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Everything posted by Nordicus

  1. It's not the size of the doc that matters...
  2. I think it should be some kind of noun "He's such a complete ridiculopus"
  3. I hardly think "trying too hard" is what's wrong with Darksiders in any aspect. In fact it puts very little effort into a lot of things If it did feel like a heavy metal album cover, that'd be cool, but in Darksiders it feels like I'm playing as Captain Diomedes' cosplaying little brother in a world that looks ridiculously like Diablo 3, that same sterile-feeling grimdarkness with no bite. I can't tell if the story's worse or not, haven't played past the first few moments in Diablo 3, but I do know that the Darksiders writers did not give a **** about the story beyond turning Book of Revelations into a game. The very first opening exposition dump breaks the entire premise of the game into tiny little incompatible pieces
  4. I'm kicking myself for buying a PS3 this close to the various summer sales on PC. If I don't control myself, I'll have a huge backlog by the start of University classes
  5. It's a shame Ubisoft isn't making/announcing Beyond Good & Evil 2. I'd be willing give the series another shot, see if they can move away from having Jade be a flawless space-Jesus with a whole cast of characters devoted to verbally jerking her off (except Pey'j and Double-H, those 2 characters had character)
  6. Nah, didn't have a problem with them. They were just pretty pictures. Some artist really put blood, sweat and tears into those paintings only to have people cry out "OMG objectification!"
  7. I might try the NG+ that doesn't do anything else but buff numbers some other time I still have Dark Souls sitting on my shelf waiting for its eventual turn. Though right now I'm trying to stay away from Souls series for a short while, unlearn everything about Demon's Souls so Dark Souls will feel that much more brutal.
  8. Beat Demon's Souls in around 35 hours of game time. This is the first time I've experienced this sort of a game, I hope more games go to this direction where being a "bullet sponge" and brute-forcing fights is not the proper solution. The report's of the game's difficulty have been somewhat exaggerated, it's just that you need to play it with a very different mind-set compared to most hacky slashy experiences. You can't charge right into a group of enemies and own everyone like Kratos, but, Kratos can't kill most enemies in 5 seconds either no matter how carefully you plan. There was only 1 really frustrating bit, and that was blue dragon spamming its sweeping firebreath on stairs in stage 1-4. Right at the end of fighting probably the toughest, craftiest enemies in game, you put a timing puzzle that's insta-death if you fail and has very vague indicator of safe timing. No! Bad Demon's Souls! The first blue dragon timing puzzle was alright because you showed a safe spot by having an enemy stand there and take no damage, but this is too far If we leave that part out, the game rewards player's carefulness and observation skills extremely well.
  9. Still extremely buggy during the summer though
  10. Agreed, Witcher 3 can't possibly have the 100+ unique but equally long and tiresome dungeons. There's no way CDProjekt can be as good in delivering that kind of content as Bethesda
  11. You're not the only one "Least likely to be absolute arse"
  12. I expect Crytek to put some of the harsher sharing/trading restrictions on Ryse, as games that are not mechanically deep/complex/compelling, but scripted rollercoaster rides, tend to be the ones finished and traded in the quickest.
  13. Before every game was bound to some publisher's own DRM system or was a Steamworks game, we had the infancy of DRM where the DRM systems were so horrid and clunky that they put modern GFWL to shame. 3 max installs that deducted one whenever you switched a single component, StarForce wrecking computers' insides, DRM systems generally being massive system hogs. Things can be better, but on PC, they once were worse, much, much worse.
  14. Online passes? Nope, Sony will outright not allow them on PS4 Granted, they will use PS+ as a sort of replacement for online passes, but I expect Sony to handle multiplayer servers themselves because of it
  15. Of course you should be surprised that they didn't praise the QTEs that they themselves admitted to be a failure in TW2 design and have months ago said will be completely absent in Witcher 3... OH NO WAIT you totally shouldn't be surprised.
  16. Huh, Deraldin managed to ninja me on the Xbone exclusives. They should have 15 exclusives total* Sony has... And first 3 are confirmed as launch titles. They should have 20 exclusives* come during first year of PS4 release * they haven't specified whether "console exclusive" games count, which are games that'll be available on one console and PC. This'd lower the amount of yet unannounced exclusive titles for Sony by a lot due to all the indie games, and Xbone by a few as well
  17. Naah, tentacle hentai was a thing in Japan far before Gary Gygax was even born. It was just drawn in that ancient Japanese drawing style. The sexiest of all art styles
  18. Don't you worry about that for a second. The developer is Double Helix, the maker of both Green Lantern and Battleship videogames. The amount of money you need to buy all the non-****ty characters will probably result in a cheap investment in the end
  19. No, it's not for current gen systems because the visuals needed to be tuned down just to make Witcher 2 work on the 360, and now we're going to have an improved lighting engine and massive landscapes on top of that? Not happening It was announced for PS4, Xbone and PC
  20. Mmmm, feels so gewd that Sony decided to go with no DRM even if some people were totally convinced they were going to have the same DRM deal as Microsoft. You know who you are You mean Playstation 4's GDDR5, which is some odd specialized version of DDR3?
  21. The C&C only let you determine the outcome and big portions of almost every single quest in the game from prologue to Act 3, on top of changing Act 2 entirely, but sure, yeah, "facade", let's go with that
  22. Not that liking Witcher (namely, Witcher 2) is a mark of good taste, but... When a game has as many fleshed out, motivated characters as Witcher 2 does... ...a ton of plotlines that combine neatly together like Witcher 2 has... ...has choice and consequence affect both the story (and gameplay, but not the point right now) as much as Witcher 2's did... Then yes, if you consider the writing of that game lousy, then I'll seriously question your taste. Also, no use for "giggity", except if my anonymous face is so stunningly handsome that you can't control yourself Nope, Chuck Testa Morrowind
  23. Now, now, it's certainly worth $5 on Steam sale. Naah, the man has his right to pass on it. In fact people with horrible tastes should pass on the game
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