I could play flawlessly with 100+ fps. Since the last patch (1.0.2) this game has becoma a diashow. I have massive FPS drops even on the world map when traveling with my ship.
  3. I tried tild. not working. thats why I asked here. ...
  4. I have this little dragon, the black hound and the pig. All they do is standing around and do not attack enemies in combat. Why should I take them with me???
  5. how do I activate the console?
  6. made an account and gave 10/10 never cared for metacritics and never will again
  7. minimap is not needed. map sizes are not that big. And in Real Life there is not minimap either. use your brain
  8. I agree 100% Intellekt as Weapons name needs to be fixed. I also need an option to deactivate voice overs as listening to englisch and simultaneously trying to read in german is impossible as hell
  9. yes this is bull****. its already 11am here and still no POE. **** DRM!
  10. So when will this be activitated? Local time midnight or a fix global date? If last how can I hack this BS? :D
  11. 16 GB???? Wow sounds like a lot of content :)
  12. Ok here my feedback after 1 hour of playing. This is not a Beta. This is an Alpha at max. So many things are incomplete its not fun to play at all. Lets get into the details - the sound is a complete disaster so far. Sound does not play at all, delayed or at different levels of volume - the music is nice - footstep sound need to be a lot louder - background graphics are nice - but too static. trees and grass need to move in the wind - the characters need to contrast more to the background. they are very hard to see - characters when walking by the river mirror in the river. this effect is broken. looks terrible - the ui is ugly - the inventory: way too small. I dont need to see all my companions inventory at once - please no popup windows in the inventory....I hate popups in all forms - there are no tooltips for the items - the map is perfect - combat speed is too fast - when trying to talk to a npc I have to click on his feet. Why cant I just click the figure? - dialog UI is too heavy. should be thinner - dialog text is a wall of text. please add some linebreaks and paragraphs to make it more readable I know this game is not finished. But I expect a Beta to be much more polished than this. I rated it at the current status as it is right now. I will not bother with the game anylonger until the next update. Then I will restart from the beginning.
  13. Holy ****. Shut down my computer went for a last smoke before going to bed. randomly checked my emails a last time for today and then I get a Beta notification. WTF! computer is running, download started and what did I say about sleep? Forget it! Not tonight! Damn! Cant wait. 30min to go
  14. in the next couple of months? boy thats very vague. I would love to see some more gameplay footage much earlier. why the press? we made this happen so we should get to see something....
  15. very nice update. love the graphics and the ui. keep it coming!
  16. well the big update has to show some gameplay! its far tooooo long since we have seen anything but text and concept arts. so if the big update turns out to be a wall of text I will be really dissapointed.
  17. if it was 3d they would have found a publisher relativelly easy Nope. PC only wouldn't. If they pitched a console fantasy action RPG, that is Skyrim successor instead of IE, then maybe. it is implied that if it was 3D it would have a console version and the publisher would provide a AAA graphics engine is this trolling? i cant take this BS for real -sorry the screens we have seen so far are more detailed and do look more real than any quadriple AAA up'ur'ass graphic engine
  18. if it was 3d they would have found a publisher relativelly easy and only a couple of customers who actually bought antother boring 3d rpg with ugly graphics
  19. if this game wouldnt be isometric I would not have backed on single $ isometric hd looks always better than any 3d rpg out there - fact!
  20. Hey Obsidian just stopped by to say that this is looking AWESOME! The graphics are wonderful! Keep it up cant wait! p.s. can we expect to see some game video anytime soon? just a character walking through a level or something similar. havent seen much of the game since the early days
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